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Messages - bpp75

Pages: [1] 2
Neighborhood Chat / Re: Man on 84th and 37th ave
« on: August 02, 2012, 01:53:52 PM »
I fear what type of danger he might pose to our community.  :-\

'pseudo-communities' free of 'pseudo-danger'
these people they need help not your fear

Restaurants & Food / Re: Polish deli on 37th Avenue Closed
« on: April 20, 2012, 12:27:15 PM »
It actually sucks that it is not open by Poles but it is better than not having it at all.
Go to any polish deli in greenpoint/ridgewood/maspeth and you will see the difference.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Shots fired
« on: December 09, 2011, 01:02:17 PM »
snickers, dssjh, rnaider  - you want to create a prison in the name of security.


Neighborhood Chat / Re: The old Hallmark store?
« on: August 11, 2011, 10:34:26 AM »
Wow !  Maybe it will be a pharmacy, nail salon, 99cents store, money transfer center or a bank!  Just what we need in the neighborhood....

I am tired of people bashing immigrant businesses. It is supply and demand at the end of the day; what do you expect from mostly immigrant community?
Why don’t you try to open a business yourself?

who is trolling who? she/he asked, i answered.

i will remove myself.

Haha I see I got on your nerves.

<your comments didn't make any sense to me.>

If I don’t make sense to you don’t listen/read. I think you just want to continue the argument.

<"wannabe community cafe">

Whenever I pass E77 I see the same sort/kind of people and I don’t think they represent whole “community”. So calling it community café by all the fan boys and girls is a bit off. Btw, communities happen on their own (sort of natural process) they cannot be created. I see a lot of people wanting to create a community.  To me community in JH is all the immigrants and their 99c stores (99c is said metaphorically). That’s the truth if you like it or not. If you want to create something you might want to look at suburbs -they are created as "community"

<I'm also still interested in hearing if there are any local establishments that you like.>

What do you mean “establishment”? coffee place? They have great coffee in bagel shop on 37 ave and 86 st.   I don’t understand why you even care what I like? I guess you just wanna drill the discussion which to me is sort of pointless. I gave response to whether JH will become another gp/burg.

Anyway, that’s my last post on this subject.

any bodega has more charm than Espresso 77  :D

don't fight it; it is personal preference and we are all entitled to have one.

cheap, a ok commute to the city, diversity, professionals/white people moving in so JH should slowly appreciate in value.
lived in sunnyside before.

Expresso 77 reassembles...."wannabe community cafe" with no soul, dull. that is my opinion, and we all have one.


It will not.

Greenpoint/Williamsburg is completely different from JH. Homes in Greenpoint/Williamsburg were/are rental ‘subways’ not coops with idiotic boards and rules and regulations. Artists and wannabe artists hate this sh… Additionally Greenpoint/Williamsburg is just an extension of LES. LES was an extension of SOHO etc. So next natural extension would be Ridgewood/Bushwick.

JH might become cheaper version of Park Slope but it will take 10-20 years.

Btw, Expresso 77 reassembles everything I don’t like.


co-ops and their idiotic rules...

<Sold? Already? Guess the heart wasn't in it. >

Jenette, who are you to judge like that? please stick to facts not guesses.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise
« on: June 04, 2009, 09:50:53 AM »
I do not  think you will be able to get this kind of notification from LGA as they change their arrival/departures patters based on many factors.  To me, the question is why planes are lending over residential area? It creates  air pollution, noise and  more importantly safety hazard.  Should be address by district office.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise
« on: May 26, 2009, 03:38:58 PM »
I feel your pain they used to drive me nuts when I lived in Woodside.
I could not find a pattern but I think weather plays the biggest role.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Airplane Noise
« on: March 18, 2009, 04:15:32 PM »
Airplanes rarely departure over Jackson heights – the most 24h/ month. However, they tend to land over Jackson Heights fairly frequently – on average 24h/week. Of course, taking off planes make 10 times more noise than landing planes.

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