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Messages - Aronan

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Neighborhood Chat / Julio of Jackson Heights - Fundraising Drive
« on: March 19, 2011, 12:06:56 PM »
Hi Everyone, I wanted to let you know about an important project that needs some help in the next 36 hours.

My good friend Richard Shpuntoff has been working since 1993 to document the Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade and Festival. His documentary tells the story of the 1990 gay bashing murder of Julio Rivera and how this heinous act galvanized a community which now hosts one of the largest and most vibrant celebrations of LGBT pride in the country.

This documentary is an important part not only of our local history, but the history of the LGBT movement across the country as well.

Completing this film will ensure that Julio's murder, and the positive change that came to JH because of it will not be forgotten.

Would you consider pledging a small amount towards the overall goal of $12,000 as well ? We have 36 hours left to reach our goal and every donation counts, no matter how small even $5.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for your pledge !

To view a trailer of the documentary and to make your pledge please visit:

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Sunday Play Street
« on: December 25, 2010, 02:46:44 PM »
Streets Blog is asking people to vote for the "Best Liveable Streets Moment of 2010" I think the march to the CB3 meeting to secure the play street for the summer is one of them.  Here's the link to the voting:

It only takes a second !

Neighborhood Chat / Re: CB3 District Survey
« on: September 25, 2010, 12:07:27 AM »
You can show up at 82-11 37th Avenue, 6th Floor. There should be someone there to get you out and surveying ! :)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Street fair tomorrow??
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:23:24 PM »
I believe there's a street fair hosted by the 82nd St. BID on Sunday. But I could be wrong.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: That Tornado and Storm ...
« on: September 17, 2010, 09:11:17 AM »
FYI- Just saw on NY1 that alternate side parking is suspended

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Another rite Aid...
« on: July 16, 2010, 03:03:43 PM »
I'm not apt to believe the anonymous rantings of someone who seems to think everything that goes on in JH is part of some grand political conspiracy. The fact is, we don't know what, if anything, is going in to the Eagle space. Speculation and rumor don't help the matter.                                                                                              

Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Re: First-ever radio advertisement
« on: July 07, 2010, 10:02:59 AM »
I believe it was a commercial for The Towers.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Keeping our streets clean
« on: July 04, 2010, 01:21:32 AM »
You are right Foxy about biodegradeable. I use newspaper only.

They would be kind of ugly on the corners in the residential zone which is probably why they are not there.

According to a friend of mine who tried to get city garbage cans along 35th Ave. the Dept. of Sanitation will not put them in residential zones because they wind up being used for residential garbage. the cans can handle that capacity and eventually more garbage spills on to the streets of residential areas creating a bigger problem than we currently have. This is their logic, not mine. Though I'm inclined to agree with sanitation on this one.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« on: July 02, 2010, 01:09:50 PM »
The YMCA has specific requirements for a new building which includes space for a full size pool etc.  that parcel of land would not suit the Y's requirements. Also, that parcel of land is private property, beyond expecting it to conform to LPC standards there's not too much more say the community has in what it's owner chooses to do with it. So, again, it seems to me to you catch more flies with honey, someone should be talking to the owner and negotiating some sort of benefit to the community.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« on: July 01, 2010, 11:55:39 AM »
Is this an example of a building that was designed to match landmark surroundings?,+ny&sll=41.310824,-95.712891&sspn=21.809109,61.435547&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Jackson+Heights,+New+York&ll=40.74924,-73.880171&spn=0.003292,0.013078&z=17&layer=c&cbll=40.749804,-73.883762&panoid=J8SHgn2UEUX8yYco3Qu0Tw&cbp=12,335.24,,0,-27.4

It is my understanding (and some one correct me if I'm wrong) that the building located at 82-11 37th Ave. was constructed before the landmark district was established. The developers apparently endeavored to emulate the design characteristics of the area but did a poor job and were not required to adhere to the specific design standards of the area.

