Author Topic: Senator Peralta and the IDC  (Read 31383 times)

Offline inconnu65

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #90 on: February 12, 2017, 07:38:01 AM »
Jose Peralta: Stop Empowering Republicans!
Thursday, February 16 at 6:30 PM - 8 PM
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State Senator Jose Peralta defected from the Senate Democratic Caucus to the IDC (Independent Democratic Conference) to caucus with Senate Republicans. This is indefensible when Senate Republicans seek to push the Trump agenda in New York. Here in the most diverse neighborhood in New York City, we say no to xenophobia, no to Islamaphobia, and no to the Trump agenda!

Offline thedude

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This is an amazing story. And once again, Senator Peralta attacks his constituents on a personal nasty level.

Sen. Peralta Kicked Out of Democratic Club in Latest Fallout Over IDC Move

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Another interesting grassroots Facebook group that has popped up with quite a few followers. Its called NO IDC NY

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If Senator Peralta didn't have a million reasons to quit the IDC, now he has a big one. His constituents are not racist. And the difference between the classy and historic leadership of Andrea Stewart Cousins and that of political opportunist Jeff Klein, have never been more apparent. The rallies have been multi-ethnic, multi-generational and multi-lingual. Read the story below.

“This is an outrageous and dangerous statement. The reality is we have a group of rogue Democrats who are empowering Trump Republicans, and blocking me from becoming the first woman and first African American woman Senate President or co-President,” said Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins. “It is sad that they are now insulting and calling the protesters who are demanding Democratic control of the Senate racist. We need to work together to stand up for the people of New York and not throw around dangerous and offensive accusations. “

Offline thedude

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Not a peep from Senator Peralta after his Republican allies say "keep dreaming"
« Reply #94 on: February 14, 2017, 02:11:42 PM »

While the bill passed the Democrat-controlled New York Assembly, some in the Senate Republican majority have already signaled that the bill will face a difficult road in the Senate. Republican Senator Terrance Murphy, Chairman of the Committee on Investigations & Government Operations released a statement about the bill, going so far as telling New York Democrats to “keep dreaming.”

Offline liberlatino

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Re: Peralta joins the "Independent Democrats"
« Reply #96 on: February 16, 2017, 07:22:44 PM »
Very proud of the residents of Jackson heights. Big protest tonight against Peralta, very diverse crowd, and thanks to all our great Democratic elected officials who showed up.

Offline thedude

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Hey Hey HO HO IDC and Peralta Got to Go
« Reply #97 on: February 17, 2017, 03:01:14 PM »

The councilmen also expressed their frustration towards state Sen. Jeff Klein (D-Bronx) calling the Jackson Heights community racist for attacking Peralta’s decision to join the IDC, and demanded that he apologize.

“We went out and petitioned for Peralta, and asked people to vote for him, so it is particularly offensive to me when Jeff Klein said that we are outside agitators,” Dromm said. “We are not outside agitators; we are members of this community. Nor are we racist. We elected him, the first Dominican man.”

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Peralta tossed out of own Democratic club for joining IDC
« Reply #98 on: February 18, 2017, 10:39:21 AM »
The 400-plus members of the New Visions Democratic Club were flummoxed by Peralta’s defection because at a Jan. 14 meeting, Peralta was highly critical of the IDC.

“It was quite surprising when he announced he would join because just weeks before he railed against the IDC,” board member Rhoda Dunn said. “It wasn’t positive, let’s put it that way.”

Another board member, Victoria Steinberg, said his defection felt like a betrayal.

“It was a slap in the face,” she said. “On Jan. 14 he depicted the IDC as unprincipled, immoral, manipulative and a blight on the state Senate. We had no warning about his decision. He lied to us at the board.”

