Author Topic: Senator Peralta and the IDC  (Read 31379 times)

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2017, 11:07:05 PM »
You're comparing white and black people of good conscience working together in the 60's, putting their lives at risk, to overturn racial discrimination in the United State with Jose Peralta and Jeff Klein working with right wing Republicans ? Wow.

And you're blaming the LGBT community for NOT working with the Catholic Church on marriage equality, as if that was ever even on the table ?

No one knows what the IDCers are talking about when they say they want to work with the Republicans against Trump. The Republicans are for Trump, they are not against him. Why would they work against him if they are for him ? They do not want to work against him. What is Peralta talking about ?

This alternative reality spin is not going to work on the voters of Jackson Heights, Elmhurst and Corona.

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2017, 11:13:08 PM »
In Trump era, renegade NYC Democrats’ alliance to Albany Republicans draws voter outrage
Sunday, February 5, 2017, 12:29 PM

What are those New York City Democrats doing allied to the party of President Trump?

That’s what a growing number of constituents for three state senators are wondering since the pols moved to break away from mainstream Dems and join a conference allied to majority Republicans in Albany.

Queens voters voiced their anger on Friday night at the Jewish Center of Jackson Heights, where some 200 people came to grill state Sen. Jose Peralta about his recent decision to join a group of renegades called the Independent Democratic Conference.

“Your constituents are angry. We are probably going to vote you out,” said Jenny Dubnau, 53, of Jackson Heights.

State Senate Dems’ splinter group gains 8th member: Jose Peralta
Peralta held the town hall at the urging of constituents like Dubnau, an artist, who have been furious since Peralta joined the IDC on Jan. 25.

The move came as anti-Trump protests have become a constant in the city, and many audience members accused Peralta of empowering the President’s supporters in Albany.

“(Trump’s) going to do voter suppression and the only people who can protect our state is you guys. And you just aligned yourself with his biggest supporters,” Joan Halligan-Wang, 54, of East Elmhurst said to applause.

Peralta insisted by having a coalition with Republicans, the IDC will be able to stop Republican efforts to help Trump policies loathed by city progressives.

Struggling through frequent interruptions, he began the night by explaining why he decided to join the IDC in the first place.

He pointed to the group’s work passing stricter gun control, universal pre-k for New York City and minimum wage increases, among other accomplishments, since the group allied with Republicans in 2012.

“The only thing that I’m asking you to do is to keep an open mind,” Peralta said. “In two years, you will have an opportunity to do what you choose to. But for those two years, I ask you to keep an open mind.”

Dozens who couldn’t get into the town hall remained outside, chanting slogans like, “No Trump! No GOP! No goddamn IDC!” A handful of people held signs in support of Peralta and the coalition.

State elections aren’t for another two years, but Queens Democratic Party leaders are already talking about finding a challenger for Peralta’s seat. Rep. Joe Crowley of Queens has increasingly voiced his anger over Peralta’s move to join the IDC.

He railed against the senator, though not by name, at a dinner for Queens Dems last week, according to a Democratic source.

“Crowley went really hard. (He said) this is unacceptable, especially in this era,” the source said. “We can't have Queens Dems going to the IDC and empowering Republicans, and we’re going to make that loud and clear. And that place went crazy.”

Other new members of the eight-strong IDC are coming under pressure, too. Brooklyn state Sen. Jesse Hamilton and Upper Manhattan state Sen. Marisol Alcantara joined the group in the fall.

One of Alcantara’s politically active constituents said she wants the senator to hold a public forum — once the voter can take a break from protests on issues like Trump’s immigration order.

“People in our neighborhood are shocked that this could have happened,” Lynn Max, 71, of the Upper West Side said of Alcantara’s decision to join the IDC.

Alcantara said she’s worked to answer constituents’ questions about the IDC at every opportunity.

"(Trump’s) going to do voter suppression and the only people who can protect our state is you guys. And you just aligned yourself with his biggest supporters," says Joan Halligan-Wang, 54, of East Elmhurst.

The Latina senator said she found recent criticism of her, Hamilton, who is black, and Peralta, who is Latino, racist. The other five members of the IDC are white.

“I think it’s like a racist statement that they are questioning the three people of color and they always bring up money,” Alcantara said in a phone interview, pointing to reports of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions she received from the IDC.

She also echoed Peralta’s assertion that being allied to Republicans puts the IDC in a stronger position to block their efforts to support Trump.

Republican senators recently proposed a bill requiring colleges to collect info on foreign-born students, a move Peralta plans to fight.

“It's horrible. First thing I did was call (state Sen.) Jeff Klein and talk to my other colleagues,” she said, referencing the IDC’s leader. “We have issues in regard to immigration.”

