Author Topic: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?  (Read 8027 times)

Offline JDinJH

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Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« on: April 04, 2016, 08:28:14 AM »
I cannot understand why anybody would feed pigeons/squirrels in our neighborhood.  The leftover food creates an unsanitary condition to the extent that rats will eat the leftovers and the pigeons poop all over the place - including unsuspecting members of the community.  Moreover, after being fed by humans squirrels become more aggressive when looking for food.  I really don't understand why anybody would do this to their neighbors. 

Offline dssjh

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2016, 08:40:25 AM »
yes, gangs of aggressive squirrels are one of our worst problems. in fact, i think they're a big part of this uptick in slashings in the city.

some people *like* animals. all animals. that's why they feed them.

if you own a home, put up a sign warning people not to feed animals there, as is your right. go out and directly confront people who violate your property rights if you wish. it's not illegal, so calling the cops isn't an option -- but if you feel strongly enough, you can agitate with elected officials to get a law passed. all good options.

Offline Lilybell

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2016, 09:31:37 AM »
yes, gangs of aggressive squirrels are one of our worst problems. in fact, i think they're a big part of this uptick in slashings in the city.

Be careful!!!!

Offline HAMjacksonheights

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2016, 09:45:04 AM »
I cannot understand why anybody would feed pigeons/squirrels in our neighborhood.  The leftover food creates an unsanitary condition to the extent that rats will eat the leftovers and the pigeons poop all over the place - including unsuspecting members of the community.  Moreover, after being fed by humans squirrels become more aggressive when looking for food.  I really don't understand why anybody would do this to their neighbors.

Must be nice to live like you where your biggest problem is the feedings of pigeons and squirrels....

I don't feed them but I would if I had extra food to feed myself-damn rents are skyrocketing over here!

Offline eddie

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2016, 10:26:35 AM »
b/c they are cute

Offline lovebug11768

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2016, 01:22:48 PM »
Because I like animals more than humans sometimes. Squirrels live among us and don't try to rob, rape, or slash us. I have no problem with these little critters.

Offline bellabella

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2016, 02:15:47 PM »
 I don't see how that can cause  harm to anyone.  I carry nuts in my purse and feed squirrels. I've also been known to carry cans of cat food and feed strays. Sorry you are so miserable and hate animals so much. BTW I've seen rats in this neighborhood eating out of garbage bags on garbage day and have never seen rats with nuts in their mouths or bird seed.

Offline JDinJH

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2016, 06:47:03 PM »
My problem relates to the disgusting mess that people leave behind when they feed pigeons, i.e., Foodtown corner on 76th Street.  With respect to the squirrels, they get very close to my baby when we lay on the grass because our neighbors have trained them to approach humans.  As far as the comparisons to murder, rape, and other forms of violence, I do not see the connection unless the premise of your argument is that quality of life nuisances are not valid complaints. 

As far as sky high rent, I do not rent - I do not share your concern.  Maybe you should worry about making more money - maybe by working a job that pays a decent wage will allow you to be able to afford a place of your own and this may give you reasons to worry about quality of life issues. 

My guess is that renters are the ones who want to protect the homeless bums sleeping on our sidewalks, getting high on heroin, and pissing on the streets - and lets not forget the poor little squirrels and pigeons that you all love so much.

Belllabella, you should put some of those nuts in HAMjacksonheights mouth so he can afford to rent in a neighborhood he is too poor to live in. I am sure that he is used to other people putting nuts in his mouth! 

As far as my original point, I do not like unnecessarily messy sidewalks or aggressive squirrels.

Offline wlirfan

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2016, 07:18:48 PM »
I see civility has gone out the window. 

Dude - people feed animals.  It happens in every country, in every city, in every town and in every area.  I've travelled extensively, and it's not a Jackson Heights thing, it's an everywhere thing.  You don't like it.  That's fine.  We all live in a great Nation when we can have differences of opinion.  Belittling someone else's opinion is just wrong.  We're not all Donald Trumps here.  You can make your point about how it impacts your kid (something you did not originally say) without lashing out on people.

As for mocking someone based on how much they make (and how hard their life is as compared to you), I've always been taught to treat everyone I meet as my equal, and everyone older than me with greater respect.  No one is saying that you should also, but a little respect goes a long way.  And count yourself lucky for the opportunities that you had that put you where you are now.  Not everyone gets the same opportunities in life, no matter how hard they work.

