Author Topic: City Councilmember Helen Sears  (Read 13815 times)

Offline GregNYC

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2007, 12:28:41 AM »
You can request public trash cans at this website

Offline koku

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2007, 08:13:57 AM »
GregNYC, thanks for the info.  but the point I was trying to make was that Helen Sears told me that there are many things you have to go through to install the trash can on the street and besically she said it is not easy.  Basically, she was telling a lie so that she doesn't have to  do her job. 

Anyone is able to get an answer from Helen Sears about the zone study?

Offline toddg

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2008, 12:57:46 AM »
This thread hasn't seen much action in a while, but amid the increasing rumors that Helen Sears is serious about running for Queens Borough President, it seems ripe for a revival.

I often hear frustration about her lack of responsiveness.  Now, many of the best elected officials focus more on policy than potholes, so a lack of obsession with "constituent services" can be forgivable in my book.  But in Sears' case there seems to be a basic disengagement with the substantive concerns and needs of her district.  Or perhaps I'm mistaken -- clearly she has base of support somewhere in the community.

So what's your take on Helen Sears' candidacy?  What type of platform is she likely to run on?  What does she need to do to win support in her home district?

Offline ECG

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2008, 10:39:19 AM »
Get the F&%$G flood fixed at the end of her own street.

Oops, a cross thread posting. :tickedoff:

Offline KC

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2008, 10:09:37 AM »
You know... I don't even know how to respond to Todd's question.  Honestly, I can't imagine any 11th hour strategy that she could implement that would earn my support.  Ideologically, she seems to support good things, and occasionally shows up at photo ops for causes I support.  However, consistently over her entire term, she has been a no-show at events in which the community is asked to come and speak… to boro city council reps, the finance committee (on which she serves), the boro president.  I am so used to seeing her name tag and water glass and empty chair, that I was actually shocked to see her on a panel in a community event a little over a year ago.  I live and work in her district, and she has been a no show when I’ve gone to meet with her in her local office, in her downtown office, and when she has been invited to events here in the community.  She makes poor decisions about the community, because she has no idea what is going on here.

She is on the finance committee, and with the current scandals, has kept a low profile. 

(I really admire Quinn for taking responsibility for some dreadful fiscal practices that have been going on since 1988.  But yeah, you are in charge, and if something is wrong on your watch, you take responsibility… even if you did not start it… you should have found it… you should have stopped it.)

So Sears is on the finance committee… and closer to the unethical practices.  Was she directly responsible?  I doubt it.  Was she clueless?  I’d bet money on it.   

Offline meigui

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2008, 12:25:48 PM »
Helen Sears is self serving and virtually useless. She does nothing for the area schools, although she is on the board of directors of Garden School. I wouldn't exactly say that is serving the community. Go look at communities with dedicated representation. Forest Hills has Melinda Katz and Anthony Weiner, Flushing has John Liu. Look at the accomplishments of these legislators as cpmpared to what we have,Sabini and SEARS.

Offline smok

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2008, 08:43:44 PM »
G-d help us if that woman runs for office again. I echo most everyone on this list in saying that she has done little to nothing for this community. Five years ago, the Port Authority created a $100 million dollar fund that was suppose to be distributed to communities most affected by the changes at LaGuardia and Kennedy. JH has gotten little to nothing of that money - other communities have gotten millions of dollars. She sits on the committee but often does not attend meetings and has not been an advocate for us and our needs. It's now year 5 and the money is nearly gone. She is an embarrassment to this neighborhood. Frankly, the real culprits are the Queens County Democrats who supported her run because they knew they could control her. Beware any candidate supported by Queens County...
« Last Edit: April 22, 2008, 08:52:00 PM by smok »

Offline toddg

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2008, 09:06:01 PM »
That's a lot of dough.  In her time remaining, if Sears could access some of that money to acquire more park space for JH, I know I'd vote for her.  There are some community groups working hard on this issue, and could certainly use her help.

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2008, 07:53:52 AM »
Can anyone explain, simply, the difference in functions between Councilwoman Sears and Assemblyman Lafayette and Senator John Sabini?  I'm sure they all have different areas of involvement  for the community.  I know one of the things I thought about re: the thread on the water leaking on 35th Ave. and 80th street that emailing Sears was the WRONG person.  The complaints should have gone directly to the DEP.  But I wasn't sure.  Now I see the DEP has been there fixing the problem for the last couple days so I was right in that respect.  Unless Sears' office got in touch with them???  I don't know though.

When there's a problem or issue, how do you know which office to contact?
First, do no harm.

Offline toddg

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2008, 09:37:46 AM »
Here's my take: this is one of the things that's screwed up about our local and state politics here.

