Author Topic: 78th Street Play Street for 2010  (Read 21198 times)

Offline queensgurl

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #60 on: July 14, 2010, 07:45:37 AM »
Yep, I strolled down to the playstreet with Lucky (my cat) and there were kids out having a nice time on Sunday I met Rob and now have a better understanding of what the volunteers hope to do with the space. I noticed a wall over there that might work for a game of stoop ball or flies up, and a jumprope game would probably go over very well too  ;)

BTW, thanks for the links, Rob. I'll check it out.

Offline Really4rob

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #61 on: July 14, 2010, 05:29:58 PM »
No problem!
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Offline Really4rob

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #62 on: July 14, 2010, 05:30:42 PM »
Also for those on jhfamiles the yahoo group, I see that recruitment efforts are going out for this weekend.  Check your mail!
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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2010, 02:35:44 PM »
I totally agree with you Pipman.

We have Flushing Meadow Park with lots of miles of green space where kids and pets can run wild. Heck, children and adults alike can get a pretty nice workout just by, dare I say it?, WALKING to the park. If too many cars is an issue then work on making public transportation better than what is is now. I don't drive to work, I take public transportation, and it SUCKS during rush hour (9-6pm). If you care for lots of trees and cooler summer days where parents and children...blah, blah blah, then STOP having too many children! Read about the carbon foot print overpopulation has on this planet and then you can finally work on REAL solutions not just for the little block you call home but for mother earth as a whole. But no, people would rather have one block car-free even if in the process they make traffic -and air quality- worse when cars are detoured. But's all about the kids and families. Puhlease!

Interesting when someone says they don't want to be confrontational, then they go on to attack people for having cars in the neighborhood.  I guess the same can be said that if one chooses to have kids and moves into a neighborhood with limited park/playground space, they deserve what they get.  I am not against initiatives like the play street and the dog park.  I think they definitely add to the neighborhood. It does seem most projects are for special interests of people with kids or dogs.  There also is a shortage of space to sit for everyone else without kids or dogs.  Some simple benches placed around the Travers playground perimeter would be nice so one can sit without being hit by a ball or listening to screaming kids.  Peace.

Offline Really4rob

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #64 on: July 17, 2010, 11:06:39 AM »
I'm a little confused by your statements username.

You support better public transportation.
That means you recognize that public transportation reduces traffic, and emissions, etc. from less people driving.

You support a cleaner environment.
And champion places like Flushing Meadows, because they offer places to play.
(Albeit suggesting a 2 mile walk there is feasbile for young children, especially after playing on the way home).

You support walking as a form of exercise.

But are concerned the about the lack of parking one street causes?

Here's what I think would be an ideal project for you based on that ...

It obviously makes sense that since children can't walk as far or fast as adults, the park needs to be closer to the communities, but I like that you advocate those 2 miles walks.  By your thinking, improving the air quality of the whole neighborhood would be to build a parking lot 2 miles away that EVERYONE who drives  a car could walk to.  If you have kids, you can drive by the neighborhood on one designated block to pick them up after you get your car.  Oh wait that makes no sense ... yes Iw as being sarcastic, forgive me ...

Hmmm ... better to stick with the plan in place.  A little room to play for the kids, at best 20 cars affected.  Seems fair.

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Offline Really4rob

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #65 on: July 17, 2010, 11:07:36 AM »
If you care for lots of trees and cooler summer days where parents and children...blah, blah blah, then STOP having too many children!

Yeah that part I can't see happening either.  Though I suppose it's personal choice ...
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Offline leoooog

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #66 on: July 17, 2010, 12:10:28 PM »
But no, people would rather have one block car-free even if in the process they make traffic -and air quality- worse when cars are detoured.

Rob, if there is a sudden rise of respiratory illness on 80th or 76th Streets, between Northern and 34th Avenues, it's your fault. You and all your selfish breeder friends are to blame. I hope you can live with yourself.

Offline bellabella

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #67 on: July 17, 2010, 12:49:37 PM »
 how sad of you to make a comment about people having "too many children" It is none of your business how many children people have (unless you're supporting them) How did you get on this earth??  You must live a miserable life that you hate children... Im blessed with mine!!!!! I don't particularly care for the play street but your comments are absolutely absurd. Go crawl under a rock!!

