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Messages - thomasg

Pages: [1]
Pets and Animals / Long-Hair Cat Groom
« on: June 29, 2013, 06:59:33 PM »
I'm looking for a local cat owner who is very good at fully brushing/handling long-haired cats (e.g., under her belly) & clipping claws.  I'm not too good at it & would like to regularly (as needed - e.g., each time she needs her claws clipped) bring my cat Izzy to someone local.  I can do maintenance brushing in-between.  She is not matted & has a nice coat.  She's a little skittish (rescue cat) but not aggressive.  I'll of course pay an agreed to reasonable $.  Thanks, Thomas

Pets and Animals / Clinic/Groomer On Northern Blvd.
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:47:19 PM »
Has anyone had good/bad experiences with the pet clinic/groomer on Northern Blvd. @ 73 St. (I'm specifically interested in grooming services now) - I believe it's called AAA Veterinary Clinic?  I need to get my long-haired cat groomed.  She was a rescue cat & is still a little timid - i.e., I need a sensitive groomer.  Thanks for the input, Thomas

Neighborhood Chat / Recommend Local Dentist (UFT Provider)
« on: August 07, 2010, 12:36:54 PM »
Can anyone recommend a very good dentist in the Jackson Heights neighborhood?  For any NYC public school teachers out there - one that accepts our UFT dental coverage!!!  Thanks, Thomas

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Questions Re Co-Op Rules
« on: December 31, 2009, 05:40:55 PM »
I'm relatively new to co-op ownership & had a couple of questions.  I bought a co-op that had rules prohibiting, e.g., subletting & dogs.  I agreed to those rules, and in fact, wanted/agreed with them.  However, at times its seems like there are more renters & dogs in the building than not.

Question 1:  Who do I address concerns about (possible) violations of these rules?  The co-op board &/or the management agency?

I read somewhere that owners of sponsor units are allowed to sublet regardless of a rule prohibiting it.  If this is true:

Question 2:  Do the renters in sponsor units have to comply with the co-op rules (i.e., can they have dogs)?

Thanks for the input.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New School in Jackson Heights
« on: December 28, 2009, 06:43:47 PM »
I think the "individual attention" angle was what they were trying to achieve when the DOE started with the "splitting up large high schools" reform trend approx. 7-8 years ago.  I started at one of the roughest high schools in the Bronx (if not the entire City), Evander Childs HS - I was there the final 2 years before they split it into smaller schools.  The trend started at large, "difficult-to-manage" Bronx & Brooklyn high schools (there were quite a number of them), & I guess it's spreading to Manhattan & Queens.

Evidently, there are some success stories, but you are right, often it's just the same students "moved around," multiplied administration, etc.  Who knows?  Wouldn't it be nice if they gave us classroom teachers more say in what we need to improve our classrooms?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New School in Jackson Heights
« on: December 25, 2009, 01:13:09 PM »
I am a public high school English teacher (teaching in the Bronx) who recently moved to Jackson Heights & was also struck by the prevalence of public middle & elementary schools in the area & no public high schools (other than the charter school).  Which high schools do those middle school students (there must be a large number of them) then go to?

I'd love to be able to transfer to a school closer & was wondering if there are other public high school teachers living in Jackson Heights & teach "near by."  Which high schools?


I recently bought my "junior 2 bedroom" (very small second room) co-op in the historic district (I was looking for smaller than you) & did all the same "investigating" you are doing.  You seem to be "right on" on both the prices & the areas to look in.  Most of the units are on the market for at least 6 months & seem to lower their prices a little, not because of any problems, just to be able to sell.  The historic district is truly beautiful to live in.  The Roosevelt Ave. crowds, & all that goes with that, does get somewhat annoying, but I guess that's relatively typical of many neighborhoods in NYC.

I made the move from a tiny studio in Manhattan & love living here.

8 is excellent.  I have been furnishing my new co-op from scratch & somewhat on a budget, & HomeDecorators (owned by Home Depot) has a vast selection of quality furnishings at reasonable prices.  Moreover, their customer service is excellent.  Items come pretty quickly usually by Fed Ex (MUCH better than UPS), and if anything has even minor damage, they will almost automatically give you a significant discount on future purchases, if you choose (of course, you can return or get a replacement).  Many of their rugs come from a large importer on Long Island & are delivered within a week.

Pets and Animals / Re: Feline Pine
« on: April 06, 2009, 06:35:51 PM »
Thanks for the Coral recommendation - I stopped there after work today, & you all are right.  Their selection is surprisingly vast, they did have Feline Pine & who I assume is the owner is sweet & accommodating.

I still would like to hear from anyone who uses Yesterday News (re it's effectiveness, cat-friendly, etc.) - I still am considering switching.  However, Feline Pine is so "clean" & natural (you would never know a cat lives in the apartment), it's probably worth the extra few dollars.

Pets and Animals / Feline Pine
« on: April 04, 2009, 06:57:05 AM »
I just moved to JH, & am looking to find where I can buy Feline Pine cat litter (that's the one made of pine wood pellets).  Does anyone know where it is sold locally - & if more than one location, which is cheaper?  Petland Discount doesn't carry it.  In Manhattan, I used to be able to get it in the supermarkets.

On the subject of litter:  Does anyone use Yesterday's News (the one made of newspaper)?  If so, how is it - does your cat like it;  does it get messy;  does it absorb odor;  how often do you have to change it;  etc.?  Feline Pine is great, but a little pricey - if Yesterday News is good, I might switch.

Thanks for your input.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Does Starbucks Have Internet Access?
« on: March 22, 2009, 01:19:07 PM »
The library doesn't work because I need "after hours."  I happen to be a Kinko's "fan" - where is it in JH & do you know if it is open late night like the ones in Manhattan (that's why I find Kinko's is helpful "in a pinch")?

Neighborhood Chat / Does Starbucks Have Internet Access?
« on: March 22, 2009, 08:26:46 AM »
I just moved into JH yesterday & my place does not have Internet access set up yet.  I need to input/calculate grades on my on-line grading program tonight - I'm a teacher.  Does the Starbucks have wireless service for it's customers?  If so, does anyone know how late they are open on Sunday's?  Thanks.

Neighborhood Chat / New to JH/Cable TV Question
« on: March 11, 2009, 08:38:34 PM »
I am finally closing on & moving into my co-op in the JH historic district this month - I am so excited!  I'm trying to find out about cable TV services people use - price, etc.  I am not looking for the "tons of channels" packages.  Also. does anyone have info on any of those package deals where you get, e.g., cable/phone/Internet for one monthly payment?  Again, I would be interested in the most reasonable/affordable packages.  Any advice?  Thanks.

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