Offline Simka

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2016, 08:57:07 PM »
As far as sky high rent, I do not rent - I do not share your concern.  Maybe you should worry about making more money - maybe by working a job that pays a decent wage will allow you to be able to afford a place of your own and this may give you reasons to worry about quality of life issues. 

My guess is that renters are the ones who want to protect the homeless bums sleeping on our sidewalks, getting high on heroin, and pissing on the streets - and lets not forget the poor little squirrels and pigeons that you all love so much.

Belllabella, you should put some of those nuts in HAMjacksonheights mouth so he can afford to rent in a neighborhood he is too poor to live in. I am sure that he is used to other people putting nuts in his mouth! 

I'm with wlirfan—you're belittling others here. You've attacked not just HAMjacksonheights but also renters in general. At least we know where you're coming from now.

P.S. to Bellabella: I carry nuts with me too!

Offline toddg

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2016, 09:49:21 PM »
Anybody who loves pigeons and cares about their welfare should not feed them.   It is cruel and unnatural.  Pigeons naturally should be spending a good share of their time searching for food.   When they are overfed, they tend to overbreed.   The result are exploding populations of pigeons, which must contend with boom-and-bust cycles of food availability.

By the way, here's an interesting podcast about why pigeons are "surprisingly awesome":
It discusses the millenia-long relationship between humans and pigeons, and how pigeons descended from one of the most prized animals to one of the most reviled.

Offline jeanette

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2016, 10:32:07 PM »
As far as sky high rent, I do not rent - I do not share your concern.  Maybe you should worry about making more money - maybe by working a job that pays a decent wage will allow you to be able to afford a place of your own and this may give you reasons to worry about quality of life issues. 

I've got the perfect solution for JD.

Jd, why don't you just get a better paying job and move somewhere more upscale where your quality of life will be "better."

And, I am a shareholder in a cooperative. I pay much much less for my living space monthly (mortgage and maintenance combined) than a renter pays. Renters need to have more cash money on hand than owners. Renters are not necessarily poor; the rents are untenable (ask your wife what that word means).

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2016, 07:43:11 AM »
So what I've learned here is that a number of posters on this board think that unless a quality of life issue rises to the level of slashings and murder, keep your trap shut.

Get perspective folks. Food laying around *does* attract vermin other than pigeons and squirrels. Why do you suppose there's rat traps surrounding most every residential building in NYC? And if you're a real animal lover, may I suggest laying off feeding squirrels and pigeons and contributing to untenable increases in their population, and do something that's actually useful. Participate in a TNR program for stray cats. Donate time and money to a shelter. Anything else has to be better than freaking out over someone's complaint about folks who foolishly feed pigeons and squirrels.

For what it's worth, the last place I rented I was a tenant for over a decade. My rent was decidedly less than market rate for a new apartment after only a couple years. Renters often pay less per month than folks with a brand spanking new mortgage, just as people who own after a few years will likely pay less than folks who have just moved to a new rental in the same neighborhood.

Offline Simka

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2016, 09:53:08 AM »
Get perspective folks. Food laying around *does* attract vermin other than pigeons and squirrels. Why do you suppose there's rat traps surrounding most every residential building in NYC? And if you're a real animal lover, may I suggest laying off feeding squirrels and pigeons and contributing to untenable increases in their population, and do something that's actually useful. Participate in a TNR program for stray cats. Donate time and money to a shelter. Anything else has to be better than freaking out over someone's complaint about folks who foolishly feed pigeons and squirrels.
Who's freaking out? I see people giving their opinions about feeding birds and squirrels. A couple of comments were sarcastic, but I wouldn't call that freaking out.

For the record, I don't leave food lying around, except for a handful of nuts (in shells) that I put out on my fire escape windowsill. Been doing it awhile and have never seen any vermin hanging about--just some jealous mourning doves. When I carry nuts with me, I toss them to squirrels who eat them right away. This adds up to possibly four or five empty nut shells a week. I realize the squirrels are spoiled, but I think they were spoiled long before I came along, since they live in a big courtyard with a lot of trees and appear to be accustomed to being fed. I'm sure I'm not the first person feeding them and won't be the last.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Why the hell does anybody feed the pigeons or squirrels?
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2016, 12:49:40 PM »
JD has made his or her opinion clear on many things: squirrels, pigeons and homeless people are all vermin. we need to cleanse jackson heights of all things that do not please JD. i had my fill of this person when he or she proposed various "solutions" for ridding the neighborhood of people that he or she finds unpleasant -- but as far as i can tell, i have no solution that will allow me to block that inane droning. oh, for facebook-styled technology. ::)