Author Topic: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park  (Read 6471 times)

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2019, 08:44:01 AM »
Keep cars out of our park? That’s crazy. The dealership has been there along with the garage side entrance for decades. The city can’t just close a street to cars and say to Koeppel and the Garden school that you can’t use the garages. The city would have to pay for such a taking of land use. The value of the property for commercial purposes is less. You also don’t know if the 77th street entrance would work.

Offline abcdefghijk

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2019, 08:48:19 AM »
In the initial planning by the city and the community, did no-one foresee this issue?

How can that be?

Was the can simply kicked down the road? Until now?

Offline specanha

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2019, 12:19:19 PM »
From Jackson Heights Green Alliance, I'll be there and will bring my family. Please come along if you can:

Join us on Saturday March 30th at 11AM in Travers Park for a rally to keep Travers Park safe.

A new car dealership, Koeppel Mazda, recently opened at the corner of 78th Street and Northern Blvd and it built a car service entrance on 78th Street where Travers Park is to be expanded. We have been informed that this car service entrance is going to prevent the NYC Department of Parks from giving the Jackson Heights community the car-free park redesign that you were promised.

The plans below clearly show the new park extending all of the way to Northern Boulevard, creating a safe space for our children that would be free of motor vehicles.

Since the car dealership opened, we now have a constant flow of traffic on the street, quite often driving into the park to perform u-turns, showing complete disregard for the safety of everyone who uses the space.

As the community group that worked most closely with the Jackson Heights community to create this space we have repeatedly heard how important it is for us to have a completely car-free environment in our park. This failure by the city to fulfill that promise is unacceptable to us.

Join us this Saturday and let Koeppel know that we want to keep Travers Park Safe!

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2019, 01:10:23 PM »
  Fighting for this odd little space makes no sense in the bigger picture here. And the tone in the JH Green Alliance protest
announcement is awful! I raise the question again of who is doing this and for what political gain from this odd little piece
of land, especially with all the issues on both sides.

  Wrong battle to pick, IMHO, as there is much more to improve in the new Travers Park. Move on to better things...

Offline abu benuska

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2019, 08:38:48 PM »
Well, itsit, I guess I won’t see you there. But in a parkless place like here, every inch matters. And in this case, we’re also talking about safety for kids playing. It seems terribly misplaced that yet another car dealership in northern could win over the interest of an entire community. Especially when that dealership is brand new to the area and was renovated long after the plans for the park had been announced. Why didn’t the dealership owner think of that in his design? Why would the interest of one business get priority over the interests of thousands of neighbors? I hope you ponder and join us.

Offline Chingwa

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2019, 09:41:34 PM »
Because thousands people don't get to trample on the rights of a single person just because they outnumber them.

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2019, 08:57:29 AM »
Well, itsit, I guess I won’t see you there. But in a parkless place like here, every inch matters. And in this case, we’re also talking about safety for kids playing. It seems terribly misplaced that yet another car dealership in northern could win over the interest of an entire community. Especially when that dealership is brand new to the area and was renovated long after the plans for the park had been announced. Why didn’t the dealership owner think of that in his design? Why would the interest of one business get priority over the interests of thousands of neighbors? I hope you ponder and join us.

 Yes, you may see me there. But here is a very likely scenario of why this situation came to be and who made what mistakes. There was a big reveal in Travers Park of the redesign (not sure of year), held by Danny Dromm's office and Parks. Very hard to hear as it was a day of loud planes flying overhead. Private conversations became the norm. During one of these, a few people said why doesn't the plan here show the inset that was agreed upon for the universal pre-K public kindergarden and the Garden School to access its garages and for the Toyota dealership to keep its repair business? The NYC Parks designer  (don't have name here) said this is only a preliminary drawing. We haven't gone to specifics yet and these issues will be addressed as they were part of the negotiation. And MY STRONG SUSPICION is that these updated plans were never done - or were never released. A mistake! But if they exist and someone finds them, this whole effort instantly goes up in smoke.

