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Messages - koku

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: NYT Article Criticizing JH
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:05:55 PM »
the media coverage could be sometime cruel. 
I heard a newspaper for Japanese community in NYC had an article about the filthiest neighborhoods
and Jackson heights was one of them.  It is sad but it is true..

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Last 2 Houses on 73rd St ( soon to be only 1 )
« on: December 08, 2008, 01:15:14 AM »
People in this forum seems less care about the overdevelopment of 73rd and 74th streets.
But what people need to realize is that those business are the roots of two main problems in Jackson Heights, traffic and filth.
And also what people need to realize is that 73rd and 74th streets function as a gate to Jackson Heights for people who visit our neighborhood via subway.
That's why Jackson Heights is considered as one of the most filthiest neighborhood (according to some newspaper) in New York City even though it is only
true to 73rd and 74th street between 37th road and 35th Ave.

So, my point is that we really need to stop this overdevelopment of 73rd and 74th street so that we have better impression as a neighborhood.

Neighborhood Chat / Traffic study result??
« on: December 08, 2008, 01:06:47 AM »
Earlier this year, I contacted DOT and asked for what happened to the traffic study done in summer 2007.  They told me they are planning to
release the study result at Community Board meeting in a few month.  But nothing has happened so far. 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: November 15, 2008, 04:16:05 PM »
thank you, todd!!

so what happened to this program?  is this happening?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: November 14, 2008, 01:34:48 PM »
No, these guys are there for a while.  What I am talking about is supposed to be something new.
I remember someone posted about this new program in this forum and now I can't even find the post.
it is very weird.  Maybe it was deleted as if it never happened.

Jackson Height community sometimes get weird because we got 8 million dollars project about improving the traffic last year and nobody knows what happened to it as if it never happens, too.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: November 07, 2008, 05:20:25 PM »
I remember 73rd and 74th of Jackson Heights was chosen to receive some kind of cleaning program everyday for 2 years from the city starting in November.
is it happening now? 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: traffic study result??
« on: September 16, 2008, 10:41:04 AM »

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: July 13, 2008, 11:43:14 AM »
I love to get involved in clean streets event.  but for some reason, JHBG are not covering 73rd st and 74th street where the cleaning is needed most in JH.  Does anyone know why?  or can I ask to cover ?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: July 11, 2008, 01:13:42 AM »

So, please, once again, can we discuss what can be done to begin addressing this problem?  'Cause I'm really sick of hearing people whine about the dirty foreigners.

Todd, I maybe too sensitive but this line bothers me a bit.  To me, I am not seeing them as foreigners probably because I  am a foreigner, too.  I am just complaining them because they are not respecting the public space, period.    Please don't think that people who are complain about 73rd and 74th street are doing so because they are foreigners.   It does not matter if they are indians or Germans or Brazilians or Americans. 

Also, talking about treating people equally.  Of course, we should treat people equally.  Treating people equally also means if someone or a certain group of people are breaking the law or not respecting others, then those people should not be tolerated whether they are white, black or asian.  I don't have to be treated differently in this country because I am from a small country in Asia.  I work hard to be successful here and while maintaining my cultural identity, I also respect American way of life.  If I litter, I should be criticized. 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: July 11, 2008, 12:47:52 AM »

Some coordinated effort on the part of the JH Community as whole that reaches out to the Jackson Heights Merchants Association, and the Bangladeshi Merchants Association (Sorry no URL), with petitions, letters, meetings and constant conversations asking these groups to take better care of their streets.

Aronan, thank you for your great suggestion.  I really like the idea of coordinated effort to talk to Merchants on 73rd st and 74th street.  I wish I could write a letter but my english may not be good enough to do this kind of thing.  Could you or someone kindly come up with petition that everyone can put the name on?

Also, let move forward this idea and make it happen!!  People in this forum can meet up in person at some cafe and talk about it to move on.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: July 10, 2008, 12:43:48 AM »
this article explains about singapore.

Also, I also know there are many countries that are more poor than India but yet people take pride keeping their cities clean (not by depending on
their government, just each individuals have a pride and dignitiy to keep their place clean.  it is again their culture...)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: July 09, 2008, 11:59:14 PM »
Toddg, I found your post to be bias, too.  Especially in earlier post, you blame the garbage for house owner not cleaning instead of people who throw garbage on the street. 

Also, some people trying to dismiss this issue by turning this garbage issue into racial conflict such as White people's culture vs Southern Asian culture.   I am an Asian and I am way more minority than Indian in this country.  And I am too frustrated by the indians/bangladesh habit of littering.  I am far from racist.  And I am just point out the hard facts.   Toddg, if you think littering is just a common urban phenomenon, you are very very  naive.  You need to go to different countries and be exposed to different culture and understand that there are different value in different culture.   (just like buddy pointed out about Chinese immigrants) If you can't travel, then at least do research about the state of India and Bangladesh online.  Most tourists found their city to be extremely dirty because they have different perception about how clean the public space should be.   Indians themselves address this littering problem.  (

Obviously, I would not go to India or Bangladesh and yell people about the flith there because it is their country.  But in Jackson Heights, it is different.   I think people have rights to complain about their behavior here because the PUBLIC SPACE IS SHARED BY PEOPLE FROM DIFFERENT CULTURE not just Indians and Bangladesh people.  I had once bad experience in 74th street when I saw an Indian guy littering a plastic bag with some food inside to the tree guard.  I asked not to do it very gently and his response was "This is how we do in India and this is Little India.  So, get fXXk out of my face..."  I wish I had a courage to further argue with him but I just left.  All I wanted to say "this street is shared by people from different culture."

My english is not so good but I hope I made myself understood to you, toddg.  please don't dismiss this as racial claim.  please open your eyes to the reality.

P.S.  by the way the photo of Little India is not really good representation if you are familier with Singapore's extreme strict law against littering..

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Parking Violations in Jackson Heights
« on: June 15, 2008, 08:20:55 PM »
I also welcome city's strong law enforcement against traffic violation.  Actually, I would like the city to be further aggressive
about honking violation.  Unfortunately, many people who come Jackson Heights for shopping have a terrible manner.  They
don't respect this is actually residential area but people honk soooo aggressively.   To me this is much more annoying than airplane noise. 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: traffic study result??
« on: May 11, 2008, 02:57:46 AM »
It is amazing nobody seems to know or anyone don't care about what happened to $ 4 million !!

I don't know about others but to me, $4 million is a huge money and it is something that community should
keep track of how it was spent, isn't it??

Neighborhood Chat / traffic study result??
« on: May 07, 2008, 02:17:29 AM »
Does anyone know what happened to the traffic study of 37th ave and 73rd st intersection taken place in the summer of 2007?  I believe Helen Sears got a budget of  $4 million or something to fix the problem of that intersection and the study was conducted with department of transportation for about 2 months.  I have not heard anything since then. 

Bloomberg promised the communit that he would look into the problem after the study was done, also.

anyone knows what is going on?

Did helen wasted another $ 4 million??

also she did zone study to control the overdevelopment of commerical area on 74th and 73rd st.  what happened to that??

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