Author Topic: Senator Peralta and the IDC  (Read 31381 times)

Offline Rogue1on82

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Yeah that quite a "big voice" Peralta has. Not one of the issues we care about passed the budget today. Not one. Not a single one. What a voice that Peralta has.

You failed to mention because none of the Democrats decided it was worth supporting Raise the Age, Dream Act, Wage Theft, Ethics Reform, or to expand Human Rights for the LGBTQ community in all schools across NYS.

Nor to support the counties trying to provide sanctuary to human beings across the state. Just like mainline Dems voted against Sanctuary Cities last year, this year they've again chosen not to support such initiatives. Sounds like they're playing into Trump's Administration.

Gee thanks for the progress.

I guess they decided to put POLITICS BEFORE PEOPLE ... yeah real progressive.

Offline thedude

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Yes, you have exposed them. All the Democrats are against those things. All 25 of them. Because the real sign of a Democrat is the one who gets in bed with the Republicans. Oh you're so smart in exposing them. Wow, this is going to change everything. Brilliant, brilliant I tell you.

Offline dssjh

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All Peralta and no play....remember how that movie ended.

Offline Rogue1on82

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"Politico NY: Senate Democrats explode over one-house resolutions
ALBANY — Tension between the state Senate's Democratic factions exploded inside the chamber on Wednesday during a debate on a non-binding budget resolution.
When the Senate took up a budget resolution sponsored by the eight-member Independent Democratic Conference, mainline Democrats demanded that their resolution also receive a floor vote. That led Sen. Michael Gianaris, the mainline Democrats’ second in command, to attempt several parliamentary gambits to protest his conference’s inability to put forward its own measure. They failed.
Sen. Jose Peralta of Queens, whose recent defection to the IDC led to an outcry from colleagues and constituents that other IDC members labeled as “racist,” said it was the first time that he was able to vote in favor of a one-house resolution, referring to the IDC resolution.
“Everyone likes to talk about progressive issues,” he said. “A vote against this is a shame.”
Freshman Sen. Marisol Alcantara of Washington Heights ratcheted up tensions by accusing Gianaris of exercising “white privilege.”
In addition, she said she “would like to know how many times my colleague has been called the N-word or a spic."
Alcantara’s comments sparked multiple heated interjections from Gianaris and IDC leader Sen. Jeff Klein and forced Majority Leader John Flanagan to intervene to restore decorum.
Klein defended Alcantara after the debate, saying she “takes her job, and her community and her heritage very seriously.”
“This is the floor of the Senate where I think we’re supposed to be debating ideas, not personalities,” he said to reporters. “But at the end of the day, we did what we’re supposed to do, we put forth our legislative agenda.”
Ultimately the IDC’s resolution drew support from only its eight members.
“If there was ever any doubts who were the Republicans’ favored Democrats, this should put that to rest,” Gianaris said, speaking to reporters outside the Senate lobby.
Gianaris, standing alongside the conference’s leader, Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins, called the IDC’s resolution “Republican-light.”
“The coalition obviously couldn’t agree on what to put in one resolution, so they allowed the IDC to put in their own resolution,” Stewart-Cousins said.
Flanagan, speaking on the Senate floor, refuted accusations of opacity and exclusion by pointing to the joint budget hearings and calling it “a very public, lengthy, exhaustive process.”
The Republican resolution passed 32-28, with Democratic Sen. Simcha Felder — who caucuses with the GOP — voting alongside the 31 Republicans. Both Democratic conferences voted against it."

The mainline Democratic Conference could have voted for a progressive One House bill by the Independent Democratic Conference but instead choose to have temper tantrums, not helping progressive values. And no matter what Simcha Felder gives majority power to the Republicans. The IDC is apparently trying to bridge the gaps between party ideologies.

Offline thedude

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This is now the third time members of the IDC have introduced race into a conversation that has nothing to do with race.

Jose Peralta called Congressman Joe Crowley a "plantation owner" because he criticized him for joining with the Republicans.

Jeff Klein called the grassroots activists "racists" because they protested Peralta and the Senator from Washington Heights for joining with the Republicans.

Today, that same Senator said Mike Gianaris was exercising "white privilege" because he said the IDC was getting in bed with Trumps supporters and their budget was "Republican lite."

These people really have no shame at all. Its all gutter politics. Cannot wait till Peralta is removed from office if this is what he is about. Really, really disgusting behavior to try and create racial tension on politics.

Offline jeanette

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"Tension between the state Senate's Democratic factions exploded inside the chamber on Wednesday during a debate on a non-binding budget resolution."

