Author Topic: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)  (Read 7464 times)

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Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« on: February 14, 2012, 02:22:26 PM »

A 1930s-era movie theater in Jackson Heights that became a porn palace before showing Bollywood flicks is about to experience its most radical reincarnation.

A large South Asian grocery store and food court is slated to open this spring in the gutted shell of the Eagle Theater in the heart of Queens’ Little India.

But owners of the new Jackson Heights Bazaar — who launched the project before a controversial pedestrian plaza was installed on 37th Rd. and 74th St. — said the plaza could torpedo their best laid plans.

“In this neighborhood, if you open any Indian store you’re guaranteed to make money,” said Razi Ahmed, one of the owners of the Bazaar. “But not anymore.”

And local leaders are unhappy for another reason, saying the last thing the congested community needs is another supermarket.

Ahmed and other South Asian business owners are lobbying the city remove the car-free plaza, which was installed last fall.

They claim it has interrupted the flow of traffic and made it hard for shoppers to find parking.

“It’s in the wrong place at the wrong time,” said Shiv Dass, president of the Jackson Heights Indian Merchants Association. “It has just become a place for homeless people, drunk people.”

City Councilman Daniel Dromm (D-Jackson Heights) defended the award-winning plaza.

“It gives the community open space in which they can meet, discuss issues and concerns and network with each other in a relaxed atmosphere,” he said.

Efforts were made to work with the disgruntled merchants, he said, by reinstating some parking on 37th Rd. lost to bike lanes. There is also a proposal before Community Board 3 to change the direction of the road to feed into the business district.

But Dromm expressed concerns over the “amount of traffic” the Bazaar is expected to generate.

“The area is already overwhelmingly congested and I just don’t see how it can sustain another supermarket,” he said.

Daniel Karatzas, the author of “Jackson Heights — A Garden in the City,” also bemoaned the loss of the historic, art-deco theater for a grocery store.

The Eagle was shuttered in 2009 due to a lethal combination of a Bollywood strike in India and a high rent increase, the Daily News previously reported.

“It’s unfortunate that the interior was demolished,” said Karatzas, who would have preferred to have seen the theater preserved. But the loss of movie houses has “happened all over the city

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2012, 03:28:39 PM »
Well it's nice to see that the merchants association is suddenly concerned about quality of life issues in and around the neighborhood! What welcome news indeed! Perhaps Mr. Dass has some proposals about easing pedestrian flow along crowded sidewalks where merchants illegally display all their goods? Or about all the smelly garbage left on the sidewalks that attract pigeons and rats? Or ways to get their customers to obey traffic laws when they drive into our neighborhood so they don't double-park or make illegal U-turns on 37th Avenue??

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2012, 03:51:39 PM »
I think Mr. Dass' main concern is making money. Preserving landmarks and quality of life issues don't seem to be on his mind.  I wonder if it occured to the Merchants Association to learn what makes from other pedestrian plazas in NYC (and other places)  successful and then perhaps take some steps on their own?  I haven't heard anything to that effect. Doesn't seem to be a priority.

Offline petster

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2012, 09:16:32 PM »

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0 Nods  Re: JH Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #78 on: February 04, 2012, 10:51:26 PM » Quote 

This plaza is an incredible improvement from the traffic and filth that was there before. Yes, having another market in an already saturated community is the last thing we need.This plaza finally represents something which is sorely needed by our community. Namely, more green space void of noise, garbage and traffic. If the Eagle is to reopen it should do so as a community performance space, not another market. I think it is outrageous to see how our community is abused and destroyed by those who dont even reside here.

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2012, 09:38:15 PM »
Back when the Eagle first closed there was a lot of talk about using the space for a community center or cultural hub.

The problem is that no non-profit had/has the money for this.

