Author Topic: Senator Peralta and the IDC  (Read 31380 times)

Offline DamarisMoné

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First, Senator Peralta has time and time again made it clear that his own move to the IDC did not shift the balance of power in the State Senate in any way. The current power sharing relationship was in place prior to Peralta's move. The fact remains that the move was the best way for Peralta to help our community, as is evidenced by the funding that he was able to provide to many groups in need throughout his District. These are just a few examples:
Additionally, why are we now attacking Peralta for fighting for speed camera legislation in Albany? And why are we attacking him for the linkage of the legislation to the broader topic of mayoral control that lies squarely with political leaders who are not Peralta? The Governor has made it clear that the Legislature will be coming back to Albany, and coming back soon. We should be supporting the push to bring the speed camera bill across the finish line, not commiserating it's demise prematurely. Twisting these facts does nothing rather than fuel those who are trying to defeat the measure.

Offline lalochezia

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First, Senator Peralta has time and time again made it clear that his own move to the IDC did not shift the balance of power in the State Senate in any way. The current power sharing relationship was in place prior to Peralta's move.

Translation: "Since the democrats don't have a majority, I will add to republican numbers".

. Every member of IDC who caucuses with the republicans makes it harder for the democratic party  to have a voice and eventually regain a majority. It is playing into Republican hands.

A vote for a member of the IDC is a vote for upstate, anti-NYC republicans.

Remember that.

Voters will remember that at election time.

Offline dssjh

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another vote here...for a thumbs up icon option.

could not agree more with Lalochezia's headlined-for-emphasis statement.

"if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... and become subservient to 'em" may be financially attractive, but it's no way to serve your constituents.

Offline Crabby_Appleton

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Peralta can send me as many birthday cards and Planned Parenthood endorsements as he wants, but I'll vote for a battered pet rock over that weasel come the next primary. He made a grave miscalculation in this climate.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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First, Senator Peralta has time and time again made it clear that his own move to the IDC did not shift the balance of power in the State Senate in any way.

In the interest of transparency, perhaps Peralta's staffers should be upfront on their posts about Peralta being their boss.

Every member of IDC who caucuses with the republicans

I'd ask critics of the IDC to get their facts straight. IDC members do not caucus with the Republicans. They caucus with themselves, the IDC, do not caucus with the rest of the Democrats in the NY Senate.

You may think this is a distinction without difference, but I've witnessed the *outrage* IDC members get to express -- and in one case claim this accusation is "fake news" -- when someone suggests they caucus (meet) with Republicans. And when it's in front of a friendly audience, this show gives them the opportunity to demonstrate to their followers how unfair and full of deception their critics are. Don't fall for it. They don't caucus with the Republicans and they don't vote for a Republican to lead the senate. They caucus with themselves as one of three conferences in the US Senate, and they vote for their leader Jeff Klein to lead the senate, thereby splitting the Democratic vote.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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The fact remains that the move was the best way for Peralta to help our community, as is evidenced by the funding that he was able to provide to many groups in need throughout his District.

Where does that funding come from? Who doles it out?

Additionally, why are we now attacking Peralta for fighting for speed camera legislation in Albany?

If you think that's what he's being attacked for in this article, that's a massive reading comprehension failure on your part. So bad you should get a refund for any money you've laid out for your education. But of course you know that's not the issue. Questions like this are transparently disingenuous.

Offline wlirfan

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First, Senator Peralta has time and time again made it clear that his own move to the IDC did not shift the balance of power in the State Senate in any way.

In the interest of transparency, perhaps Peralta's staffers should be upfront on their posts about Peralta being their boss.

I second, third, fourth and fifth the above posts.  How someone with a history of exactly 4 posts can tell us what has been said on this board time and time again is a mystery explained only as one of his staffers creating a new account - like all the other new accounts - that we saw once he announced his allegiance with the IDC.  Again, if he's in a primary fight, I'll vote against him.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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^Damaris is Senator Peralta's Deputy Chief of Staff. I don't have an issue with her doing her job -- and apparently Senator Peralta and his staff have decided his Deputy Chief of Staff should be posting on here under her own name -- but I do have an issue them doing so without fully disclosing who they are and who they work for.

Offline crocketnyc

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I'd ask critics of the IDC to get their facts straight. IDC members do not caucus with the Republicans. They caucus with themselves, the IDC, do not caucus with the rest of the Democrats in the NY Senate.

You may think this is a distinction without difference, but I've witnessed the *outrage* IDC members get to express -- and in one case claim this accusation is "fake news" -- when someone suggests they caucus (meet) with Republicans. And when it's in front of a friendly audience, this show gives them the opportunity to demonstrate to their followers how unfair and full of deception their critics are. Don't fall for it. They don't caucus with the Republicans and they don't vote for a Republican to lead the senate. They caucus with themselves as one of three conferences in the US Senate, and they vote for their leader Jeff Klein to lead the senate, thereby splitting the Democratic vote.

The IDC thew their allegiance to the Republicans.  If the IDC sat with the Democrats a WOMAN would be leading the NYS Senate and the Republicans would be in the minority today. 

Offline queenskid2

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Actually, that's not true. Even if the IDC decided to support the mainstream Democrats, the Republicans would still control the Senate as long as Simcha Felder caucused with them. I find the headline from the Voice article to be confusing or misleading. The Republicans controlled the Senate even before Peralta joined the IDC. I'm not defending Peralta's move, but after being exposed to so many outright lies by the Republicans, who can't rely on facts to support their policies, I think that we, the good guys, should be careful to stick to the facts.

Offline Chingwa

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Speed cameras have less to do with safety, and more to do with revenue for the city.

Offline CaptainFlannel

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Even if the IDC decided to support the mainstream Democrats, the Republicans would still control the Senate as long as Simcha Felder caucused with them.

The key there is "as long as Felder caucused with them." You're right of course, but there's no guarantee Felder would continue to caucus with the GOP. He's put out signals several times that he is open to joining the Democratic fold. If the IDC would return to the Democratic conference, Felder can become the sole focus of why the minority controls the Senate.

Offline Dodger

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There's a good op-ed in the Daily News today about the threats to reproductive rights and healthcare from the IDC collaboration with the Republican party:

Offline queenskid2

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One of the problems is that there are at least two democrats in the senate who would vote against any pro-choice legislation. I'm not sure if there are any republicans who would vote to support reproductive rights, but the math is more complicated than D versus R.

I think it is time for Governor Cuomo to visit Simcha Felder's district and put pressure on him to return to the fold.  Once that happens, then the IDC will be out of excuses and who controls the senate will be squarely on their shoulders. Then we will see where all of the senators stand on issues like reproductive rights.

Offline Gordan

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