Author Topic: State Senator Hiram Monserrate  (Read 22447 times)

Offline trosescott

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« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2008, 07:49:24 PM »
For Immediate Release: December 20, 2008       
Contact:  Wayne Mahlke, 646-775-1729
Press Release


Jackson Heights, Queens – Councilman Monserrate today made the
following statement regarding the events of early Friday, December 19.

"As the result of an unfortunate accident involving myself and someone
whom I care for deeply and love, I have been charged with offenses
that I did not commit and am not capable of committing. As a son, a
brother and a father, these accusations are offensive, and they are
crushing on a personal level. Nonetheless I whole-heartedly look
forward to all of the facts being brought to light during this legal

I have dedicated my life to keeping people safe. I stand with the many
elected officials who have expressed their condemnation of domestic
violence and I fully support, and have even enforced, laws meant to
take any appearance of domestic violence seriously. As a police
officer for 12 years, I worked to put men who abused women in jail. As
a member of the City Council, I have an extensive record of supporting
programs that help women to overcome domestic violence.

While I cannot comment more at this time regarding how this accident
occurred because I am now in the midst of the legal process, I would
like to reiterate to my constituents and community that I have
absolutely nothing to hide and all facts will become known at the
appropriate time. In the meantime, I understand everyone's concerns
regarding these allegations and will answer any and all questions that
I can without hindering the legal case.

I want to be very clear that this occurrence was a terribly
unfortunate accident. Despite Karla's initial reticence and reluctance
to go to the hospital, my sole concern was to provide her with
immediate medical attention. In her distress, she insisted that she
would not go to Elmhurst Hospital. I took her to Long Island Jewish
Hospital in Queens because my family has received excellent medical
care there in the past. I got Karla to the hospital as quickly as
possible and I stayed by her side as she was treated. I also contacted
her family, who expressed their confidence that I was caring for her
appropriately and looking out for her wellbeing.

In addition, I would like to caution those who might be tempted to
rush to judgment on press reports that are inaccurate and based upon
speculation and misinformation. Such conclusions will be found
ultimately to be grossly erroneous and unjust. Further, I have serious
concerns about the manner in which this case has been handled.

In the meantime, I would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of
love and support I have received during this difficult time, and look
forward to continuing my role as the new representative of this
community in the New York State Senate.


Offline Marlene

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State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2008, 08:16:01 PM »
Perhaps we should await the completion of the investigation.  There is one side, the other side and then there is the truth. 

Offline ShinjukuBaby

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2008, 06:23:25 AM »
There is one side, the other side and then there is the truth.

I think it's pretty clear which side, "I was getting her a glass of water and tripped," falls on.  (Hint: it's not "the truth".)

Offline liam0925

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2008, 09:54:02 AM »
Perhaps we should await the completion of the investigation. 

I agree.  Innocent until proved guilty.  Let the facts speak for themselves.

Offline smok

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2008, 11:21:34 PM »
The man is no saint, but all you Hiram haters were waiting for an incident hang your hat on. He has done some good things such as supporting the restoration of no parking meters on Sunday, being a MUCH more indepedent check and balance on the Mayor and opaque Queens county politics than any other pol (including Sabini), he has consistently supported middle-income and low-income workers (including supporting small businesses in Willets Point and supporting Flushing-Meadows Corona Park from the stupid proposal to put the Jets Stadium on public land). Keep in mind that most Queens pols have their head so far up the County Democratic Party's -ss and Hiram is/was a refreshing, and necessary counterweight to that. Queen's County's recent support for Hiram is ONLY because they realized if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Who is going to play that role now that Hiram may not survive? This is not to say there are not significant and serious concerns with current and past allegations, I just want to add some perspective to this discussion.

