Author Topic: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue  (Read 16017 times)

Offline dssjh

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2010, 11:07:09 PM »
would another 100 or so apartments full of people make a difference?

would another block with no sunlight make a difference?

would another ugly-a$$ structure like the monstrosity a block or so south (or the half-a$$ed fake blend buildings on 75th street) make a difference?

only if you actually give a damn about living here and not simply flipping your space when this becomes the new [fill in the blank]

Amen.  I'd really like to hear a response to this.  Does the 6-story building across 84th Street from this site somehow damage the neighborhood?

Offline toddg

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2010, 11:29:07 PM »
would another 100 or so apartments full of people make a difference?

Well, yes, I think it could help keep our neighborhood vibrant and affordable.  There are certainly neighborhoods much denser than ours with an excellent quality of life.

would another block with no sunlight make a difference?

I agree that this building could adversely affect people in the neighboring building.  Is that the unspoken issue here?

would another ugly-a$$ structure like the monstrosity a block or so south (or the half-a$$ed fake blend buildings on 75th street) make a difference?

I am opposed to ugly monstrosities!  I will be one of those people demanding that the LPC enforce the historic district's design standards.  But small buildings can be ugly just as easily as large ones can.

only if you actually give a damn about living here and not simply flipping your space when this becomes the new [fill in the blank]

I give a damn, and I believe most people on this board do as well.  ShinjukuBaby and I are asking for a more thoughtful explanation of why a six-story building is harmful to the  community's interests.

Offline ShinjukuBaby

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2010, 02:04:04 AM »
I'm certainly open to being convinced.  If there is any reason why a 6 story building on that site would "ruin our beloved Jackson Heights", I would like to hear it.  I'm not trying to flip anything and am deeply committed to Jackson Heights.

As I said in my prior post, my #1 concern is that it be an attractive building that is consistent with the neighborhood (on an avenue that is lined with 6 story buildings.)  The abortion that is 75th street should be avoided at all costs, but that has nothing to do with height; it could be horrible or wonderful at 1~6 floors.

There is not enough housing in New York City.  If we have the opportunity to add 100 new apartments this close to a major transportation hub, we should do it.  Jackson Heights is a welcoming place and giving more people a chance to live here will make us stronger.

I think we should put our energy into fighting to make sure that it's an attractive building, rather than demanding a 1 story building (for reasons that remain utterly unclear to me.)

Offline jjackflash

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2010, 08:18:33 AM »
So sorry that the reasons remain unclear to you
read the posts above yours again ::)
Its not an investment....its a NEIGHBORHOOD!

Offline jadasie

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2010, 09:52:32 AM »
Is this an example of a building that was designed to match landmark surroundings?,+ny&sll=41.310824,-95.712891&sspn=21.809109,61.435547&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Jackson+Heights,+New+York&ll=40.74924,-73.880171&spn=0.003292,0.013078&z=17&layer=c&cbll=40.749804,-73.883762&panoid=J8SHgn2UEUX8yYco3Qu0Tw&cbp=12,335.24,,0,-27.4

Because if so, I'm not convinced that demanding the building be made "contextual" will prevent another ugly structure from going up.

"There is not enough housing in New York City.  If we have the opportunity to add 100 new apartments this close to a major transportation hub, we should do it.  Jackson Heights is a welcoming place and giving more people a chance to live here will make us stronger."

There is more than enough housing in New York; there simply isn't enough affordable housing. And why would "giving more people a chance to live here" make us any "stronger" than building a rec center or that much needed expanded public library?

Offline erospolitico

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2010, 09:55:09 AM »
I see no problem with the new construction.

The reasoning is that it will bring 45 apartments to the neighborhood, since there is a housing shortage.  My hope is that there will be affordable housing.  Since the building is as of right, there may not be much input on this issue.

The fact that there will be 16 underground parking spaces keeps cars off the street.

Also, as many people don't know the zoning does allow for this building to be built as of right.  Most of 37th avenue is zoned for what is the equivalent to 6 story mixed use.  But housing is rare on the main commercial stretch.

The project must conform to landmark guidelines, this is mostly dealing with the physical appearance.

It is my hope that the owner is considerate and does not build exactly on the property line, and block the windows of the neighboring residential building.

An example of this not happening is 83-01 Roosevelt Avenue which leaves a mere few feet from the building and its neighbors windows.

So, I am open minded, and await seeing the plans.

