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Messages - cl4t

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my friend and i went to tsering on sunday. (*note to self, most places don't open before noon on a sunday) i had a very nice experience there getting a $15 pedicure. although my massage chair didn't seem to work, the people were friendly and the services were plentiful -- considering i only paid $15 plus tax before tip. the range of colors are a bit limited so if you have your own varnish, you may be better off. i only get a pedicure maybe once every 6 months, i don't think i have the range of experiences to give a comparison account, but for the most part i was very satisfied spending $20 there. i mentioned to the girl that i heard about tsering on this forum and she said she worked on someone who said she would mention it on a discussion forum. i wonder if that was divanatrix.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Bicycle Room in Coop Buildings
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:29:43 AM »
i haven't utilized the bike storage (yet), so i don't know how it works or what it looks like. my co-op charges $5/month, at least that's what i've been told. i don't think there is any other fee.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Cabinet maker
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:24:45 AM »
i have a contractor who does great woodwork. his pricing for renovation work (my kitchen and bathroom) is very reasonable. he hasn't made cabinets for me (yet), but i have seen his work for my friend who recommended him to me. he made built ins and radiator covers for her and they looked beautiful and seemed very sturdy. he lives in jackson heights and is very punctual and honest. PM me for his phone number if you're interested.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Why did you choose Jackson Heights?
« on: July 20, 2010, 02:26:35 PM »
i've rented in the upper west side, the west village, park slope, bronxville, back to park slope and finally greenpoint. when i decided to buy, i couldn't afford those neighborhoods, which led me to the borough of queens. i looked at places in sunnyside, woodside, ditmas park (brooklyn). one day, i came out to jackson heights for an open house at a co-op in a pre-war building with a garden and absolutely fell in love with the apartment and the neighborhood. i ultimately bought in another co-op (with garden) and closer to the 74th street subway station. from that first visit, what i loved about the 'hood was the diversity of the food, the beauty of the co-ops, sidewalks riddled with young and old families and street carts both close and far away enough. now into my 2nd year here, the things that keep the love alive are the JH greenmarket, woodside CSA, sunday breakfasts at jahn's with my best friend, espresso 77, table wine, the korean market off broadway, the new dog run, walking to sripraphai, and the list goes on.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Recycling in apartment buildlings
« on: April 26, 2010, 06:00:02 PM »
while we have trash receptacles on every floor, our recycling bins (plastics/bottles/cans and paper) in the basement level. i take my compost to union square (until the JH greenmarket opens up) and my no. 5 plastics (yogurt and take out containers) to whole foods.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Sandwiches and/or salads
« on: April 26, 2010, 05:57:28 PM »
it's not the best by any means, but thai son sells bahn mi (vietnamese sandwich) which is a lot less than $10. and there is an earlier thread discussing el sitio's cubano sandwich, also less than $10.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Fast Food Restaurants
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:31:02 PM »
my sigO and i love the cemitas from the middle taco cart. he prefers lengua, i prefer carnitas.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: A message from New York State Senator Peralta
« on: April 14, 2010, 01:46:44 PM »
Freddie Mercury is from Queens?

queen, the band (or were you being funny/punny).

jeff, is that why you chose freddie as your avatar? a play on names?

there will be two of us.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: A bookstore, please!
« on: April 13, 2010, 11:46:11 AM »
boo. i still wrote to them.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: A bookstore, please!
« on: April 12, 2010, 05:55:57 PM »
suggestion does not equal result, but i will give it a go. i do heart the strand.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: A bookstore, please!
« on: April 12, 2010, 05:29:09 PM »
maybe the Strand would consider a queens branch, like MOMA did, to house more miles of books. perhaps i shall suggest that to them.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Cable/Internet Providers in JH?
« on: April 01, 2010, 11:39:59 PM »
i, too, second KC's comment. i hate TWC and went with RCN from day one of moving to JH and have been more or less content. i have had a few recent pixilating issues on the cable service but overall i'm not ready to move back to TWC. i know my building has it but my best friend who lives 9 blocks away doesn't. not sure how the service is spread in JH, but worth checking out RCN if your apt gets their service.

Neighborhood Chat / YMCA to Jackson Heights -- part 2
« on: March 22, 2010, 03:21:41 PM »
i read an old post from two years ago about the conversation of bringing the Y to jackson heights. my good friend (also JH resident) recently joined the LIC one and we both agree that one in JH would be a great idea. has anything actually been done to try to bring one to JH? i looked on the Y site and downloaded the PDF exploration questionnaire about a new Y location. it basically wants to see if there are enough people in the community to serve (12,000) and if the community had the resources to raise $500K for the start up. i think our community meets the minimum requirements and would greatly benefit from a local Y. is this something our elected representatives should pursue if the community was really behind it? thoughts?

i know a thread was started about a year and a half ago about this building, but there were no responses that actually talked about the co-op.

i have a friend interested in an apt there and i was wondering if anyone had any opinions about the co-op. what is the co-op board like? is the building kept in good condition? good reserve?

you can also send me private message about specific concerns that you know of. thanks.

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