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Messages - koku

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: 82nd St. Business Improvement District
« on: April 26, 2012, 02:47:53 PM »
I know they have been refusing commuity's request, but now it is time to pressure merchants on 73st and 74th st to form BID to keep the streets clean, again!!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Drunks situation on 37th Road and 75th...
« on: February 27, 2012, 08:47:19 PM »
I totally agree with Jack Heights.

There have been always homeless and drunken people in 37th Road and the surrounding area a way before the plaza was created.  I am sorry to keep bringing this issue again but it really has to do with the filthiness of the streets around the area.  There is a social study that the filthy status of the street attracts more crime.  Basically, the filthy streets send message to people that nobody cares in this area. 

For example, can you imagine of a drug dealer standing in front of very clean and beautiful streets with lots of flowers??

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:07:43 PM »
wow, that *is* politically incorrect.....criticizing "people."

the non-people who would do such a thing had better duck and cover, eh?

you are actually making fun of my english ability.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:18:19 PM »
so you are saying criticizing people throwing garbage on the public street is considered racism??

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:02:33 PM »
it's a pervasive tone, koku.

well, that may be because of that fact English is not my first language.  Control tone is always difficult for me.  I would be able to say the same thing with much nicer way in my native language.  When I have to debate in person, I always excuse first by saying "please excuse my language because sometimes I don't have enough vocabulary to say things nicer way and it can be harsh."  and this helps a lot.  for example, in stead of saying "It may not be the best things to do", I used to simply say "It is bad."  Usually, people wouldn't judge me from just my speech because there are other factors showing who I am.

But in this case, I understand you have to judge me just from my text because that all you have.  But in the future, if you speak with someone who is not from this country and whose English is not so good, I hope you take the person's language background into consideration before you make a judgement.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:21:39 AM »

I may have a different perception of  what "racism"  is since I spent most of my life in Asian countries where societies are not culturally mixed as much as here,

I don't see which part of my post is racist.

Accusing people for making public space filthy is racist?
Complaining about traffic congestion caused by business is racist?

In local news show, there are segments where the viewers post their complaining toward some store or specific area in the community and the TV stations don't seem to think that is racist, either..

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:39:33 PM »
There are many merchants in other neighborhood to form BID and hire sanitation workers to keep their area clean.

and if more residents are actually shopping in that area, it could build good relationship between merchants and community.

but in our case, the merchants are specifically selling products for shoppers from outside Jackson Heights.

They rejected to keep their store front clean despite the community's request.

Therefore,  it gives us an impression that those merchants just comes to our neighborhood and make money and leave the mess.

Neighborhood Chat / greedy merchants
« on: February 18, 2012, 10:32:09 AM »
Aren't we trying to improve the traffic congestion?

Everyone knows that the biggest factor of the congestion is that shoppers for 73rd, 74th streets area from outside of jackson heights.
And most of JH residents will not go and shop at this South Asian market.

so what is the point?

You really have to realize that those mechants are just greedy.  They only care about making money using space in our community and yet not care about our community.  We have asked the merchants to hire sanitation workers to keep their streets clean but they keep REJECTING US because they don't want to spend any money for our community.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« on: January 14, 2012, 02:05:26 PM »
not sure if you are being sarcastic or not.  but anyone who is fortunate to get out of the country and experience different part of world or different culture would understand what i am talking about.  if you don't get it, i am sorry but you are being very naive..

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« on: January 14, 2012, 02:38:45 AM »
i am sorry to hear that.  people in this forum also seems to have no interest in pedestrian plaza any more, either.
i guess everyone knows why that street is so filthy but can't point the reason out for the solution because someone would say it is politically incorrect..

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« on: January 01, 2012, 07:55:30 PM »
any update?  did it get any better?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: dirty & Stinky 73th street
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:39:31 PM »
If 73st affects your delicate sensibilities so much, why don't you just avoid it.  I'm sick of all the wimps and wimpettes who bitch about every little thing in this neighborhood that doesn't live up to their yuppie notions of orderliness and propriety.  You all need to get funked up!  73st is vibrant and alive and real and colorful and human.  One of you mentions how shocked you are when you have guests who are exposed to the horrors of this street. Me, I always make a point of bringing my guests straight smack into it.  And they love it, smells and all.   Sure it could be cleaner and less smelly at times.  But urban life is urban life.  So stop bitching and learn to enjoy and tolerate life, in all its scents and sights and sounds.  There are plenty of places to live a bland and santized life.  Jackson heights, thankfully, is not one of them. 

Hoodys, you have to realize that appreciating the diversity is one thing and respecting the public place is another thing.  After observing what is happening in 73rd st for years, it is clear that merchants and shoppers on 73rd St between 35th ave and 37th ave DO NOT RESPECT the public street AT ALL.  I understand that they have different standard in terms of cleaness but they have to realize that the street is shared by people from other cultures and they can't force their standard to the public street.   

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Elmhurst Hospitall Bill -is this normal?
« on: September 08, 2010, 11:59:34 PM »
Marlene, I tried to call Diane L. Wasenius, but they said she no longer works there.
I guess I have to file a complain to the state.  Could you kindly teach me what is the procedure?

I didn't mean to go to emergency room.  I just went to the hospital and ask where to go since I was feeling cold.
So, it is normal to charge over $700 for 3 minutes of service if it is in emergency room in this country??
That's crazy and this country doesn't have the universal health care yet.  So, how can the poor get health care when needed???

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Elmhurst Hospitall Bill -is this normal?
« on: September 03, 2010, 12:01:38 AM »
Thank you for some advices.

I am glad to know it is not just me to think $777 for just 3 minutes of simple service is outrageous.
I will call Diane L. Wasenius tomorrow and will post it here about what happen again.

Neighborhood Chat / Elmhurst Hospitall Bill -is this normal?
« on: September 01, 2010, 02:11:16 PM »
Last year, I walked in to Elmhurst Hospital because I was feeling a bit cold for a while and at that time, people were talking about Swine Flu and I just wanted to make sure I am ok. 
I walked in there and waited for a few hours.  And finally when I saw the doctor, he did some checking and he said "you are fine".  It took about 3 minutes for all the checking and there was no subscription for pill or anything.

A few month later, I received the bill which was $777.70.  At that time, I couldn't afford to have a good health insurance and it has a high deductible and it didn't cover any of $777.70.  So, I am supposed to pay $777 for the 3 minutes checking. 

is this normal??  I contacted the hospital and checked the amount and they said it is correct.
It is hard to believe that all the people I saw in the hospital waiting room are at least paying $777 if you don't have a health insurance since mine should be one of the simplest treatment I got from a doctor.

I am not from this country and I know that health care in this country is so expensive compared to the rest of the world.  But still to me, this is outrageously expensive.  Is there anything I can do for this?  I would appreciate your advice.

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