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Topics - koku

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Elmhurst Hospitall Bill -is this normal?
« on: September 01, 2010, 02:11:16 PM »
Last year, I walked in to Elmhurst Hospital because I was feeling a bit cold for a while and at that time, people were talking about Swine Flu and I just wanted to make sure I am ok. 
I walked in there and waited for a few hours.  And finally when I saw the doctor, he did some checking and he said "you are fine".  It took about 3 minutes for all the checking and there was no subscription for pill or anything.

A few month later, I received the bill which was $777.70.  At that time, I couldn't afford to have a good health insurance and it has a high deductible and it didn't cover any of $777.70.  So, I am supposed to pay $777 for the 3 minutes checking. 

is this normal??  I contacted the hospital and checked the amount and they said it is correct.
It is hard to believe that all the people I saw in the hospital waiting room are at least paying $777 if you don't have a health insurance since mine should be one of the simplest treatment I got from a doctor.

I am not from this country and I know that health care in this country is so expensive compared to the rest of the world.  But still to me, this is outrageously expensive.  Is there anything I can do for this?  I would appreciate your advice.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Handyman recommendations?
« on: January 24, 2010, 10:01:14 PM »
I have a relatively large kitchen with dinning space that need to repaint the wall and cabinet.
Also, the lighting fixture need to be replace.  Generally speaking, how much does it cost to hire someone
to do this work.  I believe it shouldn't take more than one day to do this.  And, can anyone recommend
good handyman or contractor to do this?  Thanks.

I am looking for someone who is interested in selling 1BD room at Jackson House Co-op on 77th street.
Please get in touch with me if you are interested in at

Business Listings and Services Directory / Video Editor
« on: December 25, 2007, 12:36:19 PM »
Hello, I am a freelance editor living in Jackson Heights.  If you need some video editing, please contact me.  Please visit at for more information.

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