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Topics - cl4t

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Looking for someone to help build a wheel for a bicycle. I suppose I can take it to a bike repair shop, but I thought I'd check here first. I have all of the parts but not the tools nor the know-how. Basically I had to replace the rear wheel rim of my folding bike and a friend started but didn't have the tool to remove the cassette so it is sitting in my apartment with spokes strewn about. Someone in the Bronx would charge me $25, but it's the Bronx... come on.

Neighborhood Chat / Woodside CSA - extended through Dec. 22
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:23:16 AM »
The Woodside CSA (pick up at St. Jacobus Lutheran church on 72nd St and 43rd Ave) is extending its CSA dates to extend through Dec. 22. Pick up days are Wednesday (5pm-7pm) and the cost of the extension is $105, covering 7 weeks from Nov. 10 - Dec. 22. Sergio, our farmer, says past mid-November, he is likely to have lots of greens, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, mustard greens, sweet potatoes, squash. We need to get the total number of shares down soon, so please send me a PM, if you are interested. Working a shift would be required.

Neighborhood Chat / YMCA to Jackson Heights -- part 2
« on: March 22, 2010, 03:21:41 PM »
i read an old post from two years ago about the conversation of bringing the Y to jackson heights. my good friend (also JH resident) recently joined the LIC one and we both agree that one in JH would be a great idea. has anything actually been done to try to bring one to JH? i looked on the Y site and downloaded the PDF exploration questionnaire about a new Y location. it basically wants to see if there are enough people in the community to serve (12,000) and if the community had the resources to raise $500K for the start up. i think our community meets the minimum requirements and would greatly benefit from a local Y. is this something our elected representatives should pursue if the community was really behind it? thoughts?

i know a thread was started about a year and a half ago about this building, but there were no responses that actually talked about the co-op.

i have a friend interested in an apt there and i was wondering if anyone had any opinions about the co-op. what is the co-op board like? is the building kept in good condition? good reserve?

you can also send me private message about specific concerns that you know of. thanks.

Neighborhood Chat / Trader's Joe's in Jackson Heights or Woodside
« on: August 19, 2009, 10:52:44 AM »
now that zipcars are in JH
i've started another campaign.
bring trader joe's in jackson heights, or woodside.
i suggest woodside as well
because real estate-wise
there may be more opportunities there.
regardless, please fill out the form from the link below
and ask for a new location in jackson heights or woodside.

let's go JH Lifers!

nota bene: i also wrote to NYSC about opening a location in jackson heights.

a friend would really love to move into the great 'hood of ours.
she and her roommate are on a budget, though.
does anyone know of a 2BD apt (or a junior 4) renting for around $1500?
i know, it's asking a lot.
she comes with great references!
PM me if you have any leads.

Neighborhood Chat / Piano room - practice room - a loooooong shot
« on: January 27, 2009, 12:57:35 PM »
i'm taking a piano class and would like to know if there is a community piano practice room in the hood.
i remember when i was looking at co-ops, there was one that had a piano practice room in their co-op.
i actually considered buying into that co-op because of it.
(instead i'm elsewhere, one without).
anywhoos.. if anyone has an inkling as to where i can go...
please do share.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Stripping old radiators
« on: January 10, 2009, 01:41:56 AM »
Has anyone done this to their old, cracked and overly painted radiators? I am interested in stripping my old radiators and would like to know if there are any recommendations or better yet, where do I start?

Community Trade and Classifieds / Spin Dryer (uses no heat) for sale $75
« on: December 03, 2008, 11:43:08 PM »
Here's my craigslist posting. I moved from Greenpoint where I did a lot more handwashing. This was great to extract water after handwashing, especially for towels. It does a much better job than the spin cycle of a regular washing machine. It can also reduce tumble heat drying time.

I live in an elevator co-op in Jackson Heights.

Community Trade and Classifieds / Delonghi Oil Filled Radiator for Sale $35
« on: November 30, 2008, 11:51:51 PM »
I don't need this portable heater now that my new co-op has super heat in all rooms. See the link below for more details. In box.

i've searched jackson heights life and astorians for movers recommendations and have found scant information from the past. anyone moved recently or know of others who've moved recently? i don't have that much to warrant a big, expensive moving company. would like to find reliable, recommended movers, at about $65/hr for 2 guys and a truck.

Neighborhood Chat / Cable provider - other than Time Warner in JH?
« on: October 08, 2008, 04:32:37 PM »
just wondering if there is another cable provider in JH, other than time warner. i hate that they have a monopoly in most of the 5 boroughs. i don't think the bldg allows satellite (i.e. direct tv).

Community Groups, Activities & Events / capoeira in JH?
« on: September 24, 2008, 07:56:19 PM »
is there a capoeira group in JH? i'd love to find a local group without having to travel back into manhattan.

my friend likes an apt she saw there. it seems like a new co-op so i was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about the bldg, the co-op, the people?

Before I make an offer on an apt in this co-op, I want to get thoughts from those in the know. I will, of course, be looking at the co-op's financials and minutes, but does anyone have their own personal opinions about both the state of the building(s) and the co-op?

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