  And now people are saying "Look, the drawing says the whole street is ours" and other people who have been involved since the beginning are saying this was not the agreement. Let it go, as it is an undesirable space, not a significant hazard and in fact more of a benefit on balance regarding traffic on Northern Blvd than a liability. But a certain group is stuck here with only this issue and not the holistic goal of making the new Travers Park the best is can be for the whole community. Can anyone really justify for example that the heavily used basketball court has remained untouched through three! renovations in Travers in the past 12 years. Teens don't matter? That court is an embarrassment yet this group is obsessing some yards over on this street inset.

  So I strongly encourage people to move on and be mindful about making the whole park better for all and that square footage is not a priority in this case but a quality park for all is.

Offline jhjefe

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2019, 11:17:17 AM »

  So I strongly encourage people to move on and be mindful about making the whole park better for all and that square footage is not a priority in this case but a quality park for all is.

Thanks for your opinions,  speculation, and theories .  Got it.  You don’t see the value in maximizing car free park space.  Others think it’s worthwhile goal  whether you understand why or not.

Offline jhjefe

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2019, 11:42:07 AM »
It's more dangerous to cross 34th ave to get to the park in the first place then to worry about that little stretch... or if you're coming from the other direction you'd have to cross northern which is an even bigger risk obviously.

I dunno, I just don't get the big deal.  If people want something to complain about how about that this "park" redesign with all the effort and money that went into it forgot about grass... you know ACTUAL green, not green painted asphalt.

What does 34th ave and grass have to do with the topic?  Totally beside the point but you do realize there is a sizable live-grass lawn in Travers Park.  Maybe you’re thinking about a different park, different part of the world?

Offline Minimal4me

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2019, 06:50:22 PM »
Is this the same dealership that was mentioned on this site a while back - wanting a zoning variance to take over more city blocks?

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #40 on: March 29, 2019, 07:23:00 AM »
 Protest called off?

  Am assuming that after the accident yesterday with a IS145 student getting pinned under a car while going
between double parked school buses that the protest would be cancelled. Who in their right mind would close
78th street to buses one block away from where overcrowded streets endangered this students life on 79th
street. It would be unconscionable.

 And for whoever here is running for political office, it would be a supremely bad idea. I hope this student is
recovering well and pray for him, his family and friends.

Offline jhjefe

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #41 on: March 29, 2019, 10:41:39 AM »
Protest called off?

  Am assuming that after the accident yesterday with a IS145 student getting pinned under a car while going
between double parked school buses that the protest would be cancelled. Who in their right mind would close
78th street to buses one block away from where overcrowded streets endangered this students life on 79th
street. It would be unconscionable.

 And for whoever here is running for political office, it would be a supremely bad idea. I hope this student is
recovering well and pray for him, his family and friends.

Wishful thinking NRA level logic.

Offline dssjh

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2019, 02:00:24 PM »
yeah, what better way to publicize the need for safety than cancelling a protest about safety.

Offline Dudley

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #43 on: March 29, 2019, 04:09:45 PM »
Minimal4me Yes it is.

Regarding all the rest, nobody involved in the rally is running for office. Not sure what that has to do with anything to be honest. I'm certainly not and I'm one of the people who's fought long and hard alongside many others to expand and improve the park.

The protest is not going to be called off, and I hope more people attend now in light of the horrible incident yesterday.

Here's a rough render of what the Northern Boulevard side of the park would look like:

If this doesn't get fixed, we'll lose that whole side of the park.

Offline itsit

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Re: 78Th St between Northern and Travers Park
« Reply #44 on: March 29, 2019, 06:56:41 PM »
 What missing here is the impact in redistributing to other streets what a safety valve this inset is. Show the congestion during school hours on 79th street, which led, in some part to a serious accident yesterday. Also show the impact on the two preK schools involved here. People are already stating on this site and others that we have a big supply of benches already.

 Full disclosure please, with all sides covered (79th & 77th sts) when this so vital? 100yds is added to the park.