Author Topic: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?  (Read 25099 times)

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2014, 02:23:51 PM »
an attorney working at a nonprofit makes about 70-80k, with a few years of work experience.

Only attorneys working at white shoe firms make the kind of cash.   90 per cent of attorneys in NYC make 125k or less. I might make more than your average attorney with the kind of overtime I have to do. But yeah someone making 400K could afford it. I'd be happy to have my associate attorney as a neighbor. She went to Joan of Arc and takes her car to Pep Boys.

Actually the attorney associate is about to give birth and has not bought a house as yet, she is waiting until after her child to be born and she is on leave so she has some time to look for a house. She told me 750K is alot and she doesn't know if she can spend that. So because she is an attorney doens't mean she is swimming in income, especially since she is probably helping out her parents.

And the sign on the lawn went up yesterday, so I don't think they have buyers, but I don't know. On my block we have a lot of extended families who pool their resources then buy a house together. There is a recent middle aged couple with two children who bought a house a few doors down from the house in question, but they look pretty average to me.

I walk my dog around the neighborhood and even in the historic district, vacant, crummy houses are not flying off the shelves. That might change but I'm not seeing any contractors doing gut renos yet.

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2014, 03:51:19 PM »
No point in using reason when assessing value in NY real estate, right?  The fact is, if I am shopping for a house (detached or not, with a yard, garage, and lawn) and my household income is "only" in the low to mid 6 figures, then my options are severely limited.  Queens is a relative steal and that it has a solid middle-class foundation should only make it more attractive. 

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #32 on: July 31, 2014, 04:15:26 PM »
I think these realtors think this is "Million Dollar Listing - Queens"

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #33 on: July 31, 2014, 04:57:46 PM »
I have to concur with what has been said - lack of amenities, infrastructure, ongoing loss of charm on our shopping streets, neighborhood upkeep - all contribute to why I don't think this place will go for what they are asking. I would in fact be surprised if it went for over $1 million. JH is not there yet, regardless of how you compare it to Brooklyn neighborhoods. I am a third generation JH resident - my family and I have rented and owned throughout the neighborhood since the 1920's - and I can tell you there has always been a mix - upper middle, straight middle and working classes in the neighborhood. For me, its not about being priced out of the neighborhood, its about reality check. One of my very good friends for many years is one of the top brokers in BK. She has seen my mother's place, an aunt's, my late uncle's and my own and she too at first equated the houses and co-ops to BK equivalents - saying how we should get much more then we were/did. But she did her research and realized that JH still has a bit to go before those prices hit the neighborhood - but has recommended continuously to buy and hold and then call her when the prices jump! lol
I think it is a mixed blessing for JH that many of the old local realtors seem to have been replaced by the larger companies. Many of those locals would keep pocket listings for who they knew may like it or might be looking and more importantly, they knew the neighborhood - good and bad - and were able to advise owners how to price appropriately - and if they liked you as the buyer, would let you know what to offer under the asking price. The larger companies have put JH on the map and helped raise prices. I heard a 3 bed in Southridge just went for $300K - unheard of previously but great news for Southridge and Northridge co-ops. I don't know if Laffey are local or not but at the end of the day, the market will determine the price, regardless of what realtors and sellers want or how we may feel about it here. I'm still curious about the interior as I believe that will say a lot about how much this place will eventually sell for.

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #34 on: July 31, 2014, 05:32:48 PM »
No, this listing may not get its asking but the bigger point is that they're so optimistic...  Perhaps they see more potential in JH than those of us who live here.

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2014, 05:49:44 PM »
JH has a lot of potential, but it holds itself back by fearing every attempt to improve itself here as dangerous gentrification. If someone wants a little bistro in the neighborhood, there's hysteria. Then someone mentions that bistros can be found in Astoria or Woodside, and we're supposed to say, Oh yeah, I'll travel miles out of my way becuase there's already a little bistro in Woodside.  Geez, can't we just have a few modest little things like a corner bistro right here IN JH without it turning into some kind of attack on the current face of the community?

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #36 on: July 31, 2014, 07:07:03 PM »
The recurring real estate fantasy is that prices can keep rising, rising, rising -- thanks to an ever-growing supply of people willing and able to pay.  And if you buy and find that you can’t actually afford it, well then just sell the following year for a tidy profit. 