Trump’s presidency is giving mainstream Democrats new ammunition for their long-standing claim that the best way for the IDC’s members to reach progressive goals would be by rejoining the main conference. Republicans would still have a functioning majority by one vote.

“Anyone that decides to prop up pro-Trump Republicans will be on the wrong side of history,” Senate Democratic spokesperson Mike Murphy said in a statement. “We need Democrats that actually care about Democratic values and not just personal or political perks,” he added, making a dig at Alcantara’s and Hamilton’s chairmanships of the labor and banks committees, respectively.

State Sen. Diane Savino, an early member of the IDC, rejected Murphy’s criticism. But she said Peralta’s town hall showed IDC members have work to do explaining the purpose of the coalition.

“It’s clear that we have an opportunity now to reconnect with voters in a way we can educate them more and really get them involved in things that really matter on the state level,” the Staten Island senator said.

Albany watchers view the recent additions of Peralta and company as a sign the IDC is here to stay. That seemed fine with a number of the Friday town hall’s attendees.

“All these people in this room don’t find a solution. Mr. Peralta is trying to find a solution,” said Julian Garfield, 51, of East Elmhurst

Offline Ecowoodlandsprite

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #62 on: February 06, 2017, 10:15:28 AM »
Just out of curiosity, why doesn't anyone challenge him on Twitter?

Offline thedude

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Re: Re: Town Hall Meeting with Senator Peralta
« Reply #63 on: February 06, 2017, 01:10:11 PM »
Senator Peralta at a Albany press conference just called the concerned citizens of Jackson Heights and Corona "agitators" and "outsiders." Does this man have no shame ?

IDC’s Jose Peralta accuses mainline Dems of ‘cannibalizing’ dissenters
   By Matthew Hamilton on February 6, 2017 at 12:36 PM   Albany Times Union

Defending himself against a barrage of criticisms following a testy town hall meeting with constitutents Friday evening over his decision to join the state Senate Independent Democratic Conference, Sen. Jose Peralta is accusing mainline Senate Democrats of planting “agitators” at the meeting and of “badmouthing” and “cannibalizing” dissenters within his former conference.

Speaking with reporters following an unrelated press conference in Albany on Monday, Peralta said he and staff counted on Friday 60 “agitators” sent “by the minority party, the minority conference, to really disrupt the meeting.” Asked how he knew they were sent by the Democrats, Peralta said there were sign-in sheets, from which out-of-district attendees could be picked out.

“Unfortunately, that’s their tactic,” the Queens Democrat said. “One of the reasons why I left the Democratic Minority Conference is because of this badmouthing or cannibalizing of their members, some Democrats who may not agree with them. I don’t agree with that tactic. I agree about having a vision. I agree about moving forward. I need a vision to get into the majority, to pass legislation like the farmworkers bill of rights, like DREAM, like raise the age, and that’s what IDC is working for and that’s what IDC is committed to do. So, look, I had my town hall, now it’s about having a productive legislative session, and I believe I will.”

Asked about Peralta’s “badmouthing” charges and the allegation that the Democratic conference had played any role in engineering the weekend protests, mainline leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said later Monday morning, “I reject both of those out of hand.”

“People are paying more attention than ever before to how government works,” Stewart-Cousins said in reference to those protests and similar ones on a variety of subjects taking place across the nation. She was appearing at a press conference where the conference was rolling out proposed reforms

Offline M7X7

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #64 on: February 06, 2017, 02:20:33 PM »
Why can't you just wait and see what he actually does and how he votes on things? Is that a stupid question? No sense insisting he's lying about what he's going to do when he hasn't had a chance to do anything yet, right?

Offline lalochezia

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #65 on: February 06, 2017, 02:50:30 PM »
thedude STOP SPAMMING Multiple parts of JHL with the same copy-pasted text

given your behavior and new arrival on this board I think YOU are an agitator, and I lean towards your point of view! you are doing the dems no favors with your behavior.

thedude : you are clearly in violation of the boards terms - mods? he REPEATEDLY does this. can you have a word or ban?

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #66 on: February 06, 2017, 03:07:43 PM »

Yes, I am new to this and I am participating in other topics as well and I had to look up what "spamming" is. Didn't know you weren't suppose to do that. I wont do it again.

I just reviewed all of the rules. I violated one of them, again, about posting things twice, "spamming." I understand why that would be annoying and take away from conversation.

That being said, I posted a newspaper article in two places with a one sentence comment. There are hundreds of people on Twitter posting the same article and are really upset. Its not like I am doing something crazy. You are the one screaming at me (I know enough to know what capitalized letters mean.) There are clear rules prohibiting calling someone a troll, screaming at them, making claims personal, etc. Not sure why I should be "banned." If we are all following the rules, it seems you are the one who has violated them. Please engage in a calmer discussion with me. I find you're tone very upsetting and jarring. It makes me very nervous and I feel like you are trying to intimidate me. I have tried very hard to be measured in what I say.


