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Messages - nroman

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: The coronavirus thread
« on: March 13, 2020, 02:00:39 PM »
I am 33, healthy, and 4 months pregnant. I am EXTREMELY concerned. I am also Italian, and what is going in Italy right now should have everyone feeling alarmed.

My family and friends are fine, but the health care system is not. My cousin is a doctor whose hospital is so overrun with the sick from COVID, they have to use their "moral judgment" and choose who to use their resources on, based on who is most likely to survive. I cannot fathom having to make such a decision, nor be in this situation. Also, the information that this disease does not effect younger people is false, as his youngest effected patient is 19. Granted, Italy was not prepared, but then, neither are we. I hope the US takes a lesson from whats going on in Italy, because this is where we will be in a matter of weeks. I sincerely pray that is not the case, but since testing is barely available, the numbers of infected and deaths are completely incorrect. Its much worse than they are reporting. I don't even want to think about the real numbers we have in NYC..

I am not able to work from home just yet (although technically all I need is an internet connection :-\) but since I am pregnant, I may ask for some kind of leave, or leeway. Right now I am taking an uber to work in the morning, and the train back home, since my office is in Astoria, but am wondering if I should just uber both ways?

I'd also like to keep supporting my favorite local businesses (letys bakery, farine, samudra, etc.) without physically going. Any suggestions, besides delivery?

Take care of yourselves out there, and please, stop stockpiling toilet paper. It literally makes 0 sense to hoard 100 rolls of toilet paper!!

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Wallpaper Installer
« on: March 13, 2020, 01:28:47 PM »
Hi Everyone,
I ordered wallpaper for my nursery and am looking for a wallpaper installer/hanger for the job. It is a little complex because the pattern, but also because muslin will need to go on first, in order for the wallpaper to be removable for when we move on to the next place. It is very expensive wallpaper and I really need someone trustworthy.

Any recommendations? Thank you :)

« on: June 26, 2018, 11:18:12 AM »
Thank you everyone for sharing! I cant express how much this helps me!

The other place I'm looking at actually is the NYC Rehab in Astoria that you mentioned, so that makes me feel a bit more relieved. I'm hoping my physical presence daily will also work to our advantage as I'm extremely on top of things and will def. know what my dad should be receiving as far as treatment, meds, etc. and if he did not get it. Im hoping never know.

Thank you again! :)

« on: June 25, 2018, 09:50:57 AM »
Thank you so much guys!!!

Will def. look into that. Again, thank you!!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Tailor/ Seamstress , prefer female
« on: June 25, 2018, 08:35:53 AM »
Thank you everyone! I have been to Lucy’s and she was great!

« on: June 25, 2018, 08:23:14 AM »
Hello everyone,

My father recently suffered a massive stroke which lead to cardiac arrest- for 6 minutes his brain did not receive oxygen.. Last week he was in a coma and on life support and couldn’t breathe without a ventilator, today he is breathing on his own and wakes up randomly, but is still not fully awake or responding to commands. We are waiting for one more test to tell us how bad it is but, we’d like to start researching rehab facilities since my dad will have to learn how to walk, talk, etc.. Have any of you had loved ones in Regal Heights rehab/nursing facility on 35th ave? Ideally, I’d like a facility that is close by and provides excellent care, where I can check on my dad through the day to make sure all is as it should be.

If you’ve had any experience here - please let me know.

If there is a rehab facility in queens or the city where you had a good experience, please let me know.

I have friends at Cornell who have suggested their in patient rehab facility which I’m also looking into.

Thank you so much in advance!! I appreciate any tidbit you can provide!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Tailor/ Seamstress , prefer female
« on: May 04, 2018, 10:33:05 AM »
Yes!! Do you think she’d be able to reconstruct a gown too? Thank you soooo much!!!

Neighborhood Chat / Tailor/ Seamstress , prefer female
« on: May 03, 2018, 10:32:11 PM »
Hi everyone,

I have several vintage pieces I’d like to get tailored and fitted to me however, I have not had postitive experiences with a few places in the neighborhood and feel anxious just thinking about it. I would very much prefer a female going forward. I can go to Astoria, there are 2 ladies there, but I’d love to go do my fittings within walking distance.

If you know of anyone- please share!
Thanks so much!

Hi guys!

Selling the following:

$400 OBO- set (2) brass z bar/counter stools in the style of Pierre Cardin/ milo baughman

$400 OBO- 2 century wingback chairs upholstered in kelly wearstler agate (has damage from my cat, but not bad enough to throw away - regardless can be redone, still has original price tag of 3377$ each

Hi Everyone!

I have a vintage, wool, chinese rug that I would like to get cleaned the old way- at a facility, cold water, ph shampoo etc.., Anyway, most of the places I have found in the area only do steam cleaning in house. I have called a few places in midtown but of course the price is exorbitant. I did find a a good place in Jersey- but obviously would rather stay in queens.

If you know of any business that can clean a rug like this (also called one in astoria which was $600 vs. the $250 in Jersey), then please send the information my way!

Thank you!!! ;D

Neighborhood Chat / Cleaning Lady
« on: April 27, 2017, 08:28:57 AM »
Hey everyone- can someone recommend a reputable cleaning lady in the neighborhood? I'm having guests staying with us soon and could use the help. Please let me know if you have someone! Thank you!!

Hi all! Doing some spring cleaning and selling a vintage heriz Persian rug 9 x 5.3 for $350. Also have a brass, glass console for 500. Both in excellent condition. My pictures are too large to upload according to the site so please message me for pics and dimensions if you are interested!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Attempted Rape 74th st
« on: April 16, 2017, 08:43:43 PM »
Yes, that's it. A reporter was outside filming and let me know. Have to say- this block is very quiet. Usually imo the 70s are pretty good. But every single time something does happen on this block it's right there in that alley, behind that building. There must be something we can do. That place is a horrible blind spot. You can't see anything because it's so dark and because the gate is a little ways in. Hope they catch this man I feel so bad for that woman!

Neighborhood Chat / Attempted Rape 74th st
« on: April 16, 2017, 02:34:20 PM »
Hello everyone! Happy Easter! I'm sorry I always post here about horrible things. This morning cops and CSI were out on 74 between 35 and 37. The alley where the building that burned a few years ago was full of crime scene evidence markers. CSI was there bagging and tagging evidence. It was straight out of a movie. There seemed to be a secondary scene down on 35th between 74 and 75. Heard in the building someone was murdered. Usually I feel safe in the 70s since it's not as rowdy as let's say 85-90th streets. Anyway, does anyone know what happend?

Thank you!

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