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Messages - cl4t

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: Phony Con Ed reps canvassing the area
« on: December 02, 2011, 04:10:04 PM »
i actually read foobah's link to the laws of new york and found these two entries:

2. Any person who sells or offers for sale any energy  services  to  a customer for or on behalf of an ESCO shall (a) properly identify himself or  herself and the energy services company or companies which he or she represents; (b) explain that he or she does not represent a distribution  utility; (c) explain the purpose of the solicitation; (d)  provide  each prospective  customer with a copy of the "ESCO consumers bill of rights" developed by the public service commission,  in  consultation  with  the   Long Island power authority, the state consumer protection board and the department  of  law;  and  (e)  provide any written materials, including contracts and the "ESCO consumers bill of rights", in the same  language utilized to solicit the prospective customer.

9. The attorney general, upon his or her own motion or upon referral from the public service commission, the Long Island power authority or the department of state, may bring a civil  action  against  any  energy services  company  that violates  any provision of this section and may recover (a) a civil penalty not  to  exceed  one  thousand  dollars  per violation; and (b)  costs and reasonable attorney's fees. In any such proceeding the court may direct restitution.

so if these con men are posing as con Ed reps, they have violated the provision and you should call them out on it. since they are to properly identify themselves, i would ask for their business card and report them (not that i expect anything will really happen). go vigilante me!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Acupuncture and Massage
« on: December 02, 2011, 03:59:25 PM »
I have a dear friend who is a trained massage therapist from the Swedish Institute and is currently working at Great Jones Spa. He is a licensed massage therapist in NYS. He's worked on me many times, both at his home (where he has a massage table set up) and at Great Jones Spa (where it's umteen times more expensive). I think he'd like to build a private client base so PM me if you are interested and I'll check with him. Oh, he lives in Jackson Heights.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: found a nicer/shorter way to walk to Target
« on: July 06, 2011, 05:24:22 PM »
why not just take the train?

i will check out bill and his cyclery. thanks.

I realized I wrote "help rebuild"... of course I don't know a thing about it, so it wouldn't be that I needed help. I am looking for someone who can do it. Thanks.

Looking for someone to help build a wheel for a bicycle. I suppose I can take it to a bike repair shop, but I thought I'd check here first. I have all of the parts but not the tools nor the know-how. Basically I had to replace the rear wheel rim of my folding bike and a friend started but didn't have the tool to remove the cassette so it is sitting in my apartment with spokes strewn about. Someone in the Bronx would charge me $25, but it's the Bronx... come on.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Pollo Inka - Peruvian
« on: May 09, 2011, 04:49:51 PM »
i remember enjoying their ceviche in the forest hills restaurant.

a sign on a vendor's truck this past sunday stated that the jackson heights greenmarket will be open all year round, with a short break near christmas time. i think this is great news!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: #5 plastic recycling
« on: October 12, 2010, 10:28:40 PM »
The Park Slope Food Coop also collects (or collected) #5 plastics. The plastics were dropped off at AAA Polymer, a plastics company, in Greenpoint. When I lived there, I used to take my #5 plastics to them directly. Maybe they would be willing to take a collection from Jackson Heights as well.

Neighborhood Chat / Woodside CSA - extended through Dec. 22
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:23:16 AM »
The Woodside CSA (pick up at St. Jacobus Lutheran church on 72nd St and 43rd Ave) is extending its CSA dates to extend through Dec. 22. Pick up days are Wednesday (5pm-7pm) and the cost of the extension is $105, covering 7 weeks from Nov. 10 - Dec. 22. Sergio, our farmer, says past mid-November, he is likely to have lots of greens, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, mustard greens, sweet potatoes, squash. We need to get the total number of shares down soon, so please send me a PM, if you are interested. Working a shift would be required.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Bathroom Renovation
« on: August 20, 2010, 05:21:05 PM »
the gut renovation i did on my bathroom included replacing old drain pipes below the tub that often made a shower seem like a bath as well as adding new valves behind the sink and the toilet. i think gutting was worth it.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Jet Coffee Co.
« on: August 20, 2010, 05:15:33 PM »

Restaurants & Food / Re: Chifa Restaurant - new Peruvian / Asian fusion
« on: August 04, 2010, 05:17:10 PM »
tai pa! that's was the entree we ordered. very delicious. the veggies were crisp in the sauce and the protein seemed to be good quality. i'm getting hungry now.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Chifa Restaurant - new Peruvian / Asian fusion
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:36:28 PM »
they do deliver.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Chifa Restaurant - new Peruvian / Asian fusion
« on: August 03, 2010, 04:56:24 PM »
i just had dinner at chifa and it was a very pleasant experience. the half chicken was so delicious, i ate all of the skin (i usually don't eat skin unless it's deep fried). next time, i'll order a whole chicken. my friend and i shared an appetizer, another entree (seafood, pork, duck, chicken in a light glaze sauce with veggies) and the half chicken and our bill was about $26. it was a really good deal. when i asked for a to-go menu, they said they ran out. they couldn't believe the publicity they were getting on this forum. i'll definitely be returning.

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