A better example of a building that had to adhere to the standards established by the LPC would be the school building on 82nd St. between 35th and 34th Ave. It was designed to fit in with the other buildings around it, and I think it does a pretty good job of it.

It seems to me at times that our own special land mark status works against us as we clamor for more open space, more community space, a better retail mix, more affordable housing etc. We lost a one story building which is unfortunate, but out of that an opportunity has presented it self to create a new space that could serve our community better.

Rather than petitioning to keep things exactly as they were, threatening protests and vilifying the property owner before plans have even been presented, wouldn't our community be better served by talking with the owner and negotiating some sort of compromise that allows him to develop a building that serves our community while respecting his right to develop the property that he owns ?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« on: June 29, 2010, 07:40:31 PM »
I think what most people don't understand is that many of these cab drivers are neither properly licensed nor properly insured. Some are just people with a Lincoln towncars or Cadillacs with regular plates or out of state plates that pick up people because they look like Gypsy cabs. God forbid you get into an accident and they have no insurance.

When ever I get a gypsy cab I look at the license plate, if it doesn't begin with the letter "T" it is not a legitimate car service car and I don't get in. That doesn't mean to say the driver's insurance is up to date or there aren't other things wrong, but at least it's one step towards legitimacy. 

Community Groups, Activities & Events / Re: BABEL Exhibition
« on: June 26, 2010, 12:28:22 AM »
The closing celebration will be on Wednesday June 30th. There will be some pieces on display on July 1st. And then, sadly, it is gone. Hopefully to return next year.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Parasitic cab drivers by the bus terminal
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:44:31 PM »
It seems to me that DOT and TLC are caught in a catch 22 here. Yellow cabs don't serve the needs of local residents because they do not make enough money off the short trips to justify their expenses etc. By and large they serve Manhattan simply because volume is higher and the likely hood of a worth while trip is higher too. Yellow Cab owners pay a hefty price for their medallions which allow them to pick up and discharge passengers anywhere in the city they want legally. This is technically an exclusive right granted to them, keeping the competition down. Since the city grants this right to medallion holders, it can't create a space that legitimizes a practice this is technically illegal and cuts in to the right granted yellow cabs by virtue of the medallion they pay for.

Even making an official exception for areas like ours that are under-served by medallion cars sets a precedent for other areas all over the city that would cut sharply in to the medallion cab privilege.

So the currently "solution" is to simply not enforce the current laws allowing for gypsy cabs to pick people up in "outer - borough" (I HATE that term) areas like JH etc. But enforcing that law every now and then when the volume of gypsy cabs in a given area gets too high.

Once upon a time, there used to be a Taxi stand on the north east corner of Broadway and 75th St. where there is now a bus stop (I believe it's the Q53). If you look closely at the ground you can still see the yellow "Taxi Stand" words there. I recall getting a yellow cab there once a long time ago to take me to JFK.

Perhaps, a taxi stand could be re-created for yellow cabs, and the culture of non-enforcement could allow for gypsy cabs to line up there rather than cruise around. This might also make it easier for TLC to spot check drivers and make sure they are on the up and up.

Alternatively, an enterprising car company could open up in one of the empty MTA venues and provide radio car service, so one could walk in and request a car on the spot, which would avoid breaking the law all together.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Bench, Same Problem
« on: June 18, 2010, 12:15:40 AM »
10 feet maybe very close, I agree. But it does not beat the convenience of a small pail within 1 foot of the bench. Unfortunately, we are seeking to change the behavior of a diverse amount of people. In a case like this, it seems to be the path of least resistance to simply put a small pail closer to the bench than it does to wage a full fleged education campaign to get people to use the garbage basket that's 10 feet away. Of course, we could always say thanks but no thanks to Maram for the bench.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Bench, Same Problem
« on: June 17, 2010, 10:07:14 AM »
Perhaps a solution for trash around the Maram bench would be a small garbage pail ? It seems to me, that for the most part (not always) people in general will put trash in a garbage can if one is provided.

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