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Messages - LordB

Pages: [1] 2 3
Neighborhood Chat / Re: Term Limits - Undermining the people's will?
« on: October 07, 2008, 12:59:40 PM »
Time to go, Bloomy. 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Taxi Directions from Manhattan?
« on: October 02, 2008, 05:50:00 PM »
I prefer Exit 41 from the BQE and I think it works better for most JH residents.  It dumps you right on Nothern Blvd and you can easily turn North or South once you exit.  BTW, Cabbies love JH because they can shoot over to LGA after they drop you. 

I also take Northern from the 59th street when I drive myself and every cab that I have taken has done the same.  It's
a straight shot.  From QB you would have to turn off in Sunnyside or risk getting stuck in icky local traffic.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Big changes in Queens Plaza
« on: September 30, 2008, 05:21:39 PM »
The city would do a lot to encourage cycling between Queens and Manhattan if they put in protected bike lanes with dedicated traffic signals at the intersection of Queens Blvd and Jackson Ave.  The stretch between there and the 59th Street bridge can be very dangerous when there is a lot of traffic.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Bookstore in Jackson Heights
« on: September 29, 2008, 08:30:36 PM »
One of the things that I love about JH is that most of my needs are within walking distance.  A bookstore would be a welcome addition.  Especially if the space can offer local writers a venue for readings. 

I'll be there too!  On the 16th from Sunnyside.  It'd be great to get a great big JH and Queens-wide showing, because we matter too!


I'll be at the ride on Sat. as well.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: spanish (or other language) lessons
« on: July 15, 2008, 04:02:39 PM »
I see signs for english language lessons all over. where can i take spanish language lessons? i am also interested in other languages that may be offered. maybe you know of classes at a community center or church?

You should consider Easy Espanol (  The owners live in Jackson Heights and they offer one-on-one classes via the internet or from their office in Manhattan.  You can also join them for Spanish language meetups at museums and restaurants or travel to Ecuador with their study abroad program.  I have not found another option that can beat them for price and quality. 

Regardless of who you ultimately go with, I strongly suggest you only consider native-spanish professionals trained in language instruction. 

NYC DOT and our partners are proud to present Summer Streets. We will temporarily close Park Avenue and connecting streets from the Brooklyn Bridge to Central Park to motor vehicles and open it up to people on three consecutive Saturdays in August (August 9, 16, & 23).
Learn more

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Biannual Get Together of JHLife
« on: June 24, 2008, 12:33:52 PM »
Is "the little one" a human baby or the hairy little baby in your avatar?  You can't bring the hairy one put you can bring the human if you want to pop in for a quickie "hello".  Remember: no age discrimination!

I wish the dog would go to sleep at 7PM.  She's up at all hours and still wakes me up at 5:30AM wanting to play.

My wife may attend.  I usually watch the baby on Fridays anyway so I can get my SciFi channel fix. 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Biannual Get Together of JHLife
« on: June 20, 2008, 04:00:10 PM »
Ugh.  I used to have a social life!

The little one goes down for the night at 7PM.  I doubt I'll be able to sneak out. 

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Moving to The Saxony Towers
« on: June 16, 2008, 01:59:56 PM »
It sounds like you got a good deal, but you need to compare with other apartments in your building/location.
Prices can vary by more than $100k for the same square footage.  Maintenance payments also factor in.

You can now search for comparibles in you building at the NY Times real estate section.

Another option is ACRIS.

and back of the guitar

The original Craig's post has expired and I can now post 128kb files so here are picks of the front

The original Craig's post has expired so here is a pic.

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