Author Topic: Senator Peralta and the IDC  (Read 31383 times)

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2017, 09:00:02 AM »
In fact, I believe I have said elsewhere that I believe Peralta's voting record will not be the issue.

So what will be the issue, specifically? I apologize if I missed it, but nobody seems to be talking about concrete ways this will actually affect us. Why should I care, as someone who cares about issues but not partisanship? This is not a rhetorical question - I really want to know.

The issue is that the Republicans control the flow of information and legislation through the Senate, including what bills come to the floor and whether they make it through committee. And by caucusing with them, the IDC has delegated that power to the Republicans. Peralta's specific, individual voting record doesn't matter so much if he never gets the chance to vote on certain legislation.

The Democrats could have a majority if the IDC disbanded, as the morally worthless Felder has said that he'll caucus with whoever gives him the best perks. Then the Democrats would be able to determine what bills get debated and voted on.

Now, you could say that there are already several IDC members, so Peralta's individual choice doesn't make or break the IDC. That's where we get into a debate of accommodation versus resistance. Peralta's choice to join the IDC "because otherwise he would have no influence" strikes a lot of people as very similar to the argument that it's pointless to protest the Trump administration, as they were elected and control the levers of power, and protesting is just pointless noise.

However, the past few weeks have shown that isn't the case - protest works, and has caused the administration lots of trouble. And the past few years showed, with the Tea Party on the national stage in 2009, that protest works, and in fact can win big in ways that accommodation fails to do. So Peralta saying that "it is worthless to be part of the group that is out of power" strikes many people right now as obsolete thinking.

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2017, 10:32:44 AM »
Actually, because of the power sharing agreement, members of the IDC chair committees, including Labor, Consumer Protection and Banking, that would otherwise be chaired by Republicans.  So they do have a say on what reaches the floor.

I hate Trump, but if the IDC can pass the Dream Act and the Farm Workers Rights bill then why is that a bad thing.  Why don't we wait to see what happens.

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2017, 10:59:19 AM »
Attached is a link to a petition that is on

Petitioning State Senator Jose Peralta
Peralta: Return to Democratic Caucus or Resign

Will Sweeney Jackson Heights, NY

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2017, 11:05:31 AM »
Queenskid2: There were tape recordings made by federal prosecutors where former republican leader of the Senate Dean Skelos discusses what "power" the IDC has and why they are in a "coalition" with the Democrats. You could not get any better evidence.

“I heard you left a handprint on somebody’s ass,” the Skelos scion remarked, apparently referring to Bronx State Senator Jeffrey Klein, the leader of the IDC.

But the younger Mr. Skelos chided his father when he found out Mr. Klein would retain the title of co-leader and some small legislative powers. The father reminded the son that the GOP majority was then only two seats strong, and that the Democrats would likely win a numerical majority in 2016 as they had in 2012.

Still, he assured his boy that he would retain the title of majority leader and president of the Senate and ultimate power over all legislation and chairmanships in that house of the State Legislature.

“I’m going to control everything,” he said. “He’s going to get very little. Believe me. Very little. Everybody’s going to know.”

The larger point was to make sure the IDC and larger Democratic conference remain to bitter towards one another to cooperate, he said.

“Keep them separate and fighting and hating each other,” the then-Senate leader continued. “That’s what’s worked for the last six years.

“Keeping them at each other’s throats,” he continued.

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2017, 11:30:11 AM »
This is the article published by Times Union regarding Senator Peralta's efforts to offer labor protections and rights to 100,000 farmworkers in New York. Currently, farmworkers don't have a right to a day off, overtime...

Times Union:
Boris Martinez typically works from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day during the summer without a day off.

A Long Island farmworker and native Spanish speaker, Martinez says it doesn’t matter if he’s sick or an important matter to attend to “our bosses only care that we produce for them.”

Martinez, who appeared in Albany on Monday to share his experiences, is among those pushing for a long-stalled Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act, an omnibus bill that would give farmworkers a number of labor protections. The legislation would provide, among other things, the right for farmworkers to collectively bargain, a day of rest for farmworkers, overtime pay and certain minimum wage protections.

Though the legislation has passed the Democrat-controlled Assembly in years past, it lacks key sponsorship from Senate Majority Republicans that would signal it is ready for passage in that house of the Legislature (it hasn’t come up for a vote in previous years, either).

