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Messages - lmaniace

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Neighborhood Chat / Stop N Swap this Saturday in JH
« on: November 27, 2018, 11:19:23 PM »

This is one easy way you can make your home and our planet more environmentally sustainable - and free up space in your abode at the same time!!!

Saturday, Dec. 1, noon to 3 p.m. at P.S. 69

Check out attached flyer for details on what you can drop off, and may be able to pick up... FREE! Don't miss it!

This is a Grow NYC project, the same folks who bring you the Green Market in JH and around the city.

We'll be working at our spectacular new garden at the Post Office.

We meet Saturday, Nov. 3, 10 a.m. at 37th Avenue and 80th Street. Join us.

JHBG's Tree LC. See attached poster.

We're hosting a chance to meet Catalina Cruz -- and if you are impressed -- donate  to her campaign.

Time: Friday, Oct. 26, 2018, 7 to 9 p.m.
Place: For details contact me at

There will be drink and food, including pizza from the renowned Forno Maniace.
Please let us know if you plan to attend, as soon as possible.

You can still donate even if you can't attend:

                                                                         *      *    *
We met Catalina Cruz last December and were quickly impressed; she's smart and determined -- a formidable person capable of standing up to the Queens Democratic Machine. She's already done that, winning the Democratic nomination for the 39th Assembly seat in September. The race isn't over, however. Catalina faces two opponents on Election Day, Nov. 6. What can you do to help? Donate to her campaign.

Catalina is not taking contributions from corporations or real-estate developers, so she needs to raise campaign funds from the people. Since we often talk about the evils of money in politics, this is our chance to back up the talk with action -- please donate.
Thank you. We hope to see you soon.

Len and Barbara.

Neighborhood Chat / Sunday - We'll be planting spring-flowering bulbs
« on: October 04, 2018, 07:38:41 PM »
This weekend, JHBG's Tree LC crew will be out planting bulbs and tending our curbside gardens on Sunday.
 We meet 80th Street and 37th Ave at 10 a.m. We'll head up to the mid-80s and finish up in the upper-70s.
 Hope to see you then.

Correction on time of Jackson Heights performance. It is at 7 p.m. I was wrong, poster is right.

This looks like a fine pair of concerts by our friends, the Queens Consort. It's billed as a Baroque Carnival of the Animals, and takes place on the Feast of St. Anthony, who is revered for his love of all creatures and the environment.
The one in Jackson Heights is Saturday at 6 p.m. in St. Mark's Church, 34th Avenue between 81st and 82nd Streets.

We've got a huge sack of daffodil bulbs from NYC Parks Department that we will begin planting in our curbside tree pits tomorrow.
We've got gloves and tools; just bring yourself and friends/family.
We're JHBG's Tree LC program and we meet:

Saturday, Sept. 29, 10 a.m. 
80th St. & 37th Ave.

Tree LC is one of two JHBG neighborhood greening programs. Why two? We’ve got a lot to green.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Growing Farm 76-31 37th Ave shuttered
« on: September 23, 2018, 09:42:46 AM »
Rico Tinto's closing is very upsetting.We always thought it was one of the best restaurants in Jackson Heights. We were there a week ago Saturday, introduced it to some friends, who loved it,  and had a lovely conversation with the waitress and the chef/partner.
Along with the number of now-empty storefronts, as previously noted here lots of the older store signs were removed from the building and replaced with temporary-looking vinyl signs. Something is going on.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Every voter votes!!! JHBG's new campaign
« on: September 04, 2018, 07:06:03 PM »
Thank you, JHMY!

Neighborhood Chat / Every voter votes!!! JHBG's new campaign
« on: September 04, 2018, 03:25:30 PM »
No matter how one views the current state of politics in America one thing is clear: as a nation, we take voting for granted.
Most Presidential election turnouts barely nudge over 50 percent and off-year elections about half that. Primaries (one is coming up Thursday, Sept. 13, with some key positions on the ballot) are even worse. That's in sharp contrast to many nations around the world.
JHBG wants to help break that pattern, at least here in JACKSON HEIGHTS, with the simple message that every voter should vote.
Please check out our new poster on JHBG's Facebook page and share it with as many people, schools and organizations, as possible!!! (Don't have a low-res version as required by JHL yet.)

Thank you.

Len Maniace


Hello all,

JHBG's Tree LC volunteers return to our regular Saturday outing this week as we make JH not only the greenest neighborhood in NYC, but also the most naturally colorful. A great big thank you to Kathy Smith for leading last week's event while Barbara and I were away, scouting out the gardens of the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts, among other activities.

Our volunteers have done a great job this year; we keep hearing from residents that our curbside tree gardens have come into their own... and then there is our spectacular new Post Office Garden.

If you haven't made it out to one of our Tree LC sessions this year, come on out this Saturday. August is vacation time and we can use the help. Even more important, you will really enjoy yourself and gain new insight into the flora and fauna (especially bees and butterflies) that we are bringing back to Jackson Heights. Remember, we're bringing Mother Nature back to Jackson Heights. For proof, check out our attached flyer for proof.

Meet Saturday, Aug 11, 10 a.m.
NE Corner of 80th Street and 37th Avenue


Re an earlier comment. Actually, I've found "do as I say, not as I do," to be more a conservative principle.
Not that liberals/progressives can't be hypocritical but on the other side we've got (as a small sampling):
* holy-roller preachers and family-value pols with sex scandals.
* electeds who don't believe in science when it comes to evolution or global warm, but rely on science when it comes to Twitter, jet travel, bypass surgery and Viagra.
* and those who oppose chain migration, while their in-laws use it to become citizens.

So has everyone written a letter saying these sites that these bodies of water have serious problems and that removal of any of would amount to environmental malpractice?

Complaining about Cuomo, real estate interested or insulting people from the suburbs won't get the job done.

In your email you can cite the pollution problems noted below for your favorite Queens body of water. You many also want tot note that Flushing Bay and Creek are horribly polluted and often considered the worst of NYC's water bodies due to sewage overflows that occur when even moderate rains causes raw sewage to bypass sewage treatment plants and get discharged directly into waterways, violating the federal Clean Water Act.
What's more you can say these waterways fail the nose test; they smell from raw sewage.


I think this is close enough to Jackson Height to qualify.

Stubborn water pollution problems in NYC caused by sewage overflow running into local waters? Simply take 20 polluted waterways off the impaired list. Problem solved.
Among the waterways to be removed from the list Flushing Creek, often considered NYC's most polluted waterway from sewage.

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