Author Topic: New Sidewalk Benches  (Read 4138 times)

Offline Beech Court

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New Sidewalk Benches
« on: December 18, 2012, 03:37:31 PM »
I just noticed a new aluminum sidewalk bench installed on the corner of 37th Avenue and 76th Street. Are there others or plans to have more throughout the neighborhood?
I also channel Gladys Gilbert!

Offline StevenGrey

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2012, 08:40:44 PM »
And here I had just assumed that was a gift to the neighborhood from the Dime Savings Bank on that corner, since they had just recently renovated. Oh well.

Offline Matt

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2013, 04:46:29 PM »
I think these benches are great!

You can request a CityBench in the same way that you can request street trees from the city's website:

It would be great to see more of these along 37th and Roosevelt Avenues. It seems that you can request up to two as an individual but a group can request more. Perhaps the Jackson Heights Beautification Group or Jackson Heights Green Alliance could submit a larger request or individually we can submit many requests.

While I'm at it, you can request street trees or report damaged or dead ones here:

and you can request bike racks here:

Does anyone know of any additional items that we can request from the city to improve our streets?

Offline Matt

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 03:14:08 PM »
I submitted a few requests for more CityBenches for Jackson Heights. The process is very easy through the link in my last post.

From what I read, I do think we would have a better chance of getting more of these benches if a neighborhood group were to submit a large request. I would still encourage individuals to submit requests for any location they would like to see a bench that also meets the criteria the DOT lists on their website.

If there is a neighborhood group out there reading this that is interested in submitting a request for many benches and needs someone to organize, please reach out to me. I'd be happy to do so.

Below is a photo of the CityBench on 76th Street on the corner of 37th Avenue.

Offline Matt

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 03:16:05 PM »
I'd be happy to coordinate an effort to get more bike racks installed too.

Offline taggie

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 09:08:08 PM »
  I agree that the bench looks great and wish there were many more + more bike racks. Try contacting the JHBG through
their webpage or directly at They have been working hard for many years tracking the new tree planting and
requests. On average it seems like a 1 1/2 to 2 year period between the request and the actual trees in the ground. JHBG
also helps insure the survival of these street trees in their early years when they are so vulnerable. Keeping trash, dog urine
and other stuff like decorative lights is a problem here. But applause for your interest and efforts. Maybe join the Green
Agenda part of JHBG and work through them.

Offline Matt

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2013, 10:35:51 AM »
Thanks, Taggie. I think I will take your suggestion and follow up with our neighborhood groups.

Does anyone know if the Green Agenda that is part of JHBG and the Green Alliance of JH are the same group or two different groups with similar names? If they are different, what sets them apart?

I think the Parks Dept. may have streamlined their tree request process as I made a request for a location in the neighborhood over the summer and a tree was put in place a few months later in the fall. I've only had one additional experience before this and it did take much longer. I placed some additional tree requests recently, it will be interesting to see if any of them are planted in the spring. It seems the Parks dept. has already visited the sites to see if the locations are appropriate as I received email confirmations.

The benches and bike racks come from the Dept. of Transportation and I'm not sure what to expect from them.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 10:44:05 AM by Matt »