That actually may work for a while but over the long term it will not be sustainable -- at least outside of Manhattan and brownstone Brooklyn.  The fact is there is a finite supply of people who can genuinely afford to pay $1.5 million for a house, even in NYC.  You can be relatively well-heeled -- say part of an upper middle class professional household making comfortably into the six figures -- and $1.5 million is still going to be a bit of a stretch (unless you have some other independent income source, as I suppose some people do). 

And for the people who can readily afford it, there are plenty of other places to choose from with more cachet that JH (although personally, I much prefer it here).

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #37 on: July 31, 2014, 07:21:15 PM »
Perhaps you can tell us where else people who can readily afford it can find a similar house (historic, size, semidetached, short commute etc). Name a few neighborhoods since there are plenty with more cachet.

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #38 on: July 31, 2014, 07:35:54 PM »
This is a search for single family homes in Queens from 800K to 1.5 million on the NY Times site.

Some of the other areas that it appears possible to buy in this range are Forest Hills, Bayside, Rego Park, Little Neck and Douglaston.  But I didn't take a close look at the listings.

I have noticed that even prices on rentals in JH are way up.  I was surprised to see this nondescript looking studio apartment with almost no kitchen space listed for $1525/mo.

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #39 on: July 31, 2014, 07:40:09 PM »
Douglaston, little neck, bayside. You must be kidding. These do not even have a subway station.

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #40 on: July 31, 2014, 07:55:35 PM »
Douglaston, little neck, bayside. You must be kidding. These do not even have a subway station.

Sorry about the confusion - I'm not the poster your other post may have been directed towards.  I was just curious about which areas of Queens one could buy at this price range, and thought the link to the NY Times real estate search added to the discussion.  Many parts of Forest Hills and Rego Park have good subway access, as far as I know.

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #41 on: July 31, 2014, 08:09:11 PM »
It seems that these are good comparable neighborhoods. That Jackson Heights is closer to Manhattan and in an historic district bodes well. There is yet another house on 84th street in Jackson Heights on sale for 1.2 million. The only other area that I know about that would ask well over 1 million would be Forest Hills Gardens.

Offline bryncellen

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #42 on: July 31, 2014, 08:30:16 PM »
Well there are actually quite a number of options in Queens for people with 1.5 million to spend.  Sunnyside Gardens is a lovely and historic complex close to the City, which I think is generally under a million for a house (albeit smaller than the one on 86 St).  Kew Gardens is further out, but it is connected to the train, is a beautiful neighborhood and has gorgeous houses selling in the 1 to 1.5 million range.  Forest Hills Gardens, mentioned above, is connected to the train, very well established and very charming -- its more expensive but you could still find something quite nice for $1.5 million I'm sure.

Then, someone with $1.5 million to spend (and interested in a house with a yard like the place on 86th Street) could well look to inner suburbs in Westchester, like Bronxville or Pelham -- which have a very quick commute, are very well established and are affordable to people with $1.5 million in their pocket.

For me, Jackson Heights beats them all.  But, realistically, given that there are a relatively small group of people with that kind of money to spend and a relatively large number of options available to the people willing to spend it, I'm not sure that JH is likely to catapult into the higher end category.  But then again I could be wrong, who knows?

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2014, 08:37:11 PM »
Frankly I do not understand what you are saying.

One by one you exclude the neighborhoods with similarly priced houses. Sunnyside histroic houses are too small. Comparable Kew Gardens and Forest hills are more expensive and further away. Other towns further away have much longer commutes withotu a subway. Then you conclude that the houses in JH should go for less for no reason. Puzzling.

My question remains: where can you find a historic house, of this size, so close to the city at a lower price?
The answer is nowhere and not "plenty".
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 08:43:16 PM by jhnyc »

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Re: NYT - JH House on 86th Street listed for $1.45 million ?!?
« Reply #44 on: July 31, 2014, 11:32:24 PM »
I guess most of us on this forum can not afford 1 million house anyway, not to mention the 1.5 million house. It's my understanding that even for the rich people who can afford the 1.5 million house, he still needs to make some sacrifices. If he doesn't have kids, the house is too much waste for him and he probably wants to buy coop/condo in manhattan so his commute is not even an issue.

If he has kids, the school (either public or private) is probably number 1 issue. Forest Hills, Bayside, etc will be a much better place for the family with kids to find a single family house.   

We can argue here forever about whether the house is worth 1.5 million. Eventually, it is the market (rational or irrational or bubble) that determines whether it is worth that amount of money.  If the house is still on sale next year, then we know the house is overpriced today. If there is a buyer, then we will have a new record price for the single family house in Jackson Heights.