Author Topic: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?  (Read 9048 times)

Offline Chuckster

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Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« on: March 25, 2009, 12:38:44 AM »
A while back I noticed some signs by the cash registers at the Met on 37th Avenue requesting that people sign a petition supporting the sale of wine in supermarkets.  Today, I came across an article in The New York Times stating that Gov. Patterson has submitted a proposal along with his budget that would allow any grocery or convenience store with a retail beer license to also apply for a wine license.  According to the plan, accompanying licensing fees would bring in needed revenue.  One argument against this proposal is that your typical small liquor store would be adversely affected by the competition. Others argue that wine being sold at local markets may attract underage drinking.  Proponents of the plan tout the convenience and choices that may become available if this proposal is approved.

Question:  Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?

The New York Times -- Chardonnay in Aisle 3?

The Chuckster has spoken!

Offline Queenskid

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2009, 08:06:53 AM »
Yes!  Costco is the leading seller of fine wine in this country, but not in New York. Moreover, under the current law, not only does Trader Joe's have to have a separate store for wine, but they are allowed only a single license for a single store in the entire State.  Thus, in Queens they can't even have an attached wine store. 

With respect to the under age drinking argument, young people generally don't run down to 78th Street Park on a Summer night and crack open a fine Bordeaux.  I know I didn't.  We drank beer which, ironically, is already available at supermarkets.  If we trust supermarkets not to sell beer to young people, we can trust them with wine.

I feel bad for the local liquor stores, but I am always disappointed by their selection and prices. I find myself going into Manhattan or Grand Wines in Astoria to find the stuff I want at a reasonable price. 

Offline StevenGrey

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2009, 12:19:23 PM »
I have two problems with this proposal, and neither has anything to do with underage drinking.

1. I'm not entirely convinced that wine sold in NYC supermarkets would offer better prices than liquor stores. I'm sure that high liquor taxes in NYS and the overhead costs associated with running the relatively small supermarkets in the city would not make the price of a bottle of wine as cheap as what I've seen in places like Florida and California where the supermarkets are the size of aircraft hangars.

2. Given the limited shelf space available in most NYC supermarkets, devoting an aisle or even half and aisle to wine means cutting the selection of groceries and other goods available for sale elsewhere in the store. If that's the case, I'd rather give up the convenience and stop in at the wine shop after I do my grocery shopping.

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2009, 12:50:21 PM »
2. Given the limited shelf space available in most NYC supermarkets, devoting an aisle or even half and aisle to wine means cutting the selection of groceries and other goods available for sale elsewhere in the store. If that's the case, I'd rather give up the convenience and stop in at the wine shop after I do my grocery shopping.

This is an interesting point Steven.  For argument's sake, I'll take your shelf space issue and add another question to the mix.  In a market the size of Trade Fair on 37th Avenue with very limited shelf space, what quality wine can we expect to be offered?  Smaller markets have problems with the arrangement of traditional grocery items, let alone wine.
The Chuckster has spoken!


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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2009, 01:10:07 PM »
I'm going to add to the dissent- I would never buy wine in a supermarket because I like the expertise that's offered in the liquor store.  I don't drink that much wine, so I don't usually have a good sense of what I should be getting to pair with a meal, the differences between different white wines, etc.  I'm even willing to pay more per bottle for that service.

Offline Queenskid

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2009, 01:22:03 PM »
This is an interesting point Steven.  For argument's sake, I'll take your shelf space issue and add another question to the mix.  In a market the size of Trade Fair on 37th Avenue with very limited shelf space, what quality wine can we expect to be offered?  Smaller markets have problems with the arrangement of traditional grocery items, let alone wine.

For me the point isn't what they put on the shelves and where they put it.  That's a business decision that should be left to the stores.  My objection is that we have these outdated, prohibition era laws that don't allow the stores to make those decisions, thereby limiting my choices.

I'll note that Josh Wesson, the founder of the Best Cellars wine retail chain, now works for A&P which owns Waldbaum's.  We have a Walbaum's in our neighborhood.  The combination of Wesson's wine knowledge and the buying power of a huge national chain will result in choices and prices we don't currently have in Jackson Heights. 

Offline racert

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2009, 03:41:57 PM »
Personally I can't see buying wine sold at any of the grocery stores in the neighborhood, but then again I have a hard time buying wine at any of the liquor stores in the neighborhood.   Part of the issue is with storage and climate control, but the other part is product knowledge (as noted by Judibean.)  Picking a wine is not like choosing between Fruit Loops and Cheerios. 

If the law is changed it should be done fairly:
Wine and liquor stores to should be allowed to sell more than wine and booze.  Currently they are not even allowed to sell beer!
Also, restrictions on owners having multiple store locations limit the buying power of the owners.

