Author Topic: Keeping our streets clean  (Read 2350 times)

Offline Beech Court

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Keeping our streets clean
« on: June 30, 2010, 11:55:32 PM »
This is not a rant but a compliment along with a suggestion.

There doesn't seem to be enough trash cans in the neighborhood. Maybe you'll find some on 37th Avenue but nothing on 34th or 35th. As a dog owner who does pick up you have to wonder what to do with the little package. I believe in keeping things clean, I live here. And I think more people would be conscious of "doggie bags" (or even making them!) and other forms of litter if they had a place to put it.

One very thoughtful super at the Jefferson (78-12 35th) leaves a large hefty bag on the railing by the side doors on 78th and 79th streets. We make sure to pass there on our walk. I've seen other dog walkers doing the same as well as people depositing other refuse while passing by.


Now if other buildings would do the same perhaps the streets would be nicer and the super's job easier. Has anyone ever suggested this to their management or at their board meetings?

I also channel Gladys Gilbert!

Offline snickers

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2010, 10:35:52 AM »
You know what I do when I can't find a litter basket nearby? I throw it in an open sewer,sure
beats walking around holding a plastic bag with dog feces. But yeah I agree with you. But baskets
are mainly found on commercial avenues...Roosevelt,37th,Northern Blvd.

Offline madalyn

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2010, 11:42:40 AM »
This is not a good solution to the problem.  The sewers are not for trash - they're for rainwater runoff.  The more pollutants we put into them, the more pollutants we ultimately put into our already-degraded waterways.  Please carry the little package to a nearby litter basket.

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2010, 12:01:06 PM »
Many street corners don't have trash cans on Roosevelt. Especially walking east. They need to double up cans too. I was talking to the dept of sanitation for a bit, but as always it's tough getting through the bureacracy. I think the solution is just to do it yourself. I even offered to bring the trash cans there myself from the warehouse, but they said if you put another can there, it will just fill up (is that so bad???).  so they weren't a ton of help. And with budget talk, I'm sure it's just going to give them another excuse not to do anything.

so, I say find metal garbagecans that are out of use and bring them where you think they should be.

Offline madalyn

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2010, 12:42:15 PM »
If a street corner that used to have a litter basket no longer has one, you can request one by calling 311 or you can do the same online.  It works - I have done it many times over the years.

For some reason, people occasionally take the metal baskets.  I think the Sanitation Dept. gets frustrated periodically when the trash is stuck in the basket and they toss the whole thing into the truck.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2010, 12:57:36 PM »
I wonder if part of the problem is people throwing household trash into the baskets on the street.  There have been many times that I've seen plastic grocery-type bags that are filled and tied with a knot at the top sitting in the garbage cans. 

I realize that this is not necessarily always household trash, however, it seems that it could be, and could be related to the problem we have here in JH with illegal over-occupied dwellings.  If you live in an illegal dwelling, chances are that you cannot just discard trash at the dwelling since the amount of trash at a residence can be a red flag for inspectors who are concerned with over-occupancy.

This is just something I thought of, with no way to prove.

However, if this is what is going on, I wonder if there is a certain kind of trash can that we could request that has a much smaller opening at the top that would prevent household dumping.

Offline FoxyWiles

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2010, 01:27:07 PM »
Not to veer too much off topic, but in regards to dog poops: Coral Aquariums Pet Store on Roosevelt sells little biodegradable baggies. I think they are about a 24 count for $3. I used to use plastic grocery bags (since they were free), but it made no sense to me to use a entire non-biodegradable bag to clean up 3 ounces of waste (my dog is small).

Offline Beech Court

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2010, 08:50:22 PM »
You are right Foxy about biodegradeable. I use newspaper only.

Extra cans where needed in the commercial zone is a good idea. They would be kind of ugly on the corners in the residential zone which is probably why they are not there. My point was that a discreet hefty bag at the side doors in the residential zone was a thoughtful thing and useful. I wish more buildings would do that and have suggested it here at my own building.
I also channel Gladys Gilbert!

Offline FoxyWiles

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2010, 11:54:55 PM »
How come there are so little public recycling cans? It seems funny that residential units can get fined for not recycling, but the city doesn't do much to encourage people to do in public.

Offline Aronan

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #9 on: July 04, 2010, 01:21:32 AM »
You are right Foxy about biodegradeable. I use newspaper only.

They would be kind of ugly on the corners in the residential zone which is probably why they are not there.

According to a friend of mine who tried to get city garbage cans along 35th Ave. the Dept. of Sanitation will not put them in residential zones because they wind up being used for residential garbage. the cans can handle that capacity and eventually more garbage spills on to the streets of residential areas creating a bigger problem than we currently have. This is their logic, not mine. Though I'm inclined to agree with sanitation on this one.
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Offline Beech Court

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2010, 12:47:37 PM »
A city maintained corner can is intended for pedestrian use only. So I guess anything more than a lunch bag is suspect, but I don't assume what people walk around with. Most cans have a notice of a $100 fine for other useage, but of course it can't be monitored.

I do know however of a situation where a store left it's trash at one of those cans and they were fined.
I also channel Gladys Gilbert!

Offline Shelby2

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2011, 10:36:15 PM »
Many street corners don't have trash cans on Roosevelt. Especially walking east. They need to double up cans too. I was talking to the dept of sanitation for a bit, but as always it's tough getting through the bureacracy. I think the solution is just to do it yourself. I even offered to bring the trash cans there myself from the warehouse, but they said if you put another can there, it will just fill up (is that so bad???).  so they weren't a ton of help. And with budget talk, I'm sure it's just going to give them another excuse not to do anything.

so, I say find metal garbagecans that are out of use and bring them where you think they should be.

Check out this NY Times article about removing trash cans on street corners in Bay Ridge in order to reduce the amount of trash on the streets.  Sounds counterintuitive, but maybe it could work?  When I walk by the trash cans on the street corners here in JH and see all those tied plastic bags in there, it's quite clear people are not using the cans to throw away just a food wrapper or a receipt.

Brooklyn Tries Fighting Trash by Removing Baskets

Offline carrefour_ny

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Re: Keeping our streets clean
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2011, 10:11:20 AM »
that's an interesting article, Shelby, but as it points out, while it eliminates one type of garbage -- household -- it does create another -- candy wrappers and such. It would be interesting to see the results of this experiment.

In our neighborhood, I feel many people just don't care and throw small stuff -- cigarette packs, parking tickets, etc. -- on the street. I've made it a practice when I see someone do it to approach them and say nicely "Excuse me, you dropped something." Surely, they may be throwing it out again behind me but at least I bring attention to the issue. On the other hand, I also notice that garbage cans on Roosevelt are full and overflowing on the weekend, which does mean that people are using them as they pass by.