
Do you plan to use the facilities at Diversity Plaza once it is done?

Yes, I plan to sit, eat, read a paper, use the internet
13 (23.2%)
Yes, to walk pass it on the way to the subway
16 (28.6%)
No, I will try to avoid the area as too many homeless
5 (8.9%)
No, I think it a waste of 5 million of taxpayers money
22 (39.3%)

Total Members Voted: 56

Author Topic: Work commencing on Diversity Plaza  (Read 26992 times)

Offline dssjh

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #90 on: April 09, 2018, 02:10:45 PM »
"relocation" seems to be in vogue at the moment. and while it's cheaper than the hotel in nyc option, it seems unfair to everyone on all sides. and, yeah, it may well be illegal as well.

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #91 on: April 09, 2018, 02:26:32 PM »
While I cannot imagine how that got approved, it is the cheaper solution. If this were legal, NYC could repopulate areas like Binghamton and create a new homeless utopia. NYC could buy large sections for pennies on the dollar. Imagine, no more smelly subway cars or people passed out and drunk at Diversity Plaza. The person who thought  of it is so devious. The mayor of Binghamton was angry when he found out though.

Offline jackinjh

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #92 on: April 09, 2018, 02:30:49 PM »
Oh NOOOOO, I meant for those that are well off but sick and and scare of living in the neighborhood with all these infested homeless and uncivilized people. Clearly we should help them out by relocating them. Of course this voluntary based... ;)

Offline Alfster

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #93 on: April 09, 2018, 03:45:48 PM »
I don’t believe some people are aware of how many homeless hotels there are in Queens. They seem to be the favorite of Queens hotel owners. First you build a hotel then you rent it out 100% to the city and they pay exorbitant rents per room. There are neighborhoods in Queens that have three or four of these hotels. Jackson Heights has so far been spared from this problem but maybe not for long as there are plans for no less two new hotels around Diversity Plaza. I’m not kidding.

JK Resident, if I owned a building in the area withthe right zoning I'd love to open up a homeless hotel. Talk about a cash cow! 

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #94 on: April 09, 2018, 06:12:06 PM »
Moderators, this is another rehash of this thread.

Obvious troll is obvious.


Offline sl

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #95 on: April 09, 2018, 06:50:52 PM »
Moderators, this is another rehash of this thread.

Obvious troll is obvious.


Oh relax dude. If you don't wish to participate, just ignore.

Offline JHResident

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #96 on: April 09, 2018, 08:59:50 PM »
Interesting how this topic has gone off the rails. I was originally opposed to Diversity Plaza because it became a second home for the local alcoholics and drug addicts who occasionally confront commuters trying to go about their business. However it's potential became evident after the earthquake I Nepal when it became a focal point for community support to the victims. We need an open space in this area, but it has to be safe and clean. If it is kept safe and clean then I look forward to it reopening.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #97 on: April 09, 2018, 09:27:10 PM »
I don’t believe some people are aware of how many homeless hotels there are in Queens. They seem to be the favorite of Queens hotel owners. First you build a hotel then you rent it out 100% to the city and they pay exorbitant rents per room. There are neighborhoods in Queens that have three or four of these hotels. Jackson Heights has so far been spared from this problem but maybe not for long as there are plans for no less two new hotels around Diversity Plaza. I’m not kidding.

JK Resident, if I owned a building in the area withthe right zoning I'd love to open up a homeless hotel. Talk about a cash cow!

you could just rent a room to a Trump administration official at a reduced rate and extort favors.....

Offline Alfster

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #98 on: April 09, 2018, 10:31:56 PM »
I am interested to find out the overall opinion of the new Diversity Plaza. Please be honest about your intended use.

Why isnt there an "all of the above" option??

Or why isn't there an option to use the money for something else. With that much money we could have use it to help out our Jackson Height refugees. These refugees are our long time Jackson Heights fellows who are affected by the influx of homeless and uncivilized people who throw trash everywhere. So yeah lets help to ship them somewhere else where the street is clean and full of civilized people and no poor, everyone there must make so much to qualify to live there.

Good point.  Certainly don't want the uncivilized people ruining where I live and throwing trash everywhere.

Offline Alfster

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #99 on: April 09, 2018, 10:40:17 PM »
NYC was recently caught paying for one year for an apt. in Binghamton living to ship people upstate and they later apply for social services there which is apparently illegal. Shipping people to poor areas of NYS seems to be the cheaper solution.

Sure it's cheaper...What does a one way bus ticket to Binghamton cost anyway?  Maybe some of them could get a job at SUNY Binghamton in the facilities management department and perhaps, in time, be able to to establish a more stable life.  Most likely though, this scenario won't come to fruition.   :'(

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #100 on: April 09, 2018, 10:54:00 PM »
Well they wouldn’t get a job if NYC is paying the rent. Wow, it looks like the majority of people in my poll don’t plan to use the much hyped Diversity Plaza. I suspected that was the case but did not to taint the vote. I am really surprised how many view this Plaza negatively. Of course this is a limited sample but it is representative of the neighborhoods feelings. H

Offline stevn

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #101 on: April 09, 2018, 11:04:46 PM »
Wow, it looks like the majority of people in my poll don’t plan to use the much hyped Diversity Plaza. I suspected that was the case but did not to taint the vote. I am really surprised how many view this Plaza negatively. Of course this is a limited sample but it is representative of the neighborhoods feelings. H

Your push poll is actually split 50%-50%, yes vs no. You should consider staying far away, though.

Offline Alfster

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #102 on: April 09, 2018, 11:09:14 PM »
Well they wouldn’t get a job if NYC is paying the rent. Wow, it looks like the majority of people in my poll don’t plan to use the much hyped Diversity Plaza. I suspected that was the case but did not to taint the vote. I am really surprised how many view this Plaza negatively. Of course this is a limited sample but it is representative of the neighborhoods feelings. H

True.  Personally, I would be bored out of my mind in upstate NY.  As for "DP," I'd only be using it on the way to the train station.  It's easy to view DP negatively when the experience and ambiance up to now has been less than flattering to say the least.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Diversity Plaza
« Reply #103 on: April 10, 2018, 07:52:45 AM »
Oh relax dude. If you don't wish to participate, just ignore.

Similarly, you are free to ignore my calling out of racist trolls. Which this has once again become a haven for.

I encourage everyone to flag racist posts (you know, the ones with the real obvious racist dog whistles about the uncivilized, alcoholic druggies that won't work if they can get the government to pay for a apartment).

[Moderators Note: Let's try to discuss this topic without all of the personally-directed attacks, trolling, and name-calling.  Please read our moderators note on maintaining Jackson Heights Life as a community discussion forum.  Thank you.]
« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 08:51:57 AM by toddg »

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Re: Work commencing on Diversity Plaza
« Reply #104 on: April 10, 2018, 01:02:59 PM »
Fact: NYC has been caught paying rent for apartments in Binghamton NY for one year in advance and then moved people to these apartments in order to get rid of them. This was organized by the mayor’s social workers. The scheme has been discovered and is said to be illegal. These people only quality if they don’t have jobs and are in need or receive public housing. I have no idea what color, religion, gender, sexual orientation these people are. It happened and now is the subject of an investigation to see who authorized it.