Offline Aronan

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2008, 11:40:04 PM »
Perspective noted. But, Hiram has played the game too. As you say he is not saint, so why should he be exonerated from public scrutiny of his less than scrupulous dealings? Monserrate's being a counter weight to the Queens Machine has little to do with his interest in his constituents then it does his own self interest. His hands are not clean, and yes in this country we are all innocent until proven guilty. So let due process play out, but let it play out fairly. As much as he shouldn't receive unjust treatment based on speculation, his position and political ties do not equate his ability to operate above the law.
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Offline smok

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2008, 11:47:11 PM »
Aronan - I agree with you 100%, one has little to do with the other. If he broke the law, he deserves to face the consequences. The problem is that some folks are using this opportunity to make a political point. The 'see, we should have kept Sabini' contingent needs to be put in check. People are suddenly concluding that he has done nothing good. It's either amnesia or ignorance (I hope not prejudice).

Offline Aronan

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2008, 11:51:05 PM »
I'm not so much a keep Sabini supporter as I am an anti thug proponent. And that sentiment knows no race. I am willing to stand back and let this play out for now. However, one has to take in to account Monserate's history and dealings in the past and look at this as part of a pattern. If we lost Sabini to a conviction that was actually lesser than a  DUI charge then Hiram should be measured by the same stick.
"It is widely recognized that the courageous spirit of a
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create such an effect, how much more will be produced by one who cares for greater things ?" -Chunag Tse

Offline smok

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2008, 01:16:37 AM »
As far as I'm concerned we need better leadership all around. Neither Sabini nor Monserrate are shining examples of what good public servants should be. We need better options than the elected officials and candidates we typically get. It's a crying shame.

Offline Really4rob

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2008, 10:25:08 PM »
As far as I'm concerned we need better leadership all around. Neither Sabini nor Monserrate are shining examples of what good public servants should be. We need better options than the elected officials and candidates we typically get. It's a crying shame.

Probably the most intelligent thing I read this evening.  And non partisan to boot ... well said!
Think before you speak.  Speak your mind.  Mind your business.  Business before pleasure.
Any questions?

Offline petster

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #40 on: December 27, 2008, 01:07:15 PM »
I had just read in one of the local papers that Monsserrate use to be a police officer and that while on the force his gun was taken away from him secondary to psychological problems.  He collected a disability  pension from the  NYPD.  It also states that he allegedly was responsible for running over a tow truck driver around the time of 9-11. The incident never received coverage because of the 9-11 attacks.  The article chronicles a history  of psychological problems. This is scary.  And he's planning to go to the Senate!!??

Offline eddiestjohns

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2008, 03:50:38 PM »

Offline causidicus

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #42 on: January 01, 2009, 05:04:27 PM »
I do not speak Spanish, but I wanted to know how the Spanish-language media are reporting this.  Does anyone know?

Are there any community-based domestic violence programs (not funded by Monserrate) that have spoken out?

Also, unless I am missing something, are not most Queens elected officials at least tacitly supportive of Monserrate after this incident?

To all those who cry, "Innocent until proven guilty":
Politicians--think Spitzer and now Blagojevich--have fallen for being accused of crimes that are a lot less heinous.  Setting aside what happened in that apartment, what is undisputed is an elected official took a trauma victim to a hospital over twelve miles away when he could have taken her a few blocks away or to at least a half dozen other hospitals between here and Nassau County.

Does anyone else not find it disturbing that there is no outcry?  DV is a huge problem.  Are women's lives, at least in some households and/or communities, not worthy?

I would like to be part of any reaction if someone can refer me to other individuals and organizations who care about this particular issue.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2009, 05:09:37 PM by causidicus »

Offline Aronan

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Re: State Senator Hiram Monserrate
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2009, 10:41:25 AM »
The Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club of Queens hosted a forum the other night where those seeking Monseratte's Council seat were able to talk about their plans and answer questions from the community. The New York Observer summarized the evenings events here:

"It is widely recognized that the courageous spirit of a
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create such an effect, how much more will be produced by one who cares for greater things ?" -Chunag Tse