Author Topic: Senator Peralta and the IDC  (Read 31379 times)

Offline Cookie0121

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Re: How did the Town Hall meeting go?
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2017, 03:57:29 PM »
Thanks I read your post but also how was the crowd outside volatile? Were they indeed banging on the windows. I am asking because I belong to that temple and haven't yet spoken to other members.

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2017, 05:13:49 PM »
"theplanesland" Thanks for that exhaustive list of Peralta's responses and you're synopsis is right on the money as too Peralta's claims (none of which I think pass the smell test, I will be honest.) I think we all know the questions posed to Peralta at the event, but I too am exhausted and maybe someone else could post those. Here is my two cents in response to the Peralta list:

1) Bullet 1 and 2 can't BOTH be true. If the Republicans are in the Majority with the infamous Simcha Felder, then why would they need the IDC votes to pass lower property taxes upstate ? If they have 32 votes without the IDC, why would they to a deal to not introduce things as a favor to the IDC ? Makes no sense. NOT TRUE

2) The property tax cap (which limits property tax increases outside of NYC) passed overwhelmingly WITH Democratic senators support. It was Governor Cuomos initiative. Mainline Democratic Senators voted for it as well. Not just the ones in the IDC. Andrea Stewart Cousins voted FOR it. Maybe Peralta wants us to believe she is a secret IDC member. This claim Peralta is making simply never happened and will never happen. Its absurd and he knows it. NOT TRUE

3) We can only hope Raise the Age and Dream Act passes but its not clear if #1 is true, why would the Republicans pass things they built their entire campaigns on against last year. Again, why would they do that ? Because the IDC backstabs the Democrats ?  Watch this TV commercial Peralta's new Republican allies did last year. Its filled with anti-immigrant hate and is all about the Dream Act. They ran these commercials all over the State. But this year they will pass the Dream Act, going against their buddy Trump ? Its all just absurd double speak trying to trick his constituents:

4) Simcha Felder has said (he said it yesterday) he will come back if the IDC does, but that the IDC refused to come back. Okay checkmate Senator Peralta, when are you coming back to the Democratic Party ?

5) Now the IDC will come back if they have more than 31 seats ? In 2014 after being threatened with primaries, the IDC said they were coming back no matter what. Then in 2015 they said it would take 32 seats. The number changes every year. So here is my question. In 2012 when they made the original backstab, the Democrats were in an outright majority and there was no Simcha Felder. Whats changed ?

6) I am guessing Peralta wont vote for a "bill" thats against our interests, but again he is trying to trick us. Most Albany legislation gets wrapped up in omnibus bills where they hide things.

Anyway, thats how I feel. Can't wait until the April meeting. If with 2 days notice 500 people came out, it will be thousands next time.

Here is some free advice to Senator Peralta. Shipping in a bunch of guys in suits people to scream "IDC" at you're neighbors, who get to vote for/against you, does not help you. Shipping in labor people to scream at you're neighbors does not help you. If you think that you need to defend the IDC against you're own neighbors, you are doing someone else's bidding and will be thrown out of office pretty quickly.

Peralta seems to be done at this point. I have never seen so much anger. There is no listening to his weird arguments. No amount of campaign tricks, or campaign flyers is going to convince hundreds of people who came out in the freezing cold, with 1 days notice on social media, in a  completely organic way, to ever support him again. People came to scream at him in his face. If he is so delusional that none of this matters if 5 guys chant "IDC rules" at his neighbors, then its best he get out of government service anyway.

I do not understand why he just didn't say last night "You know what folks. I thought I was trying to help my community. But now I see that there are bigger issues at play and the community has spoken. I want to represent you and represent how YOU want to respond in this Trump climate. And after listening and sharing arguments and thoughts and ideas, I have decided to come back to the mainline Dems. No harm, no foul."

Instead, he is standing there as a tool for a bunch of people screaming "IDC rules" all of whom clearly work for the IDC leadership (which noticeably was not there last night, leaving Peralta to hang by himself). I just do not get how a intelligent person could be so off the rails. It makes you wonder how much more is behind these newspaper stories.

He needed a police escort to leave an event where 500 people came to protest him, at aTown hall that was not publicized, announced to a handful of people two day earlier, on a cold Friday day night ? Time to walk away from this very bad move he made.

Offline thedude

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Re: Re: Town Hall Meeting with Senator Peralta
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2017, 05:18:12 PM »
Chingwa Definetly sticking with the Board and encouraging friends/neighbors to also jump in on all kinds of topics. Very interesting stuff and appreciate all the people who put in the trouble to keep our community posted on a whole series of things

Offline Crabby_Appleton

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Re: How did the Town Hall meeting go?
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2017, 05:20:07 PM »
The crowd was chanting and angry, but nobody was volatile. Maybe there was tapping on the glass, but I didn't see that (though I heard it happened). People were there with their children and it wasn't remotely dangerous. We got there at 6pm and were shut out. The place was packed and the line outside went around the block. The only people who were on his side were about ten beefy white guys with matching printed signs that the cops kept cordoned off from the rest of the crowd who were not having it.

