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Messages - pgoat

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Neighborhood Chat / Re: Cycling in Jackson Heights
« on: April 23, 2008, 03:40:59 PM »
I tried the stillman route to the QBB again this am - it is pretty quick, tho I am not loving that merge onto the bridge.

I am sticking with my old route going home. No rush in the evenings..... :coolsmiley:

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Cycling in Jackson Heights
« on: April 23, 2008, 03:34:30 PM »
Does anyone have any information on Transportation Alternative's Tour de Queens?  I saw mention of it in the newsletter, but there isn't any info on the TA web site yet.  It is on the NYC Parks calendar though.

It'll be a FREE 20 miler, starting and ending in Corona Flushing Meadows park on Sunday June 8th. I imagine it'll be flat with lots of open road.....

TA should have registration info on their website as of next week. I'm def. gonna do this one!! :)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 40+ Jackson Heightsters
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:13:35 PM »
me 40+, the wife ain't there yet.

Espresso 77, Happy Kitchen, Afghan kebab house and Novo bar for live jazz, and the summer music festival at Travers park Sunday afternoons. Syotos Jazz band and Falu are some great staple performers. Also gotta love the big new health food store on 37th near 83rd street.

we've been here almost a decade now and thus can lament the doubling in price of somosas at New delhi on 74th. and the Departure of Thomas Pizza (Peppinos is okay, but they haven't nailed the chicken dishes the old owner used to do, imo; I prefer Gustoza for regular pies). Otherwise it's been a good ride.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Cycling in Jackson Heights
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:06:37 PM »
I'm a fairly avid cyclist - but Queens is not known to be the safest place to be a cyclist / pedestrian. Maybe Jackson Heights is alright - but can anyone recommend the best routes to either bike to Flushing Meadow park  - or the Queensboro Bridge? Any other places you recommend biking to?


Re: Flushing Meadows park, I just take 34th ave bike lane all the way to the end, turn right down 114th st. (heading south towards the 7 train). at Roosevelt, make a left, and ride about 1/10 of a mile till you get past the over pass, and there will be a paved path on your right going downhill towards the road that leads to the park. It may be easier to just get off at Roosevelt and walk the bike on the sidewalk till you see the path.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Cycling in Jackson Heights
« on: April 21, 2008, 05:30:10 PM »
Hi there.  I am also an avid cyclist, and I want to share the safest way to get to the bridge (in my opinion):  take the 34th ave. bike path to 59th street, then south (left) on 59th to 39th ave.  Make a right on 39th ave, which makes a short left turn up woodside ave before continuing again as 39th ave.  I make a left on either 48th street or 46th street for one block through sunnyside gardens, and then a right onto skillman ave.  Skillman flows right into queens blvd, but there is a bike path right there which puts you right at queens plaza.  At Queens plaza, follow queens plaza north, and this will flow right onto the 59th street bridge path.  I've found this to be a very fast and safe route -- certainly better than Broadway to steinway, or norther blvvd!!  These streets have little car traffic, and the route is rather scenic.  I especially enjoy biking through sunnyside gardens.  I'm usually at the bridge in about 10 minutes from my apartment on 78th street.  To be honest, I think of this as more of a commute, and less of a joyride...

Thanks for this; I tried it today and it is indeed fast and relatively few cars most of the way. However, I will point out a few things for riders who are looking to try a J. Hts -Manhattan commute for the first time:

1. There are some small hills on this route. Very small, but you feel these if you are out of shape, carrying a lot of stuff on a heavy commuter bike, etc. You are also exposed to some winds on Stillman near the Queens Plaza bike path. my normal route* avoids these two things.

2. Note that when coming home, you will have to use 43rd Ave. instead of Stillman, and 60th street instead of 59th, as they are one way streets.

3. The areas between the bike path and the bridge are a little dicey. If you are not comfortable riding through these intersections, please get off and walk your bike as a pedestrian. Note that the bike path seems to end right before the corner near the bridge; don't be surprised if police ticket you for riding all the way to the corner on the sidewalk.

* I normally do the 34th ave bike lane to Broadway. Rt on Bwy, cross Northern Blvd., go past the Woodside housing development (watch for doors on parked cars!) and then I begin to weave left and right on the back roads, staying as close to Northern Blvd, but just north of it, as possible. I basically go with the flow of traffic, turning as the lights allow. Eventually I wind up on 28th street or Crescent which take me right down to the bridge ramp intersection. This method probably takes a bit longer, but it spares you the winds, is more flat, and cuts out much of the crazy merging intersections near the bridge. It's also nice to vary and have a slightly different route each time. It's just as quiet traffic-wise, if not more-so.

By all means try both and see which works best for you. If not for the hideous traffic, I'd love to use Northern - definitely the fastest most straight path to the QBB (Do NOT ride on the sidewalks - you Will get a ticket!!).

I used to work near City Hall and took roosevelt to greenpoint Ave and then Driggs/Bedford to/from the WBB - I found it a fast fun ride, though windy and hilly on the way back at night.

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