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Messages - smok

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Wow! This is awesome. I personally think this program is great and pretty innovative (and definitely plan to use the Novo brunch discount!) but it seems to be less about the discounts themselves than about actively supporting local merchants and building a sense of community. I like knowing which businesses support and engage with community efforts and am happy to support them in return - a discount is just an extra plus for me. I mean, it's a $10 card - a few uses and you're whole again - how can you complain? I for one support this community building effort!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Longstanding Mystery: The Penguin
« on: January 16, 2009, 06:32:41 PM »
I noticed the missing penguin today - it does begin to irk you when people steal things like that. They will never get replaced.

Julissa was the only one with credible points in that article, although I'm not impressed by her response to the Libre situation. She should come forward with what she knows now. To do otherwise is not quite honest. I also wasn't impressed by any of the candidates. Who is this guy, George Dixon? He's concerned about sending crime elsewhere?? Hello, his JOB would be to address issues in HIS district...what kind of councilperson would he really be if improving his district goes against his moral code somehow?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« on: December 22, 2008, 01:16:37 AM »
As far as I'm concerned we need better leadership all around. Neither Sabini nor Monserrate are shining examples of what good public servants should be. We need better options than the elected officials and candidates we typically get. It's a crying shame.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:47:11 PM »
Aronan - I agree with you 100%, one has little to do with the other. If he broke the law, he deserves to face the consequences. The problem is that some folks are using this opportunity to make a political point. The 'see, we should have kept Sabini' contingent needs to be put in check. People are suddenly concluding that he has done nothing good. It's either amnesia or ignorance (I hope not prejudice).

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Rating the Elementary Schools in JH
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:28:00 PM »
Renaissance is not hard to get into.

I was accepted 3 times and never went.

And.... have you seen the kids coming out of that school, very vulgar and street-like

I am an educator so i can speak from a logical standpoint on this issue.

It's my impression that getting in is very tough. When did you apply? Were you accepted three years in a row? How does that work?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:21:34 PM »
The man is no saint, but all you Hiram haters were waiting for an incident hang your hat on. He has done some good things such as supporting the restoration of no parking meters on Sunday, being a MUCH more indepedent check and balance on the Mayor and opaque Queens county politics than any other pol (including Sabini), he has consistently supported middle-income and low-income workers (including supporting small businesses in Willets Point and supporting Flushing-Meadows Corona Park from the stupid proposal to put the Jets Stadium on public land). Keep in mind that most Queens pols have their head so far up the County Democratic Party's -ss and Hiram is/was a refreshing, and necessary counterweight to that. Queen's County's recent support for Hiram is ONLY because they realized if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Who is going to play that role now that Hiram may not survive? This is not to say there are not significant and serious concerns with current and past allegations, I just want to add some perspective to this discussion.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Pigeon Problems
« on: July 24, 2008, 10:58:23 PM »
I actually did tell a woman to stop dropping feed on 77th STreet and she yelled back at me "they are all gods creatures!" for someone all about god, she was sure an angry woman.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« on: April 30, 2008, 06:54:52 PM »
Regarding the community board - if you've ever been to board 3 meetings, you see the disfunction immediately. First, no one can understand a single word the chair says! He's a good man, but completely incomprehensible in his speech. He also says to anyone that asks that CB3 plays only an advisory role when it comes to making neighborhood change. This may be true if we are talking letter of the law, but demonstrates a real lack of understanding regarding what he could REALLY do with his position as a bully pulpit. Tell folks in CB 9, 10 or 11 in Manhattan (Harlem) where there was a recent rezoning, that their role is purely advisory and that they have no real power and they will laugh in your face and point to the fact that their collective uproar about the rezoning was what led to a much more watered down rezoning proposal. CB 3 is a joke.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« on: April 22, 2008, 08:43:44 PM »
G-d help us if that woman runs for office again. I echo most everyone on this list in saying that she has done little to nothing for this community. Five years ago, the Port Authority created a $100 million dollar fund that was suppose to be distributed to communities most affected by the changes at LaGuardia and Kennedy. JH has gotten little to nothing of that money - other communities have gotten millions of dollars. She sits on the committee but often does not attend meetings and has not been an advocate for us and our needs. It's now year 5 and the money is nearly gone. She is an embarrassment to this neighborhood. Frankly, the real culprits are the Queens County Democrats who supported her run because they knew they could control her. Beware any candidate supported by Queens County...

Restaurants & Food / Re: Frozen Yogurt
« on: April 13, 2008, 10:34:01 PM »
Yogurberry and Yogufiore are owned by the same individual. Yogurberry is a Korean Chain knock-off of Pinkberry. Yogurfiore is a new store modeled on Yogurberry that the owner wants to turn into a new chain himself.

Went to Yogurfiore (however you spell it) today and the place was filled with a diverse crowd, but unfortunately the tables were dirty and so was the floor. When two people are working behind the counter and no one is buying yogurt, shouldn't one of them be cleaning up the place??

I personally think the plain with strawberries is amazing...

Neighborhood Chat / Rating the Elementary Schools in JH
« on: April 12, 2008, 06:49:39 PM »
I wonder about the quality of the schooling options (both public and private) in JH.

What are the elementary schools in the neighborhood?

I have heard that PS 69 is overcrowded and not particularly good. What about other options? What about the Rennaissance School? Or the Garden School? Can any parents whose children attend these schools weigh in? I'd be interested in what are considered the worst and best schools in the neighborhood and why?

Check out the City Room article on the new Starbucks, plus mention of other great coffee places in the 'hood. I think I'm heading to El Pequeno Coffee Shop this weekend!

Here's the link:

Also, notice the interesting and sad quote from Peralta. I am frankly a bit surprised that he would be quoted as saying “The community should not have to settle for less because it deserves the best." What is he suggesting? That our locally grown coffee shops are not the best? In my mind, Starbucks is fine and gives a good balance to the retail on 37th, but we should note that chains send their profits to corporate headquarters while the profit from locally owned stores stays in the community with owners who live and work here. It's called the multiplier effect. For every dollar you spend at Starbuck's, the majority of the profit gets sent away. But compare that to every dollar you spend at Letty's or Expresso 77. Those profits get respent by the owner who lives in the community, shops at local stores and eats at local restaurants. That money in turn gets spent by employees and owners of that establishment, and so on. So every dollar spent in a local store is 'multiplied' many times over every dollar spent in a national chain. I wish our politicians would work as hard to help local stores as they did to get Starbucks in the 'hood. Don't get me wrong, I am not against Starbucks being here - I just want folks to be educated about how their buying decisions affect the neighborhood.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Coffee Shop Etiquette
« on: March 31, 2008, 08:14:20 PM »
Honestly, people who occupy tables long after they have finished their coffee AND see new patrons entering a full establishment should really get up and leave, or purchase something else to justify occupying the space for more time. It's unfair to the owner who needs customers to stay in business, unfair to other patrons, and horribly inconsiderate. So friggin annoy, I swear.

If any of you remember Rudy Greco's coffee shop on 37th between 79th and 80th - he once shared with some folks I know that he made very little money because people would come into his shop and camp out. As full as a place may look, if people are not buying things, the place is at risk. Rents on 37th street and vicinity are high - we all know this. These wonderful shops and restaurants that we like to patronize are only in business if they sell things.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Bars and Pubs in JH
« on: March 31, 2008, 08:05:04 PM »
I really like Jardi on Northern and 84th or so?
I love the atmosphere, the tapas are delicious and affordable - and they have a decent wine selection. I'm hoping they canned the really bad latin singer who starts at 10:00. After he starts singing, conversation is useless, although it is good for a laugh.

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