Offline daisy

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Re: How did the Town Hall meeting go?
« Reply #49 on: February 04, 2017, 07:22:17 PM »
I did make it inside.  The crowd outside was indeed banging loudly on the stained glass windows.  I understand the yelling and am fine with the protesting, but I frankly found the banging on the windows disrespectful to the JCC building itself and disconcerting/volatile from inside and was hoping the cops would stop them from continuing to bang on the windows.  They did not. 
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 07:32:26 PM by daisy »

Offline deja

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #50 on: February 04, 2017, 08:02:28 PM »
Time to walk away from this very bad move he made.

It's way too late for that, the only thing that could have saved him is an apology to his constituents last night and an immediate reversal due to the will of the people.  This needs to become a political suicide come election time and should also become a rallying cry for term limits in Albany.  The IDC is a large reason why NYC only gets a bone thrown in our direction instead of passage of items we and our neighbors really need. 

Offline Dodger

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Re: How did the Town Hall meeting go?
« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2017, 09:04:11 PM »
I was outside as well and I saw no banging on the windows at all. All I saw was chanting and most of it was directed at those 10 guys with preprinted signs supporting the IDC.

Offline Rogue1on82

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2017, 12:37:41 AM »
Apparently the status quo hasn't been working. Simcha Felder isn't the only Democratic Senator that doesn't side with or help push along progressive issues.

If Senator Peralta's decision means policy will move and services are provided to the neighborhood, that's better than what has been happening.

This community needs friends from across the state snd not just NYC.

It's time they all work together, to protect all New Yorkers from an overzealous and clearly aggressive new Presidential administration.

Give Senator Peralta a chance, he has 2 years to prove if his decision to work across the state, benefited his district and NYS. I can't believe that after 14 years as a Democrat, he woke up and decided to be a Republican, but still advocate for progressive bills?? Sounds more like, he realizes it's time to work with everyone, now that the dynamics of Washington has so severely changed.

"theplanesland" Thanks for that exhaustive list of Peralta's responses and you're synopsis is right on the money as too Peralta's claims (none of which I think pass the smell test, I will be honest.) I think we all know the questions posed to Peralta at the event, but I too am exhausted and maybe someone else could post those. Here is my two cents in response to the Peralta list:

1) Bullet 1 and 2 can't BOTH be true. If the Republicans are in the Majority with the infamous Simcha Felder, then why would they need the IDC votes to pass lower property taxes upstate ? If they have 32 votes without the IDC, why would they to a deal to not introduce things as a favor to the IDC ? Makes no sense. NOT TRUE

2) The property tax cap (which limits property tax increases outside of NYC) passed overwhelmingly WITH Democratic senators support. It was Governor Cuomos initiative. Mainline Democratic Senators voted for it as well. Not just the ones in the IDC. Andrea Stewart Cousins voted FOR it. Maybe Peralta wants us to believe she is a secret IDC member. This claim Peralta is making simply never happened and will never happen. Its absurd and he knows it. NOT TRUE

3) We can only hope Raise the Age and Dream Act passes but its not clear if #1 is true, why would the Republicans pass things they built their entire campaigns on against last year. Again, why would they do that ? Because the IDC backstabs the Democrats ?  Watch this TV commercial Peralta's new Republican allies did last year. Its filled with anti-immigrant hate and is all about the Dream Act. They ran these commercials all over the State. But this year they will pass the Dream Act, going against their buddy Trump ? Its all just absurd double speak trying to trick his constituents:

4) Simcha Felder has said (he said it yesterday) he will come back if the IDC does, but that the IDC refused to come back. Okay checkmate Senator Peralta, when are you coming back to the Democratic Party ?

5) Now the IDC will come back if they have more than 31 seats ? In 2014 after being threatened with primaries, the IDC said they were coming back no matter what. Then in 2015 they said it would take 32 seats. The number changes every year. So here is my question. In 2012 when they made the original backstab, the Democrats were in an outright majority and there was no Simcha Felder. Whats changed ?

6) I am guessing Peralta wont vote for a "bill" thats against our interests, but again he is trying to trick us. Most Albany legislation gets wrapped up in omnibus bills where they hide things.

Anyway, thats how I feel. Can't wait until the April meeting. If with 2 days notice 500 people came out, it will be thousands next time.

Here is some free advice to Senator Peralta. Shipping in a bunch of guys in suits people to scream "IDC" at you're neighbors, who get to vote for/against you, does not help you. Shipping in labor people to scream at you're neighbors does not help you. If you think that you need to defend the IDC against you're own neighbors, you are doing someone else's bidding and will be thrown out of office pretty quickly.

Peralta seems to be done at this point. I have never seen so much anger. There is no listening to his weird arguments. No amount of campaign tricks, or campaign flyers is going to convince hundreds of people who came out in the freezing cold, with 1 days notice on social media, in a  completely organic way, to ever support him again. People came to scream at him in his face. If he is so delusional that none of this matters if 5 guys chant "IDC rules" at his neighbors, then its best he get out of government service anyway.