Offline dssjh

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2010, 11:19:06 AM »
i find it interesting to hear folks raising the idea that we don't have *enough* housing in this area, when the site is also rife with posts discussing the need for green space because we have so much housing, and so many people packed into such a small area.

and, judging by the number of people who share the subway platform with me every time i take the train, i'd say we have a fair number of housing units already.

that said, i know the lot is an "as of right" situation and the best one can hope for is a slight nod to tasteful architecture. as for the owners making it affordable? if anyone thinks that's in the cards, i am putting LaGuardia Airport on the market and am taking offers.  :laugh:

Offline divanatrix

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2010, 11:32:01 AM »
I haven't been active in this discussion, but I read the thread awhile back.  I recall a large issue people brought up that the landlord was "not so good."  Department of Buildings BIS site shows some interesting info. They currently owe over $20K in fines.

Offline Aronan

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2010, 11:55:39 AM »
Is this an example of a building that was designed to match landmark surroundings?,+ny&sll=41.310824,-95.712891&sspn=21.809109,61.435547&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Jackson+Heights,+New+York&ll=40.74924,-73.880171&spn=0.003292,0.013078&z=17&layer=c&cbll=40.749804,-73.883762&panoid=J8SHgn2UEUX8yYco3Qu0Tw&cbp=12,335.24,,0,-27.4

It is my understanding (and some one correct me if I'm wrong) that the building located at 82-11 37th Ave. was constructed before the landmark district was established. The developers apparently endeavored to emulate the design characteristics of the area but did a poor job and were not required to adhere to the specific design standards of the area.

A better example of a building that had to adhere to the standards established by the LPC would be the school building on 82nd St. between 35th and 34th Ave. It was designed to fit in with the other buildings around it, and I think it does a pretty good job of it.

It seems to me at times that our own special land mark status works against us as we clamor for more open space, more community space, a better retail mix, more affordable housing etc. We lost a one story building which is unfortunate, but out of that an opportunity has presented it self to create a new space that could serve our community better.

Rather than petitioning to keep things exactly as they were, threatening protests and vilifying the property owner before plans have even been presented, wouldn't our community be better served by talking with the owner and negotiating some sort of compromise that allows him to develop a building that serves our community while respecting his right to develop the property that he owns ?
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Offline v70cat

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2010, 10:43:59 PM »
I am sorry to rain on everyones parade, but the building is being built "as of right"

This means that the plans conform to the zoning of the property, and once the DOB verifies that they conform it can be built.

It is true that the facade must conform to LPC guidelines.

To generalize, it will be built no matter if we disapprove.

I agree it conforms to current zoning and seems to be as of right.

How would you like if you were pulled over for speeding  doing 55 in a 55 zone because someone decided cars are bad and people should drive slower. This a City/Country of rules and regulations and they can not be selectively enforced or changed because some people would think a one-story building would be better.

Offline madalyn

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2010, 08:10:38 AM »
I agree it conforms to current zoning and seems to be as of right.

How would you like if you were pulled over for speeding  doing 55 in a 55 zone because someone decided cars are bad and people should drive slower. This a City/Country of rules and regulations and they can not be selectively enforced or changed because some people would think a one-story building would be better.

Rules and lalws are not immutable things.  They were created by humans, according to the best information and thought available at the time, and they can be modified according to the current conditions and needs of the community.  The people who live here should be encouraged to be involved in shaping their community.  They may not always be successful but that's how laws are made and improved upon.

Offline Beech Court

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #42 on: July 02, 2010, 08:34:12 AM »
Remember that whatever does ultimately get built there it's only 1/2 of the block. At best in time you'll get a second one of the same type on the other side. At worst God knows what. Not to mention that a precedent will be set for all the other one story commercial building sites.
I also channel Gladys Gilbert!

Offline linette

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2010, 09:02:53 AM »
I remember that when I first moved to JH, the building on 37th and 82nd or so (the "Palace" that everyone loves to hate) was pointed out to me as a great example of successful community action; that originally a modern-style building had been planned for the site, but through community action a "contextual, appropriate" design was substituted.... what this thread (and this board in general!) demonstrates abundantly is that each of us has very different ideas of "appropriate"...

Offline earbears

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Re: New Building to Come - 84-01 37th Avenue
« Reply #44 on: July 02, 2010, 10:54:36 AM »
Article in todays Daily News;

The article states that:
"The first floor of the neo-Georgian structure would be used for businesses. The other five floors would have 45 apartments, he said. It would also house a community space and underground parking."

The community space is for a professional office and not what we were calling for as a community center.

My coop doing construction that required landmarking approval. They required a change in the plans that returned us to the orginal concrete retaining walls instead of brick with coping stones that matched the buildings. If Landmarking required this small change in an somewhat internal space, how could landmarking allow such a drastic change from taxpayers to 6 story building?