The bill, now prime-sponsored by members of the Independent Democratic Conference (a band of Democrats in the Senate who have formed a majority coalition with the Republicans), comes up again in 2017 at an interesting time politically. On Monday, the national political winds swirling around immigration policy came up more than once.

“You have a Donald Trump who’s really castigating immigrants,” state Sen. Jose Peralta, D-Queens, said. “Now is a time for us to step up and be that front line of protection.”

Though the legislation in question is geared toward labor, the issue of migrant farmworkers being boxed out of certain state labor protections has been at the fore of the debate over this bill. The New York Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the state last year on behalf of a Spanish-speaking North Country dairy worker who claimed he was fired after attempting to organize fellow employees.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo immediately said his administration would not defend against the suit in court. The New York Farm Bureau was granted intervenor status as the defendant in the case, and is awaiting a judge’s ruling on a motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

In the meantime, the senators are pressing for a law because, as Peralta put it, “we don’t want any questions unanswered, and by codifying, it’s in the statute and we know there are no questions. Now we get to enforce it.”

Farmers remain vehemently opposed to the legislation.

Farm Credit East, a financial services provider for Northeastern farmers, issued a report in November looking at just the overtime pay implications of the legislation. It projected that farm net income would drop by 45.4 percent once a $12.50 minimum wage is fully phased-in by 2021 and if farmers are required to provide overtime pay. That equates to a 2.5 billion decline in gross farm sales, leading to a “significant” decline in agriculture sector employment statewide.

“Particularly urban lawmakers like to speak in generalities about the hardships facing farmworkers when farmers in reality are providing them with opportunities, they’re providing them with jobs well above the minimum wage in most instances,” New York Farm Bureau spokesman Steve Ammerman said, adding that workers often are given housing and other amenities as well. “I think it’s a fallacy that farmworkers are not treated well.”

Offline liberlatino

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2017, 11:34:43 AM »
Attached is a link to a petition that is on

Petitioning State Senator Jose Peralta
Peralta: Return to Democratic Caucus or Resign

Will Sweeney Jackson Heights, NY

On the issue of resigning, Councilmember Daniel Dromm reportedly called on Peralta to resign after the switch.


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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #81 on: February 07, 2017, 12:14:29 PM »
The Republican Senate has just announced that they will NOT allow a vote on the Dream Act and they will NOT allow a vote on making NY a sanctuary state. So now that we have waited a day to see results of the IDC and Republican coalition, we got our answer. A big middle finger in our face.

Senate GOP isn’t budging on the DREAM Act

"State Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan on Tuesday tossed another bucket of ice water on the idea of passing legislation that would allow undocumented students to tap into financial aid for college, less than 24 hours after the Assembly passed that legislation for a fifth time."

"Flanagan also shot down the idea of “sanctuary state” protections, as were approved by the Assembly Monday night. He said the 77-58 vote to approve that legislation, a relatively slim margin for an Assembly that’s overwhelmingly Democratic, “is an indication of the significant number of problems associated with the bill.

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #82 on: February 07, 2017, 12:16:29 PM »
I am sorry, I did not provide the link for this breaking news:

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #83 on: February 07, 2017, 02:39:58 PM »
A new story just got posted on Gothamist.

"Rogue NY Senate Democrats Face Wrath Of The Trump Resistance

At a press conference Monday, Peralta, in Trumpian fashion, blamed "agitators" from outside his district and the Democratic caucus for the hostile response at the town hall. There is now a petition circulating demanding that Peralta rejoin the Democratic caucus or step down from his seat. It currently has more than 500 signatories.

Harris Doran, of Rise & Resist, challenged Peralta's claim about protesters being outsiders. "Peralta's statement about the Democratic minority party sending protestors to the town hall is false. There were a bunch of grassroots people there who have no relationship with State Democrats," he said. "Most of the people who stood at the mic and spoke said they were constituents—it's on video."

Offline SD13

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #84 on: February 07, 2017, 07:42:35 PM »
This is a piece in the Daily News regarding Senator Peralta's push to expand the state's Tuition Assistance Program to all students regardless of their immigration status.

Breakaway Senate Dems want undocumented immigrants to receive college financial aid in N.Y.

ALBANY — A group of eight breakaway Senate Dems plan to make a college affordability proposal that would cover undocumented immigrants its priority in the coming state budget negotiations.

The Senate Independent Democratic Conference would expand the state's Tuition Assistance Program to include more people regardless of immigration status.