Unlike our new "neighbors" would have us believe, this situation did not just begin when Peralta darted. I wasn't there, but I used to be, and know how crucial negotiation and cooperation are among members. I can't say for sure, but it is possible Peralta wanted out more than he wanted in, if you get my drift. The dems are in real trouble; the left is in trouble. We may not be able to pull ourselves together by midterms. Racism and race baiting are really destructive forces.

They are the cards that have dealt us the Trump hand.


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Low Even For Albany

Oh, to be in Albany: A member of the state Senate this week responded to substantive criticism about the role of the breakaway Independent Democratic Conference by launching into an ad hominem diatribe violating the chamber’s decorum.

The fracas began when Democrat Mike Gianaris questioned the IDC’s alliance with the GOP, which a Daily News headline labeled “Trump’s New York Democrats.”

IDC member Marisol Alcantara, taking perfectly theatrical umbrage, answered by condemning city public school grad Gianaris as a “white man with a degree from Harvard,” accusing him of “white privilege” and demanding to know “how many times my colleague has been called the N-word or a spic.”

The answer is zero. Which is exactly how much credibility the people of New York should give Alcantara’s vicious and juvenile response.

Offline thedude

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Re: Senator Peralta and the IDC
« Reply #157 on: March 19, 2017, 07:39:41 PM »

Another expose on the shady "Independence Party" and their deal with the Republican party. Their new ally is the "IDC." If you got one of Jose Peralta's recent fliers, these are the people who paid for it. I hope the authorities investigate this.

"As of last year, the Independence Party has entered into a relationship with the Independent Democratic Conference, the eight-member group of breakaway Democrats that has aligned with Senate Republicans. The Independence Party is allowing the IDC to use its status as a statewide political party to give it access to a campaign account that can take six-figure donations and spend unlimited sums for its members, something the IDC could not otherwise do under election law."

Offline thedude

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Re: Senator Peralta and the IDC
« Reply #158 on: March 20, 2017, 03:10:58 PM »
Another good Democrat elected to the Senate. Where is Jose Peralta ?

"Brian Benjamin, the Democratic candidate for the Senate seat vacated last month by Bill Perkins, pledged in a statement released Monday to join the mainline Democratic conference."

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A grassroots group is working on a longshot bid to kick state Sen. Jose Peralta out of the Queens Democratic Party, saying his membership in a group of renegade Dems called the Independent Democratic Conference (IDC) is thwarting progressive goals.

Activists in Peralta’s district, centered in Jackson Heights, have been furious since he joined the IDC, which is allied to majority Republicans in the state Senate. They say the alliance is empowering Republicans to assist President Trump’s agenda on the state level, a charge they refute.

“We want everyone to see what’s happening,” said Jackson Heights resident Susan Kang, 36, who signed a March 1 letter urging the Democratic Organization of Queens County to eject the lawmaker.

Offline willsweeney

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VILLAGE VOICE: "NY Democrat Who Put Republicans In Power Sees His Legislation Destroyed By Republicans"

In a story atypical of anywhere but Albany, New York, a local state senator who defected from his political party in order to give power to the opposition (in exchange for money and power, of course) has seen a favored bill of his killed by the same opposition he gave power to.

Senator Jose Peralta, who represents the liberal bastions of Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, and Corona, in Queens, defected to the Independent Democratic Caucus shortly after his election (as a Democrat). In doing so, Peralta helped shift the balance of power in the Senate from the Democrats (his former party) to the Republicans, a party in opposition to much of what his political platform exists of. Explaining the move at the time, Peralta said it would help him pass progressive legislation, instead of having to constantly win over the swing vote of Simcha Felder, a conservative Democrat who caucuses with Republicans. Peralta was met with stinging criticism from his constituents, who called for his resignation. His reasoning was further hobbled that by becoming a member of the IDC, Peralta would in turn enrich himself by being given bogus chairmanship money to the tune of $12,500.

Wednesday marked the end of the legislative session in New York state, and Peralta saw one of his signature “progressive” bills, a bill to put speed cameras in school zones, defeated by the party in power, the Republicans. The Republicans had tied the speed camera legislation to mayoral control of city schools, something that Majority leader John Flanagan only wanted to renew if it meant lifting the caps on charter schools — the same charter schools whose boosters contribute gobs of cash to state Republicans. The leader of Peralta’s own breakaway group, the IDC, also rakes in lucre from those same charter school proponents.

read more:

Offline hagsrus

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Why is there so much resistance to speed cameras? I don't drive, and as an aging pedestrian anything that enhances safety seems a plus,  so the reasons against them escape me.

Offline dssjh

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same as the resistance to red light cameras. people think they should be allowed to break these laws at will.

Offline Gordan

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"He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas"
-Ben Franklin

Offline hfm

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Did anyone really expect any other end to this?