Due to dysfunction in Albany, our representatives there essentially have nothing to do.  Very little actual legislating occurs, and when it does, they're not even in the room.  So instead, they focus on squirreling away earmarks that they can use to benefit local constituencies, and by issuing press releases that can make it appear like they're solving local problems.  Thus, if you have a problem, even if it's local in nature, their offices can actually be a helpful place to go.  Same with the city council.  They have more actual work to do, but still often focus on earmarks and constituent services as a way of demonstrating results.

So, while it's a symptom of a broken system, it can be quite useful if you've got the right elected officials.

As a private citizen, we can call 311 to ask that the water main be fixed, but our city councilwoman can call the commissioner's office directly.  Somehow I doubt that's what happened this time, though.

Offline ECG

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2008, 12:21:17 PM »
Buddy and Todd,

The DEP was called directly over 20 times. 311, the way the city wants us to file concerns, called over 75 times. Sears lives ON THE BLOCK, called many times. The block tried just about everything. When the DEP finally came it was to fix a blocked drain. They had not been informed of the problem. From their mouth to JK's ear!

Also, Rudy Greco lives on the block, too.

What we really needed to get action would have been a Senior Citizen to fall because of the water, or a stroller overturning. Perhaps a fatal car crash due to blinding by water spray.

Sadly, this is our government at work?

Offline KC

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2008, 04:36:43 PM »
Can anyone explain, simply, the difference in functions between Councilwoman Sears and Assemblyman Lafayette and Senator John Sabini?  I'm sure they all have different areas of involvement  for the community.  I know one of the things I thought about re: the thread on the water leaking on 35th Ave. and 80th street that emailing Sears was the WRONG person.  The complaints should have gone directly to the DEP.  But I wasn't sure.  Now I see the DEP has been there fixing the problem for the last couple days so I was right in that respect.  Unless Sears' office got in touch with them???  I don't know though.

When there's a problem or issue, how do you know which office to contact?

Oh!  Oh!  Oh!  Can I do my little civics lesson?

We have representatives in the City, State and Federal Government.

For the executive branch, Mayor Bloomberg is the head of the City, Governor Paterson is the head of the State, and President Bush is the head of the Federal.

Each executive has a corresponding legislative body.  In the City, it is the City Council.  In NY State it is State Assembly and the State Senate.  In Washington it’s the House and the Senate. 

Each legislative branch has the responsibility of working with its corresponding executive branch to create budgets associated with the region, and to pass laws related to the region. 

Sabini and Lafayette and Peralta are representatives on State-related issues, and work with the governor’s office.

Sears and Monseratte are City Council representatives, and work with the mayor’s office.

Crowley is our representative in the House and Clinton and Schumer are our Senators, and they all work with (or against, as the case may be) President Bush.

We all pay taxes that go in to the coiffeurs of the City, State and Federal entities.  The Feds have the most money, and part of their job is to distribute our money to the states. (It is, after all, our money!)  The states fight against each other to get their fair share of the Federal pot.   The states are then responsible for distributing money to the localities, and the localities struggle to get their own share of the pot.  Here in NYC, money is also designated to specific districts, so each City Council Rep should be fighting to bring money into the district. 

So the answer is, if it is a community issue, you should probably go to your City Council Rep first.  You might then be told it is a State issue… as in the State is not distributing fund for that particular concern, or the NYC is not getting its fair share of the State pot, in which case you should bump it up to your State reps.  Or that there is State or Federal law that prohibits something that you want for your community. 

To further complicate things, there are “entities” that are also responsible for distributing funds and providing services…but your City Council rep should be your liaison to those entities if they are City entities, (like the Department of Youth and Community Development, or DEP) and your State rep should be your liaison to State entities.  You are free, of course, to contact those entities yourself. 

But your representative is your representative is your representative. 

Eh hem. 

« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 04:49:08 PM by KC »

Offline ECG

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2008, 08:31:32 PM »
KC you rock!

I know I listened in Civics class (even though the airplanes were flying over the school - even then) but it was a tad more than half a century ago!

Offline JoeinQueens

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2008, 10:14:41 PM »
Rudy Greco- so many of neighbors were campaigning and trying to get him elected in 2001, unfortunately Sears won again.

Offline Aronan

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2008, 11:55:25 AM »
So I'm hearing a lot of blame being placed on Helen Sears.. .and I completely agree. I've watched lots of money meant for our neighborhood sent to institutions and places outside of the district and she was the one to hand the checks out. 

She'll be gone in a year, and hopefully, replaced by someone better. A recall election at this point is a serious waste of tax payer money and time.

Now, I may be a neophyte in terms of local politics, but I'm wondering for all the gripes there seem to be against the Councilperson, shouldn't the members of our local community board also share some of the heat ? After all isn't there a land use committee that has some power in deciding what gets put where in the neighborhood ?

It has been a while since I attended a CB 3 meeting, and admittedly I haven't kept up on what they have been doing, but  it seems as a local governing body (with members appointed by Ms. Sears) , some attention needs to be focused on what they are or aren't doing to address the issues brought up in this thread and many others.

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