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2012, 09:39:36 PM »
personally? i cannot imagine why the neighborhood needs another food market, particularly as a brand new one opened up right around the corner just weeks ago (and a good one at that -- clean, 24 hours, yay).

that said, i know this is an unpopular opinion, but we live in free-market america, not the peoples republic of jackson heights.

south asian markets that open are immediately swamped with paying customers. same with jewelers. same with what some like to call 'hoochie' clothes stores.

perhaps that indicates the neighborhood can actually support these businesses in the numbers we currently have?
if people didn't want all this, these places would not open (which might explain our dearth of german-chilean fusion cafes).

if anyone here is willing to put 300K or so of their own cash on the line to test the waters for a bistro, a baby photo studio, a designer kitchen franchise, bless you. i would probably patronize ... well, the first.

shall we?

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2012, 09:46:52 PM »
A brand new one where?

And if the neighborhood can't support Rudy Volcano, then what exactly DO they (and who is they) want.

Right now the 'award-winning' plaza looks skanky.

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2012, 01:03:42 PM »
It could be much better obviously, but for now the plaza seems fine to me, even as is, and I go through there regularly. It is a vast improvement compared to what was there before, and the efforts to keep it clean are working very well.  It's a good idea that would be fabulous for all concerned eventually.  When it has been even slightly warm, I've seen people sitting at the tables, day and night.   I completely disagree with the comment in the article that it just draws "homeless people" and drunks.

As far as the new large South Asian market going into the old Eagle space, the issue is that the owner says in this and other articles that he expects that the neighborhood can't support his business apparently, and that he needs, and is counting on, cars coming from out of town to support it. 

Does anyone know if the Shiv Dass quoted in the article is the same one who is listed as Co-Chair of the Business & Economic Development Committee on Community Board 3's website?

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2012, 01:07:32 PM »
Does anyone know if the Shiv Dass quoted in the article is the same one who is listed as Co-Chair of the Business & Economic Development Committee on Community Board 3's website?

Wow! Now that is a great question!!

Offline madalyn

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2012, 02:16:03 PM »
If they keep and spruce up the pedestrian plaza - even extending it to the entire 37th Rd., and someone has the wherewithal and vision to open a coffee shop/bakery there, (with nice pastries and breads, not crap we have too much of already in the 'hood), I'm pretty sure they'll clean up.  People would be happy to sit outside reading the newspaper or just chatting while sipping coffee and enjoying a light bite.

The local merchants should stop grousing and let something creative happen in their midst.  If they had a clue, they would not have allowed the area to be so filthy all the time.  In the end, they will all benefit and wish they hadn't been so negative about the changes.

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2012, 02:32:34 PM »
There are so many IFs in your comment!

Maybe it is just the weather but the whole topic depresses me.

Sorry, just venting a bit. I apologize.

Offline madalyn

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2012, 02:43:18 PM »
Hey ECG - I only see 2 IFs  ???

I'll add a third one:  IF I had a bucket-load of the green stuff, I would open the place myself.

Sorry you're not feeling too cheerful today.  A nice pastry from Cannelle would do you a world of good.  ;)

Online dssjh

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2012, 04:39:44 PM »
the brand new 24 hour supermarket is about four doors down from Patel Brothers. and it has a carryout food component that duplicates the intended food court as well.

A brand new one where?

And if the neighborhood can't support Rudy Volcano, then what exactly DO they (and who is they) want.

Right now the 'award-winning' plaza looks skanky.

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2012, 05:07:32 PM »
Mmm! Carry out!

Now I'm cheering up.
Thanks, Madalyn, I've been down in the dumps recently - that is located near the Slough of Despond.
And it's open 24 hrs a day, too.

Fearing I'm straying from the topic. . .

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2012, 11:02:53 AM »
Does anyone know if the Shiv Dass quoted in the article is the same one who is listed as Co-Chair of the Business & Economic Development Committee on Community Board 3's website?

Wow! Now that is a great question!!

Yes, the Shiv Dass from the article is the same Shiv Dass who is on the Community Board.

I have heard many people say that he voted in favor of the plaza when it came up at the Community Board meeting in the summer.