I am actively pursuing a venture opening a new store in JH, selling affordable quality wines, but I am waiting the outcome of this proposed law change.  I am hopeful that we will be selling wine & craft beer, along with food items to go with the beverages (IE nice cheeses.) If/when that happens, I hope you shop at my store instead of Trade Fair!

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2009, 06:49:53 PM »
I am all for more competition. The mom and pops have something that walmart will never have. let walmart sell the crap.  We have at least 4 produce stores in the neighbhorhood - in competition wtih the supermarkets.
BTW - there already is a supermarket that sells wines in JH. in very limited quantity, but they do it. I dont know why and I'm not going to divulge because I like the people there.

I'm trying to figure out why the law is there in the first place...

Offline toddg

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2009, 09:59:21 PM »
In California urban supermarkets, an entire aisle is often dedicated to wine sales.  To my untrained eye, the selection was about comparable to the other products the market offered.  If the store offered an ecclectic range of organic and non-organic foods from smaller manufacturers, it was likely to stock smaller breweries and vineyards as well.  If the store was all about mass consumer goods, the booze aisle would reflect that.  I think that bodes well for what Met and Trade Fair might carry.

However, since our stores are so much smaller, I would share StevenGrey's concern about their selection of food items being reduced as a result.   On the other hand, any ground they cede would create new market opportunities for other businesses.  Maybe a liquor store will go out of business, but a new specialized food store could open in its place. 

Of course, I don't drink wine, and my wife and I purchase wine directly from vineyards, not from stores.  So feel free to ignore me!

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2009, 06:33:07 PM »
NO! keep the booze in liquor stores!, consolidation of products and goods leads to homogenization of products line and overall negative impact on the variety of items a community can consume.  supermarkets already decide for you what you will eat, lets keep some choice in what we drink

Offline hunnybear

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2009, 10:18:49 PM »
I would love to buy wine in the grocery store this would save time-- for me anyhow. It doesnt make sense why I can buy beer at the grocery store- heck even rite aid sells beer and cigarettes-I don't smoke but the drug stores still sell them. We go out of state  regularly and always buy wine there in the supermarkets. Its a silly law and when I was a teen I drank beer and liquor NEVER wine

Offline ccv

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2009, 09:04:05 AM »

I am actively pursuing a venture opening a new store in JH, selling affordable quality wines, but I am waiting the outcome of this proposed law change.  I am hopeful that we will be selling wine & craft beer, along with food items to go with the beverages (IE nice cheeses.) If/when that happens, I hope you shop at my store instead of Trade Fair!

Do you have a location?

Offline NYC Peromyscus

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2009, 11:13:25 AM »
Can't find a news article, but NPR reported this morning that the bill to allow wine sales in grocery stores has been defeated.

I have mixed feelings about it...a good wine shop will probably not suffer that much because they offer things that little grocery stores in the city never will: expertise, great selection, rare finds, relationships with the owners, etc.  Local businesses are great, but not if they survive despite their poor quality solely because the gov't has granted them a local monopoly.

Offline C11106

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2009, 11:47:17 AM »
The laws regarding sale of alcohol are certainly strange. I used to promote liquor and so I spent some time at various liquor stores and learned that these are laws:

-Liquor stores are not allowed to sell beer, only wine and liquor
-Liquor stores are not allowed to sell non-alcoholic beverages, which is why the only "mixers" sold there contain at least 1% alcohol.
-Liquor stores are not allowed to be open for more than 5 hours on a Sunday.
-Alcohol may not be sold before noon on a Sunday.

In Albany county, liquor stores were not allowed to be open past 9pm.  I believe that law varies by county, as I have seen other counties be as early as 7pm.  I'm not sure about around here.

I can see if the current law, stating that wine can only be sold in liquor stores was changed, it would probably cause many liquor stores to shut down.  While a lot can be said about appreciating the expertise and service provided at liquor stores, the convenience of the supermarket will outweigh that for many individuals, myself included.  That being said, I'm not a big drinker and do not really appreciate the qualities of good wine--it all really pretty much all tastes the same to me.  When I make my wine purchases, it's almost always because I'm visiting someone and bring a bottle with me.  I don't know if there are enough people who really do appreciate wine and need the additional selection of a liquor stores are around here to support all of the liquor stores if wine were to be sold in the supermarket.

Offline NYC Peromyscus

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Re: Would you buy wine at your local supermarket?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2009, 02:55:17 PM »
I certainly don't disagree that some liquor shops might have closed if the grocery stores sold wine.  But note in my comment above that I said "good" wine shops would probably still do well!  There are at least five crappy liquor / wine stores within three blocks of my apt, and I wouldn't care if all of them closed.  Would love to see the five replaced with one good one (or even a good selection at a grocery store).

The liquor laws are silly all around.