Offline dssjh

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #68 on: July 17, 2010, 03:00:05 PM »
and, on the flip side, i am childless and i love the play street. there's really no reason for anyone within a five block radius of the play street to have a car other than:

a) they are 'differently abled' to the point where it is impossible to use the subway.

b) they are delivery people who need their cars to work wvery moment of the work day.

c) riding the subway is beneath them, as they might have to sit next to me. BOO!

Offline Really4rob

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #69 on: July 17, 2010, 03:13:06 PM »
Rob, if there is a sudden rise of respiratory illness on 80th or 76th Streets, between Northern and 34th Avenues, it's your fault. You and all your selfish breeder friends are to blame. I hope you can live with yourself.

Cough ... cough ... trying to reply ... cough .. leo .. but the air quality ... cough ... here on 79th Street ... so ... cough ... bad ... if only these cars could go down 78th ...  :)

and, on the flip side, i am childless and i love the play street. there's really no reason for anyone within a five block radius of the play street to have a car other than:
a) they are 'differently abled' to the point where it is impossible to use the subway.
b) they are delivery people who need their cars to work wvery moment of the work day.
c) riding the subway is beneath them, as they might have to sit next to me. BOO!

To be fair, no one is even saying they can't have cars ... for the next two months they just can't park them on the playstreet.
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Offline dssjh

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #70 on: July 17, 2010, 03:19:58 PM »
true, rob. just that about 95 percent of my neighbors were car-free when i was growing up, and i have never owned one. since i am now over 40, it seems odd to me that people would go to such great pains to use such a difficult mode of transportation.  :angel:

Offline Dudley

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #71 on: July 22, 2010, 02:36:08 PM »
Hi! I just wanted to notify you of an upcoming event on the play street...

SUNDAY August 15th

Learn to ride a bike from 11 am to 2 pm and Recycle a Bicyle kids bike exchange from 12pm to 3pm.

Offline queensgurl

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010
« Reply #72 on: July 22, 2010, 05:29:40 PM »
Some people need cars to get to work everyday. For example, I used to work in Melville, LI. The closest LIRR station was either Farmingdale or Huntington. My friend's husband worked in Connecticut in a location that was not close to a Metro North station. In both situations we could take the train but we would have had the extra expense of a cab every day.

I grew up in a part of Queens that has driveways and garages, and no alternate side of the street parking. I'm still not used to on-the-street parking. And, after shoveling out a couple of times, I decided to leave my car at my bf's house in Westchester this past winter, but it's back now and I'm happy to have the option of driving or using the MTA. Who can say they really enjoy waiting for the train on a 100+ degree subway platform?


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Another upcoming event - Yoga on Saturday 24th
« Reply #73 on: July 23, 2010, 09:32:50 AM »
-- Free community yoga class this Saturday, July 24th at 7:30am. 
This will be an open-level vinyasa class for adults, led by Michelle Provenzano. 
Class size is limited to 16 adults: first come, first serve. 
**Must bring your own yoga mat**

Michelle Provenzano has been a Yoga practitioner, Visual Artist andArts Educator for over twelve years.  She just graduated this June withcertification to teach from OM Yoga’s 200 Hour Joining Heaven and EarthTeacher Training Program.   Michelle has also been involved in Buddhistprograms at the Shambhala Meditation Center and The Interdependence Project.

Offline NYC Peromyscus

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Re: 78th Street Play Street for 2010 / Parking takes up a lot of space!!
« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2010, 12:51:53 PM »
This thread has a lot of things going on, but I'm responding to the issue of parking.  I don't think people realize just how much total space is used to provide free parking (i.e. free large object storage).  This blog post has a nice analysis of parking space in downtown Montgomery Co., Maryland (a suburb of DC):

20-50% of the total land area is used for parking in the Central Business District and some shopping areas!

The numbers may not be that high in Jackson Heights, but it is still a lot of land devoted to free large object storage rather than other, potentially more productive uses.  It is mind-boggling that people object to a mere block being appropriated for play space for a matter of weeks (it's not even permanent!).

And I am not a car hater...I have a car because a) I need it to carry large amounts of equipment to work sites throughout the city (mostly areas of Queens and Bronx that are hard to access on public transportation), and b) like the freedom of being able to go outside the city on a random Saturday, take my kid to see relatives in the suburbs without much planning, etc.  However, I pay for a private parking space and don't expect the city to provide free storage.