I don't think I ever said Peralta was "lying about what he's going to do." I have never called him a liar. That wouldn't be fair. I have been posting newspaper articles for the most part and commenting on other folks posts. And no, you're question isn't stupid. In fact, I believe I have said elsewhere that I believe Peralta's voting record will not be the issue.

Offline SamInNY

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #67 on: February 06, 2017, 04:14:43 PM »
Tempers are clearly hot -- but I just read through thedude's posts, and other than posting in more than place (which he is now aware he shouldn't do) I don't really understand what the problem is.

I too was pretty upset at being labeled an outside agitator in my own neighborhood, by a guy I have voted for several times! And I (along with many people I know personally) was part of getting people to the meeting -- it was very much a neighbor-to-neighbor grassroots effort, so his accusations that it was the Party doing something nefarious is equally galling.

And IMO, the issue is not about an individual's voting record. The issue is about control of a chamber, where the majority party decides which legislation gets voted on.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #68 on: February 06, 2017, 04:41:49 PM »
posting links to articles, and a brief summary, or the most relevant text is okay. Posting full articles without a link isn't. I think it might also be copyright infringement.

Offline Crabby_Appleton

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #69 on: February 06, 2017, 06:22:35 PM »
Just out of curiosity, why doesn't anyone challenge him on Twitter?

Because he blocks anyone who challenges him.

Offline liberlatino

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #70 on: February 06, 2017, 06:24:13 PM »
Defending himself against a barrage of criticisms following a testy town hall meeting with constitutents Friday evening over his decision to join the state Senate Independent Democratic Conference, Sen. Jose Peralta is accusing mainline Senate Democrats of planting “agitators” at the meeting and of “badmouthing” and “cannibalizing” dissenters within his former conference.

Speaking with reporters following an unrelated press conference in Albany on Monday, Peralta said he and staff counted on Friday 60 “agitators” sent “by the minority party, the minority conference, to really disrupt the meeting.” Asked how he knew they were sent by the Democrats, Peralta said there were sign-in sheets, from which out-of-district attendees could be picked out.

So, Peralta had his office do a reverse search on the sign-in sheet to ID people. We cannot know if his stats are true. Nevertheless, Peralta used those stats to invalidate the town hall ? Whoa....

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #71 on: February 06, 2017, 06:25:42 PM »
Captain, thanks for taking the time to offer guidance on protocol. Interesting new article just posted in Wall Street Journal:

Breakaway N.Y. Senate Democrats Face Greater Scrutiny by Constituents

Bloc allied with GOP to form bipartisan majority faces pushback from voters after Trump’s election

Samuel Cole, a 30-year-old software engineer in Mr. Peralta’s district who attended the town hall, said “in the wake of the presidential election, I felt a need to get more involved, and the best place is locally.” Mr. Cole said he wasn’t impressed with Mr. Peralta’s explanation for his switch. “He was sort of trying to justify himself after the fact,” Mr. Cole said.

Offline liberlatino

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Re: How did the Town Hall meeting go?
« Reply #72 on: February 06, 2017, 08:42:51 PM »
Does anyone know what happened at Peralta's town hall meeting last night? I heard it was quite a bru-ha-ha with people banging on the windows of the Jewish center of Jackson heights.

Video of the Town Hall (Inside) :

Video of Peralta slipping out the backdoor like a coward after the town hall, when there were still tons of ppl wanting to Speak to him one-on-one :

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #73 on: February 06, 2017, 10:09:24 PM »
Here is another story that just broke in the NY Times. The IDC is now saying the people opposed to them are racists. Even though the crowd I saw at the event was extremely diverse. And of course the leader of the Democratic conference is African-American while the leader of the IDC is white.

Breakaway Democrats in New York Feel Trump Backlash

“I think it’s a real problem, and I think it’s sort of a problem with leadership, that all of the sudden when a Jesse Hamilton or a Jose Peralta or a Marisol Alcantara want to be part of the Independent Democratic Conference because they want to get things done and they want to get things from their districts, somehow it’s some unsavory trade,” he said.

Ms. Alcantara has said that she joined the conference after it offered support that was not coming from the mainstream Democrats. Over the weekend, she called the backlash racist: She and Mr. Peralta are Hispanic, and Mr. Hamilton is black.

Offline M7X7

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #74 on: February 07, 2017, 08:36:24 AM »
In fact, I believe I have said elsewhere that I believe Peralta's voting record will not be the issue.

So what will be the issue, specifically? I apologize if I missed it, but nobody seems to be talking about concrete ways this will actually affect us. Why should I care, as someone who cares about issues but not partisanship? This is not a rhetorical question - I really want to know.