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Senator Peralta and the IDC
« Reply #99 on: March 01, 2017, 03:51:12 PM »
Jackson Heights really led the way in exposing the IDC, who are  the "I Don't Care" Democrats in the NY Senate. They are in bed with the ultra-right wing Republicans who are blocking the Women's Equality Act, the Dream Act, rent control/stabilization laws and LGBT rights. Neighborhood activists are now organizing protests in every part of the State, every day, organized and led by local residents. These are the same activists who were called "racists" and "outsiders" by Jeff Klein and Diane Savino, the right wing leaders of the IDC. See below:

Tony Avella:

David Carlucci:

Jesse Hamilton:

Marisol Alcantara:

Offline queenskid2

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Dude, you seem to have an obvious agenda, which is fine.  And while I agree with much you say, I don't agree with your characterizations of Senators Klein and Savino as "right wing."  In fact, Savino's passionate and funny speech on the senate floor in support of gay marriage went viral and demonstrated the absurdity of the prohibition against gay marriage.  And before you respond with dozens of examples of how the senate republicans are so right wing, are there any examples of Klein and Savino voting in support of right wing legislation?

The bottom line is, even if the IDC joined the mainstream democrats, the republicans would still control the senate.  If there comes a time when the IDC can actually swing control to the democrats, but instead chooses to still empower the republicans, then I'll be right with you in calling for their heads.  For now, however, I think it's premature to view people as either friends or enemies.  Just my humble opinion. 

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There is a difference between an "agenda" and an "opinion." Yes, I have an opinion. And yes, I post newspaper articles because I believe that backing up my "opinion" with independent sources make my positions more credible and put up to scrutiny.

I think you simply do not know the history of the IDC. Here is the simple reality and this is not under any kind of dispute:

In 2012, there were 33 out of 63 democrats elected to the NY Senate. Simcha Felder left the Democrats after the November elections and joined with the Republicans but there were still an outright majority of 32 Democrats in the Senate.

Diane Savino then proceeded to leave the Democrats along with 3 others, and form a coalition with the right wing republicans.

By doing so, they prevented the first African American and women, Andrea Stewart Cousins, from getting elected Majority leader of the senate.

There were 32 Democrats elected the moment a recount was completed over a new seat in the Albany area. That was in mid-January. That seat went to a Democrat.

Thats it. There were 32 Democrats without Simcha Felder. Thats it. There is no dispute. There was a democratic Majority and they walked away and empowered the Republicans to gain power. They left for a simple reason. The Democrats voted for Andrea Stewart Cousins as Leader and not Jeff Klein, so Klein and Savino got up and formed a coalition with the Republicans.

Now that you have this information, do agree with me ?

Offline queenskid2

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I will agree with you when you point out the"right wing" legislation that Klein and Savino have supported. I have never liked this"all or nothing/if you don't walk the party line you're the enemy" approach to politics. The truth is the IDC was formed against the backdrop of corruption in the Democratic leadership. The Democrats chose a criminal, John Sampson, over Klein so Klein walked. He wanted power, how shocking for a politician, but I don't see him or his colleagues as"the enemy." Not yet anyway.

With respect to your agenda/opinion argument: you have posted 59 times on this site. Approximately 55 of your posts have been about the IDC or Peralta joining the IDC. To me, that's more than a mere opinion. And that's fine. In this new age of national politics, and all the racism that's driving policy, agendas are good. Especially if they keep those in power in line.

Offline thedude

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Those talking points passed before people started paying attention, but the jig is up. No one is falling for that stuff anymore.

So I guess Jeff Klein who loyally served as John Sampson's deputy for many years, suddenly had a premonition that he was a criminal even though Sampson would not be charged with a crime until 5 years later, so he left the democratic conference. I guess Klein's mystical powers weren't working when the IDC took in Malcolm Smith as a member, who was convicted of crimes as well. Please.

And how does any of this explain the IDCs refusing to conference with a democratic majority for Andrew Stewart Cousins as Leader?

As for Senator Klein, I think the following article says all we need to know about him.

Offline JH Resist

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If you are looking for a resource for how to resist the Republican Administration's agenda, which includes taking action at the state and local level, was well as connect with your neighbors, please consider joining:

This is a closed and moderated group. Anyone can find the group and see who is in it, but only members can see posts.

If you have information about action the group and individuals can take at the state senate level, that would be an excellent place to mobilize local residents in to action.