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Messages - suebe

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Re: Christmas In Jackson Heights
« on: July 07, 2013, 04:30:31 PM »
When my brother owned Arts 'n Flowers Florist in the '70's and '80's, he always left the unsold Christmas trees on out Christmas eve. They were always gone the next morning.

Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Re: Any Movie Memories?
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:17:51 AM »
Found this among some of my late uncle's belongings. Appears to be from 1937.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: nypd 'observation tower' is back and ...
« on: July 15, 2012, 10:42:01 AM »
corner of 35th avenue and 76th street. directly in front of the warwick

streaming blinding light THROUGH the f#$%-ing blinds of my bedroom and living room all f#$%-ing night long.

to the point where i'm considering trying to disable the f#$%-ing thing on my own. seriously. i haven't slept a solid two f#$%-ing hours since it was installed.

i frankly don't care if it's helping or not.

Wow that stinks. I lived in the Warwick for 17 years. Safely ensconced in Bronxville now. I will be in the 'heights today for the concert at Travers Park at 5pm featuring my friend Vinny Mongeluzo and his classic rock band, Urban Street Gypsys. I will cruise by the Warwick to check it out.

Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Re: Quonset Huts
« on: January 21, 2012, 11:32:03 AM »

I lived in a row house on 76th street between northern and 32d Ave., the first block after the "projects," as we called them, and from my bedroom window I could look across a sea of huts to 69th street, and the Empire State building looming in the distance.

I lived in the detached house on 76th St betw/ Northern and 32nd Ave right behind the gas station and bowling alley parking lot! I remember the great view of the Empire State Building, but the huts were long gone by then.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Habitats: Jackson Heights
« on: October 10, 2011, 05:21:34 PM »
Great article. Wish they mentioned the building they were living in.

Hey, how about a food tour?

Very cool find! I lived in the Warwick from 1979-1996, so I did get a chance to be in most of my neighbors' apartments, but fun to look at the floor plans and building description. Alas, it was too late for the golf course!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Old Jackson Heights Mansion To Be Torn Down
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:11:53 PM »
So sorry to hear that beautiful house was torn down. I grew up on 76th St off Northern Blvd (32-56 76th St), and always admired it. Very few distinctive single family homes in that area. Thank you for sharing the story of the home and your family.

Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Re: Speaking of Tornadoes and History
« on: October 23, 2010, 03:57:01 PM »
A tree at my former house on 76th & Northern was ripped up then.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: pants hemmed
« on: October 23, 2010, 03:51:52 PM »
Check this thread

I used to go to an Italian tailor on 80th & 37th, but I've been out of the neighborhood for years. He did meticulous work and was very reasonable.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Florists Fight Back (NY Times article)
« on: February 13, 2010, 07:15:36 PM »
I knew the original owner of the Woodside Florist. Tony Kaneklitis? (sp?) (my brother will remember). He owned the shop for 55 years, selling it in the 1980s. He became a mentor to my brother, who owned Arts 'n Flowers on 81st & 31st Avenue up until 1986.

Jackson Heights of Yesteryear / Re: Old School Memories
« on: January 30, 2010, 10:06:43 AM »
To Stacey, Rob and the rest:

I stumbled on this site yesterday and literally got the chills when I saw my mother's name mentioned. The Mrs Lutin you had in 4th Grade was my mom. I can tell you that she loved teaching and enjoyed every one of you --even the "troublemakers."  She died in 2001 and I was touched to see so many colleagues and even former students at her funeral. It was always a pleasure to walk with her in the neighborhood years after she retired and have parents and "grown-up" former students come up and thank her.  And you are right she was best friends with Mrs Ross -- another wonderful, creative teacher.

I too went to PS 69 (before she worked there) and had:

1st- Marcus
2nd Silverblatt
3rd- Dollinger
4th DePass
5th Heyman

Miss DePass was an absolutely fantastic teacher and an outstanding human being. I've tried unsuccessfully to locate her over the years. 

I was part of the first 6th grade class at 145 and then went on to Newtown.     

I'm pretty sure we were in the same classes too.  I had Mrs. Hensen for kindergarten.
I was in the first 6th grade class at 145, but left after one year to go to Hunter College HS.

And...I had the biggest crush on you for years. LOL.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Typing Bug
« on: January 09, 2010, 04:46:02 PM »
Is this happening to anyone else?  I seem to be fine.
I discovered a bug that happens when you upload photos to facebook - it's some kind of java issue. I just happened to come to this forum right afterwards.

Here's a link to the solution if it happens to anyone else.

Neighborhood Chat / Typing Bug
« on: January 09, 2010, 11:31:52 AM »
Anything I type is backwards. :o

Neighborhood Chat / Re: What florist/company do you use to send flowers?
« on: December 13, 2009, 10:49:22 AM »
Ultima on 37th and 81st.

My brother used to own Arts 'n Flowers until 1986 which was at that same location. I miss helping out in the shop during holidays.

There was a bus depot on the south side of Northern Blvd between 76th and 77th Streets. My family lived across the street. I remember being awakened by the sounds of dozens of buses revving their engines when I was a child.

Later there was a Peugeot car dealership on the same site. Years later the Queens County Bank took over the space.

And I too, mourned the loss of Northern Lanes on 75th St. I was a child when they were building it - I remember the construction - our house was right behind the parking lot. When I was a teenager I hung out there practically full time. Good times. We even had a Northern Lanes softball team sponsored by Mickey, the concession owner.

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