Author Topic: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)  (Read 7464 times)

Offline koku

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2012, 01:02:33 PM »
it's a pervasive tone, koku.

well, that may be because of that fact English is not my first language.  Control tone is always difficult for me.  I would be able to say the same thing with much nicer way in my native language.  When I have to debate in person, I always excuse first by saying "please excuse my language because sometimes I don't have enough vocabulary to say things nicer way and it can be harsh."  and this helps a lot.  for example, in stead of saying "It may not be the best things to do", I used to simply say "It is bad."  Usually, people wouldn't judge me from just my speech because there are other factors showing who I am.

But in this case, I understand you have to judge me just from my text because that all you have.  But in the future, if you speak with someone who is not from this country and whose English is not so good, I hope you take the person's language background into consideration before you make a judgement.

Online dssjh

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2012, 01:09:31 PM »
i don't believe you are correct in your assertion, Koku.

and i don't think there's any debating the racism inherent in a line like

"I  guess everyone knows why that street is so filthy but can't point the reason out for the solution because someone would say it is politically incorrect."

that was delivered with utmost clarity....and i believe all of your statements on such topics have been clear. crystal clear.

Offline koku

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2012, 01:18:19 PM »
so you are saying criticizing people throwing garbage on the public street is considered racism??

Offline theplanesland

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2012, 06:14:26 PM »
Can we instead discuss why the merchants are so dismissive of the local community and focused on shoppers coming in cars from the "tri-state area," and how to change that attitude?

Online dssjh

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2012, 06:31:42 PM »
wow, that *is* politically incorrect.....criticizing "people."

the non-people who would do such a thing had better duck and cover, eh?

so you are saying criticizing people throwing garbage on the public street is considered racism??

Offline francis

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2012, 06:45:11 PM »
I've lived in Jackson Heights for over 20 years now and have to say that I've never once shopped on 37Th road or on 73rd street for that matter. I often walk these streets to the train but have found them to be filthy and wouldn't want to spend any amount of time there.  While I am sure that many residents of Jackson Heights do shop there, it is clear that the majority of people come from out of town as evidence by the insurmountable traffic  and resulting noise and pollution. The plaza, although not at its full potential,  is an incredible improvement from the cacophony that existed before. That's why they changed the traffic pattern. Its to benefit the people who live here. I feel like I can breathe when I walk up the block now. It would be great to get something to eat and sit at a table under a tree or two.  I hope that Daniel Dromm is able to retain this space for the community and make it green. It would be great for people coming into the neighborhood as well. I would think it is the responsibility of the community board and our councilman to do what's right for the "residents" of the improve the quality of life  here. It follows then that it would be a good place to do business.

Offline taggie

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2012, 09:33:02 AM »
 Francis, I agree with you on this. The area has been unwelcoming for many years. The guy sitting at the top of the steps on the 37th Road subway entrance
has been there forever. Don't see as many drunks as before even. But the fact that parking has become any kind of issue for these businesses is reflective
of how little interest there is in cultivating local customers. Besides this being an insult to the local community, there is an antagonism about making the
area better for all. This seems counterproductive to good business practices. Who wants to eat in a restaurant that is not visibly clean? Sidewalk and tree
pits included. Or walk down the street even when it's so dense and people don't let others get past.
 I can't wait for spring and the redesign of the Plaza which should make this area a gem (if all goes well) and a source of pride rather than embarrassment for local residents. I would like for more harmonious relationships between all of the diverse groups in Jackson Heights and think this is a fine opportunity to
reset the situation. My dream would be health conscious Indian food with lower fat and lot's of vegetables. I believe this business would do really well here
as a sort of nouvelle indian healthy restaurant but for everyday customers.

Offline koku

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2012, 09:07:43 PM »
wow, that *is* politically incorrect.....criticizing "people."

the non-people who would do such a thing had better duck and cover, eh?

you are actually making fun of my english ability.

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Re: Eagle Theatre to become Supermarket (Daily News)
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2012, 10:04:02 PM »
Take a deep breath everyone!