With budget talks soon to heat up, the IDC's newest member, Sen. Jose Peralta (D-Queens), said the conference’s college affordability plan is its "number one priority." Peralta, who has long been the Senate sponsor of a bill to create a state DREAM Act, has been heavily criticized the past week for defecting from the mainline Dems.

The original IDC plan, first detailed by the Daily News in January, sought to raise the Tuition Assistance Program’s family income eligibility limit to $200,000 a year, up from $80,000. But the IDC has since lowered the top eligibility level it is pushing to $125,000, which is in line with a plan that Gov. Cuomo proposed to make public college tuition in New York free for some families.

The maximum TAP award under the IDC proposal would grow to $5,815, up from $5,165. The minimum TAP award would double to $1,000.

Peralta said he hopes the fact the plan would mean more tuition help for working and middle class families that make up many of the Senate Republican districts would win GOP support even if it also covers undocumented immigrants.

“This plan gets financial aid to those that need it,” he said. “We need to expand TAP. We need to help more students regardless of immigration status.”

The IDC is aligned with the Senate Republicans in a leadership coalition that has come under greater attack from many in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party since the election of President Trump.

Though the IDC points to successful efforts last year to raise the minimum wage and create a statewide paid family leave program, insiders say the breakaway conference is under pressure to deliver on a number of Democratic initiatives like the DREAM Act that Peralta has long championed.

Senate Republicans not only oppose the idea of giving state tuition money to undocumented immigrants, they made it a big campaign issue in many districts last year.

Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan (R-Suffolk County) reiterated his conference’s opposition to the concept on Tuesday.

“I think the position of our members is let's make sure we are taking care of the hard working middle class taxpayers who are struggling right now,” Flanagan said. “Our conference is strongly opposed to the DREAM Act.”

It’s unclear if that opposition would soften if rather than passing a separate DREAM Act bill, the provisions were part of a broader budget bill that included more tuition assistance for middle class families.

Peralta and the IDC are hoping it will. Cuomo again included a call to create a state DREAM Act in his budget plan unveiled in January.

“I believe this is going to be the year we get this done,” Peralta said.

Senate Democratic spokesman Mike Murphy said that “for a supposed Democrat to claim a top priority is the DREAM Act while at the same time empowering Trump Republicans who have stood in the way for years and have used bigoted and offensive mailings to oppose (that) very legislation is the ultimate act of political deception and the public and advocates will see through this ploy."

Meanwhile, Assemblyman Francisco Moya, a Queens Democrat who has long carried the DREAM Act bill in his chamber, said he hadn’t seen the IDC plan and couldn’t comment on it.

But he said he’d like to see Peralta and the IDC push the DREAM Act as separate legislation.

“They have a lead sponsor for the New York State DREAM Act as part of their conference now,” Moya said. “Let’s get it done.”

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #85 on: February 07, 2017, 08:43:56 PM »
Yes thats nice and confusing, but the story says that Republican Senate Leader Flanagan outright says they will oppose the Dream Act. You could see in the article that Assemblyman Moya smells something funny going on.

This is all more of the same.

So if Flanagan is 100 percent against the Dream Act, why is the IDC sitting in a caucus with them and receiving goodies like pay perks, cars, extra staff, bigger offices ?

Is this a new strategy ? Yes, Jose Peralta supports the Dream Act. We know that. Why is he aligned with the republicans is the question ?

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #86 on: February 09, 2017, 11:32:53 AM »
This is the link to an editorial published today by the Queens Tribune about the Senator's decision to join the IDC.

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #87 on: February 09, 2017, 01:24:14 PM »
Amazing article in the Village Voice. Jackson heights community activists will go down in history as starting a citywide movement.

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #88 on: February 10, 2017, 11:57:04 AM »
New article:

"Crowley and many constituents slam Peralta’s jump to IDC"

“You are empowering the Republicans and everyone in this room knows it,” Jackson Heights resident Jennifer Dabnau said. “Your constituents are angry. We are probably going to vote you out.”

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #89 on: February 10, 2017, 11:59:55 AM »
Another new article:

"Constituents call Peralta a ‘traitor’"

Community Board 3 member and Jackson Heights resident Arturo Sanchez said he was not pleased with the answers provided by Peralta during the town hall.

“He didn’t say anything, he just tried to justify himself,” Sanchez said. “It was politics as usual. He’s a problematic elected official.”