I do not understand why he just didn't say last night "You know what folks. I thought I was trying to help my community. But now I see that there are bigger issues at play and the community has spoken. I want to represent you and represent how YOU want to respond in this Trump climate. And after listening and sharing arguments and thoughts and ideas, I have decided to come back to the mainline Dems. No harm, no foul."

Instead, he is standing there as a tool for a bunch of people screaming "IDC rules" all of whom clearly work for the IDC leadership (which noticeably was not there last night, leaving Peralta to hang by himself). I just do not get how a intelligent person could be so off the rails. It makes you wonder how much more is behind these newspaper stories.

He needed a police escort to leave an event where 500 people came to protest him, at aTown hall that was not publicized, announced to a handful of people two day earlier, on a cold Friday day night ? Time to walk away from this very bad move he made.

Offline deja

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2017, 03:21:29 AM »
It's time they all work together, to protect all New Yorkers from an overzealous and clearly aggressive new Presidential administration.

New York, aside from New York City and its suburbs, voted pretty solidly for said overzealous and clearly aggressive new President.

Offline thedude

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2017, 04:57:36 AM »
Welcome to the conversation Rogue1on82.

I respect you're opinion, but there are facts that no one can change:

* The Senate Republicans 100 percent oppose the Dream Act and the Womens Equality Act.

*The Senate Republicans spend tens of millions of dollars each campaign cycle on nasty ads that highlight their opposition to  "college for illegal immigrants" and "abortion on demand".

* Senate Republicans supported and currently support Donald Trump.

So the IDC and Senator Peralta's strategy to combat this is to:

* Join with the Senate Republicans to pass the Dream Act, the Womens Equality Act and stop Donald Trump

* Oppose and abandon the Democratic conference that actually supports the Dream Act, the Women's Equality Act and opposes Donald Trump

I am sorry, but this simply defies basic logic.

It would be like if civil rights leaders in the 60s had said "We have joined with the segregationists to work together on passing the Voting Rights Act."

Or if LGBT leaders said "We have joined with the Catholic Church to pass Marriage Equality."

It just does not make any sense on any level, which has led many of us in the community to believe Peralta is up to something nefarious.

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2017, 10:07:47 AM »
simcha felder.

Offline Rogue1on82

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2017, 08:43:40 PM »
Perhaps if the LGBTQ community were able to work with the Church, then perhaps President Obama would not of had to use Executive Order, a temporary order. Now those protections are in danger of being over turned.

The 13th Amendment and the Underground Railroad would never have worked, if blacks and whites didn't work together collectively for change that led to the 13th.

Women's Suffrage movement and Right to Vote would not of happened if women didn't work with men together to collectively make change. There has certainly been much change since.

History has proven that real change happens when we work together, not against each other.

If we want our cities/state's "Home Rule" to be respected by the federal government, and enforced we are going to need a unified government ... Don't you think it's time the state unifies itself to protect the most vulnerable in all four corners of our state against a rogue federal government?

We are talking about state politics and not NYC. Whatever laws are passed by Senator Peralta in Albany affects all of NY, not just JH.

Welcome to the conversation Rogue1on82.

I respect you're opinion, but there are facts that no one can change:

* The Senate Republicans 100 percent oppose the Dream Act and the Womens Equality Act.

*The Senate Republicans spend tens of millions of dollars each campaign cycle on nasty ads that highlight their opposition to  "college for illegal immigrants" and "abortion on demand".

* Senate Republicans supported and currently support Donald Trump.

So the IDC and Senator Peralta's strategy to combat this is to:

* Join with the Senate Republicans to pass the Dream Act, the Womens Equality Act and stop Donald Trump

* Oppose and abandon the Democratic conference that actually supports the Dream Act, the Women's Equality Act and opposes Donald Trump

I am sorry, but this simply defies basic logic.

It would be like if civil rights leaders in the 60s had said "We have joined with the segregationists to work together on passing the Voting Rights Act."

Or if LGBT leaders said "We have joined with the Catholic Church to pass Marriage Equality."

It just does not make any sense on any level, which has led many of us in the community to believe Peralta is up to something nefarious.

Offline Rogue1on82

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Re: Re: Town Hall Meeting with Senator Peralta
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2017, 09:30:52 PM »
From a toad with warts who jumped ship, let's hope he becomes the Prince, who will sail the ship. It beats the do little to nothing senate we've had for far too long.

I am a devoted liberal who hates what is happening to our country. But I also pride myself on calling it as I see it. I don't blindly latch onto a candidate just because they have a"D" attached to their name. The last time the Democrats controlled the state senate they voted to support as their leaders: Pedro Espada (prison); Malcolm Smith (prison); John Sampson (prison). If I was a senator who cared l would have thought about jumping ship too (of course, jumping ship back then would have led to me joining the Republican leader Dean Skelos--prison). Putting aside Peralta, people who care have to hold all their leaders accountable.

I also have to comment on the Village Voice article that is linked to above. In it, the author reports that Jackson Heights has a "burgeoning bloc of progressive, affluent Democrats" who will make Peralta pay for his choice. If it is a choice between Peralta and the "burgeoning bloc of progressive, affluent Democrats" who think you can be a progressive gentrifier, I'll take Peralta warts and all.