Offline taggie

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2013, 03:05:51 PM »
  There are two different local groups and how they vary as I see it is this. The Jackson Heights Beautification Group has been around for 25 years and addresses
green, environmental concerns as well as civic matters, the historic district, tree lighting, composting, the dog run, our new community orchestra among other
things. It has members and events and volunteers as well as Facebook/twitter accounts with news. The Green Agenda seems to also want more green space
but is primarily focused on Travers Park and Playstreet and activities for little ones and have been around something like 3-4 yrs. They are both good groups
but JHBG casts a wider net as far as the neighborhood goes and is more hands on.
  I know that the tree planting can be erratic. A lot of trees that were requested over a year ago were just planted in December. I think someone said we got
40 new trees in JH in December which is not an optimum time to plant anything here so we'll have to help nuture these trees along. Sometimes they can
be delivered faster but it can be because you are duplicating a previous request which was not yet filled. I know that two years ago a massive request was
put in for Jackson Heights trees and we got quite a few - but not all- the trees from that time. I also know that someone is working on a list of best trees for
our neighborhood given the amount of branches dropped in recent weather events.
 I think the benches are wonderful and would love to see more of them. I know that the benches that used to be at the Post Office were removed because
some folks were doing their toilet activities and the postal clerks were none too happy to add cleaning up crap to their job description. So there are hazards
but these look like they could be hosed down easily if the neighboring businesses lend a hand in keeping them clean.
  As for the bike racks, I remember hearing that Danny Dromm's office was going to get more of those. We could sure use them and in fact, it would be great to
have one of those covered little huts for the bike racks like the have in Union Square and on 31st Avenue in Astoria near Grand Liquors. Up by 37th avenue,
the bikes attached to trees are yet another hazard for our trees health. It's amazing when you think about the abuse that they are as many standing as we
 So thanks for your efforts on these improvements and whether you join a group or keep going individually, JH is better off when we ask for these
upgrades so good on ya for doing it.

Offline Dudley

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2013, 12:49:34 PM »

Does anyone know if the Green Agenda that is part of JHBG and the Green Alliance of JH are the same group or two different groups with similar names? If they are different, what sets them apart?

Hi! The Jackson Heights Green Alliance - of which I'm a member - focuses on creating open space in our neighborhood. This open space is for everyone, not just children. The Plaza on 78th Street is there for the entire community and over time it will evolve and keep improving based on feedback from the community. We are the group that maintains and manages that space.

We were also responsible for preventing the Garden School from selling their athletic field to a private developer to build a big apartment building right there, and now thanks to our efforts the NYC Department of Parks is in the process of buying the land to turn it into a new park.

If you have any questions you can send us an email at or you can send me a message, thanks!



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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2013, 06:23:45 PM »
Hey... just walked past and saw that this bench on 76th Street had been knocked over...and is lying on its side...on the sidewalk.

Anyone know what happened?

A Car???

Offline Matt

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2013, 08:43:17 PM »
I noticed it when I got home tonight, but I'm not sure what happened. I reported the damaged bench to the DOT and I would suggest others to do the same. The more reports there are, the faster it is likely to be repaired or replaced.

"To report damage to a CityBench, please email or call 311."

I really love these benches as I believe they help to increase the way we use our sidewalks. The benches become a gathering place and are great for our elderly and disabled neighbors.

If you know of a place that would be ideal for a bench, you can request one here:

It took close to a year, but several of the benches I requested were eventually installed. I'm not sure if they were installed based on my requests or if several people made requests for the same locations.

Offline Shelby2

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2013, 08:56:16 PM »
Thanks for the info on where to report it.  I saw the fallen bench today but hadn't gotten around to looking up how to report.

Offline Londonjo

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2013, 04:17:44 PM »
I thought I had sent an application for a bench. And I thought I had applied for a tree. Perhaps I never managed to complete these applications and gave up, for a weird reason which I have only just become aware of, this morning, after living in JH for almost three years. WE DO NOT LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY!
Filling in forms on-line we have to write "Jackson Heights" in the box labelled "city". I AM AMAZED. And, quite frankly, rather angry that I have spent hours of frustration being rejected whenever I attempt on-line tasks. Nobody told me about this anomaly, and why would I have asked? Newcomers should be warned. I have found out this only applies to Queens. People in Park Slope, Brooklyn don't have to say they live in the city of  do they?
Neighborhood: Jackson Heights
Borough: Queens
City: New York
State: NY
zip code: 11372
Country: USA
- wrong!
Even worse is that when I ask for an explanation, nobody seems to think it's irrational. It's just the way it's always been.
Like not using A size paper. How can you live without being able to fold it in half and end up with the same proportions?

Offline dssjh

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Re: New Sidewalk Benches
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2013, 04:30:40 PM »

queens has maintained its neighborhood identity in that manner intentionally since the boroughs consolidated in 1898. it's not a slight. it's a matter of pride and longtime residents would be incredibly angry if it changed.

people in Brooklyn write 'Brooklyn,' people in the Bronx write 'Bronx,' people in queens write in their neighborhood designation.