Author Topic: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park  (Read 6472 times)

Offline JHHD

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« Last Edit: March 21, 2019, 07:38:13 PM by JHHD »

Offline carrefour_ny

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2019, 09:19:44 AM »
Thanks for sharing this. It's discouraging to hear about these changes to the plan that are under discussion. I'm such a huge fan of the 78th street closure and park expansion, that I'd hate to see it modified to accommodate Koeppel. If Northern has gotten a little better over the past few years, it sure wasn't because of the car dealerships.

Offline JDinJH

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2019, 09:22:29 AM »
I used to take my child to the Garden School and have to walk past the dealer's business.  The cars that drive around that 78th Street area, not just the dealer, are a danger to the children nearby.  They have no regard for the kids.  Some of the cars would literally block off the entire crosswalk forcing parents to walk around them and towards Northern Blvd.  Things were so bad that they would have to have cops parked there during the morning and afternoon.  It is no accident that the dealer recently reconstructed the building with the intention of maintaining access to 78th Street.  We, as a neighborhood, should not let them do this.  If anything, we should demand that the City, by eminent domain, take over the space and increase Travers Park's footprint.

Offline odyshape

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2019, 11:04:11 AM »
Some vocal picketing outside the dealership that gets press attention could help.

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2019, 07:55:09 AM »
  Can anyone explain why this complaint is surfacing now? This construction has been going on in full view for many months
on 78th st. What did I miss? Get the feeling that something like a person running for office is behind this and looking for a
agenda item. The cars using that inset for service calls, the people dropping off children and the many Parks staff that use
it seem to be part of why Northern Blvd., in that area, has been safer lately. Can't imagine what would happen if that
inset was removed for traffic on Northern.

  Why not take this question to the actual park users this summer? Have people ask does it help or hurt the park? People
using Travers for sports and birthday parties might be loving this inset to unload. I would be sure it doesn't break down on
any socio economic divides here. Because it feels agenda driven on someone's part here...

Offline JDinJH

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2019, 09:37:45 AM »
  Can anyone explain why this complaint is surfacing now? This construction has been going on in full view for many months
on 78th st. What did I miss? Get the feeling that something like a person running for office is behind this and looking for a
agenda item. The cars using that inset for service calls, the people dropping off children and the many Parks staff that use
it seem to be part of why Northern Blvd., in that area, has been safer lately. Can't imagine what would happen if that
inset was removed for traffic on Northern.

  Why not take this question to the actual park users this summer? Have people ask does it help or hurt the park? People
using Travers for sports and birthday parties might be loving this inset to unload. I would be sure it doesn't break down on
any socio economic divides here. Because it feels agenda driven on someone's part here...

let's hear more about this conspiracy you surmise is the reason for anybody raising questions about this issue after it was brought to light and publicized by a local newspaper?   How do you know that people that are raising concerns were aware of the details discussed in the article before reading the article?

That entire area should become part of the park.  The car dealer's land should be taken via eminent domain, as well as the small nursery school, for the betterment of the neighborhood. As far as people dropping their kids off with cars, Travers is a neighborhood park and I would estimate that probably 98% of the people who use the park live within walking distance and walk to the park.  In terms of dropping off and picking people off, if the entire block were taken over, I am sure that a small drop-off/pick-up area could be incorporated. 

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2019, 01:28:43 PM »
 Not sure really. And wonder if this is a weird clash of opinions in our diverse neighborhood. I see many multi generational
families here using cars btw.

Offline dssjh

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2019, 01:56:26 PM »
i wonder how many of those pushing to re-open the area to traffic are even from the neighborhood. 

Offline JHResident

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2019, 05:19:50 PM »
The only people using this street are private school parents, people making U-turns, illegal Parker's using the Farmer's market, and people looking for parking in the evening. Pave it over. Screw the car dealer, unless he pays for the property.

Offline stevn

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2019, 08:45:24 PM »
i wonder how many of those pushing to re-open the area to traffic are even from the neighborhood.

It's not re-opening anything. That stub of a street is currently open to traffic. I'm not sure people would be thrilled if a park directly abutted Northern Blvd. Maybe having this buffer is not such a bad thing.

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2019, 11:20:27 PM »
This is crazy nonsense. That driveway on 78th was used for over 30 years for access to the garage by Toyota. They moved to the BQE and sold the property to Koeppel. At no time can the city take that driveway without closing the dealership. The business has done nothing wrong accept operate a legitimate car showroom and repair shop.

Offline dssjh

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2019, 02:24:30 PM »
does the dealership actually *own* that stub of land/concrete? if so, i agree with JK in opposing eminent domain. i was displaced by it three decades ago and i still have a chip on my shoulder about that. but if the claim is they've "always used" a stretch of public land, well, they can stop using it now. anyone know the details on that?

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2019, 04:16:15 PM »
 There are some other hidden agendas here that seem to be coming out. The Koeppel Mazda fight looks like it won't be won so there will be some capitulations here but the other folks- Rainbowland and Garden Schools will both be squeezed here in the name of community activism. Kids lose. Strongly suspect someone involved here is running for election of some sort. Would love to see names so they can be referenced in the future. This is very fishy stuff going on at this late date in many people's opinion.

 Eminent domain is a nasty thing and it can take all forms when people have hidden agendas- little guys lose!

Offline lalochezia

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2019, 04:25:46 PM »
This is very fishy stuff going on at this late date in many people's opinion.

Since you're so  against "hidden agendas" and want to see "names so they can be referenced in the future" .........list the "many people" who share your opinion.

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2019, 05:02:41 PM »
 Sure. There is a protest scheduled for this weekend so the peoples involved will be there I assume. And then if they are running for office soon you can see if this is added to their "accomplishments". This will be the reference. And are you reading here on JH Life with some peoples who are opposed to this inset being taken away after being constructed in full view of the public? Along with others I have spoken to directly, I see another side of this argument. Don't you?