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Messages - koku

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I am looking for someone who is interested in selling 1BD room at Jackson House Co-op on 77th street.
Please get in touch with me if you are interested in at

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: February 29, 2008, 11:56:46 AM »
Sorry, Koku, we don't all agree on this one.  Please don't try to speak for everyone on here when you make your statements.

what i mean by "this" is chuckster saying "a lot of the behavior considered by most people as socially unacceptable does have to do with cultural upbringing.  This is not to say that those born and raised in this country may not be guilty of similar social infractions.  Keep in mind that many, not all, of today's immigrants come from environments that are literally a world apart from what we are accustomed to in the United States.  Hence, social norms may differ greatly based on economics, education, etc.  What may be considered acceptable behavior in a foreign country is frowned upon here. "

I have been traveling lot of countries and I felt this is so true.  In one of the countries I visited, it was dirty even from the airport.  When I visited one of the house there, they keep their house really clean.  But once you go out to the street, it is different.  So people have different perception about "public"  So, what I mean is cultural difference DOES EXIST in this world about littering. 

And it is necessary to consider this cultural difference when we try to solve the problem.  Just like if a society has lot of violence among youth, we don't just criticize their violent behavior itself.  We think about where the violence comes from such as maybe violent movies or video games. 


Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: February 29, 2008, 02:56:28 AM »
In my opinion a lot of the behavior considered by most people as socially unacceptable does have to do with cultural upbringing.  This is not to say that those born and raised in this country may not be guilty of similar social infractions.  Keep in mind that many, not all, of today's immigrants come from environments that are literally a world apart from what we are accustomed to in the United States.  Hence, social norms may differ greatly based on economics, education, etc.  What may be considered acceptable behavior in a foreign country is frowned upon here.

Well said and I think everyone pretty much agree on this.  Though being populated could play some factor, mostly I think it is cultural background that affect the cleaness of the public space.  There is a city which is far more crowded than New York City yet that city is far more cleaner.  This is not because the sanitation dept of the city works harder but because each individuals simple don't litter.  There are far more people using the big subway entrance on 75th st on Roosevelt Ave than 73rd st on 37th road.  Yet, the entrance on 73rd st is way dirtier and I am always embarrassed to bring my friend from other part of city using this entrace/exist. 

Being said, the question is that unacceptable social behavior in the US done by person from different culture should be accepted because that's how the person was raised?  If an American woman is dating with a guy from a country where it is ok to be shovenistic and abuse women, the guy should be forgiven??  Shouldn't  guy be taught that it is not ok in this country to abuse women?? 

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Garbage on street
« on: February 23, 2008, 12:25:25 AM »
Shelby, I think in this case, cultural difference is a part of problem.   What Brian is saying is let's face it and try to solve it rather than disregarding it as complaint from racists. 

I had to disagree with Todd's approach of "having someone else keeping the street clean".  It is not a fundamental solution to the problem on 74th street.
So what can we do?  One of the solution can be to raise the awareness for store owners and shopper there.  But how??  Teaching kids in school is one thing we can do.  But it is gonna take too long time to see the effect.  Any idea?  maybe launch some kind of campaign with the help of community board or JHBG??   Or have marchants form BID?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« on: December 29, 2007, 08:13:57 AM »
GregNYC, thanks for the info.  but the point I was trying to make was that Helen Sears told me that there are many things you have to go through to install the trash can on the street and besically she said it is not easy.  Basically, she was telling a lie so that she doesn't have to  do her job. 

Anyone is able to get an answer from Helen Sears about the zone study?

Business Listings and Services Directory / Video Editor
« on: December 25, 2007, 12:36:19 PM »
Hello, I am a freelance editor living in Jackson Heights.  If you need some video editing, please contact me.  Please visit at for more information.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« on: December 19, 2007, 02:12:11 PM »
I can talk about my own experience with Ms. Helen Sears.  I attended one of the meetings for Western Jackson Heights Alliance and she was there.  I had a chance to talk to her after the meeting was over.  At that time, I was concerned about the filthiness on the 73rd street between 37th ave and 37th road.  There are a couple of 24 hours open stores there and people hang around there and they often just throw garbage on the street.  So, I asked her if she can put trash can in the spot where people hang out.  She told me something like "I likes the idea but to do this, you have to do blah, blah, blah..."  and basically she was saying it is not easy to do and she is not sure if she can do it.  So, after that I decided to call the Sanitation department directly and ask to put a trash can.  Guess what happens..  About two weeks later, two trash cans were installed.

So, what was all things Ms. Sears said to me then??  Wasn't it supposed to be difficult even with the power of district council??  I really believe that if she works harder for our community, the filthiness issue on 73rd and 74 street between 37th Ave and 37th Road could have been much improved.

From what I have seen at community meetings I have attended, many long time residents of JH expressed their frustration about her doing nothing for residents. So, it is not just a few people.  I really think people in JH should consider recall her or take immediate action against her before our environment got worse I understand.  I don't think it is a good idea to wait until 2009 because she is going to bring more traffic congestion to our neighborhood.   

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