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Messages - jo3boxer

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what do people order from Armondo's that you'd consider good? I've only had one experience and it was terrible.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Thoughts on Terrace View?
« on: March 27, 2021, 09:47:52 PM »
^perhaps you should consider that in English, we do not have a plural "you." Reread that comment with the "you" being used as a plural you, and don't assume my comment was about you specifically. You're likely to not be offended.

lol he can do that but i just gave you the benefit of the doubt and read it again, and wondered who else you could be referring to seeing as you directly addressed his comment. in this case i'd put the error on your wording, not on his reading. i'd also refrain from giving people silly lessons in english, seeing as this is jackson heights, with a minority and immigrant majority, and you just sound condescending, captain.

lived here for 4+ years now. I'd say i've for sure experienced the water thing, but it's nothing i'd have remembered to complain about here. if it was as bad as jh35 says i'd just talk to the super to get it sorted, he's very on top of things despite it being a huge co-op.

that laundry thing is funny. in my experience a lot of the older residents do antiquated things to the machines (which just got replaced with new units btw) such as flush them with a ton of water, or use powdered detergent (i don't get this at this point) also do things like put those new sprinkled fabric softeners in the top compartments instead of directly in the unit where they belong, leaving the product there to stink up the next persons load with a terrible perfumed smell. it's maddening and although i've never gotten into it w anyone i could see why someone might.

ppl are fine, friendly if you are for the most part. it's still nyc, i wouldn't expect pleasantville.

as someone living in WP i'm not too sure about that 'washer dryers are allowed in the unit' bit

Neighborhood Chat / Re: DOT Loading Zones
« on: January 02, 2021, 01:50:03 PM »
sounds like your way or the highway there, buddy.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Parking in wonderful Jackson Heights
« on: November 23, 2020, 09:25:27 PM »
Anyone who doesn't need a car daily for work shouldn't own one.  Between ownership, maintenance, parking, and liability costs, only fools would own a vehicle as it is way less expensive to take black cars.  The best part is you can drink, drive, and nap.

Rice, I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for the advice no one asked you for. I'll make sure to throw away my car and start taking black cars to our house upstate.

Neighborhood Chat / Parking in wonderful Jackson Heights
« on: November 20, 2020, 05:39:08 PM »
I never thought i'd have to talk about this, as i've been anti car for as long as I can remember, but due to having a child and not particularly interested in getting around by train otherwise, we bought a car at the first height of the pandemic.

as a result of owning said car, it turns out you have to park it as well. it hasn't exactly been a treat, but over the course of the last few months, i've observed a lot of the terrible parking trends in the area. for anyone that drives, i'm not sure its necessary to get into them, but I have a solution and wondered if anyone knew the proper channels to go about working this out, hopefully to everyone's benefit.

a couple years ago we spent time in LA, downtown to be exact, and I recall getting a ticket within hours of being in the area, because we didn't park between boundary lines that were painted on the streets. obviously in the moment i hated it, but if we had said lines here (and i'm sure a lot of places in the city) it would stop a lot of the ridiculous parking that goes on, thus likely opening up more potential spots, and also (i hope) curbing the unnecessary floating around the neighborhood for parking, which helps with unecessary pollution, gas usage, etc.

anyone have any beef with this as an idea? i personally can't see the downside but it wouldn't be life without opposition.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Bicyclists and Open Streets
« on: September 28, 2020, 12:36:13 PM »
a cyclist who's interested in fitness (ie speed) should not be on the walking path, bike lane or not. there are often too many people and even the barricades are sometimes in the bike lane.

kids and people going at a leisurely pace with family should be fine, but they should not be moving at a pace that you should be concerned with at all.

your story is ridiculous, i'd probably be screaming expletives back at them, bike lane or not.

Neighborhood Chat / Fan Repair in the Neighborhood
« on: August 11, 2020, 09:07:11 PM »
Can anyone recommend a place I could likely get a fan repaired in the neighborhood or one that's adjacent?

If it matters the item in question is a Vornado that has treated me well through the years and suddenly stopped one day.

Thanks in advance.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Washington Plaza Resales
« on: July 31, 2020, 12:19:22 AM »
where did you hear you only needed to put down 10%?

Not sure that's accurate.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« on: July 14, 2020, 09:31:53 PM »
i would argue most parts of queens / the 5 boroughs are tough places to be able to remain 6 ft apart from each other.

that's where the confusion lies. some people agree, some don't.

imo the message should be: 'going outside? wear a mask. nyc is too crowded to remain 6 ft apart from people'

from there people can use their own judgement. ie, if im walking down the street at 3PM i'm likely running into no one.

the problem is that ppl have their masks at the ready but then pass by someone / a bunch of people and mean to put it on, but since they've hardly worn a mask in all their years of living, they don't have the reflex to put it on their mouth and nose.

once again, 34th ave is not the place to not wear a mask. i've yet to see a runner ducking each and every person walking down the street in favor of their straight line, so it should be mandatory that everyone does.

i imagine some won't agree.

I agree that in our area, walking on the sidewalks means you should wear a mask 100% of the time. But I still don't think Cuomo's message is confusing. He's a governor of an entire state, some of which includes huge amounts of farmland and emptiness. He's not an elected official of a small, densely populated neighborhood. So his instructions make sense. If you live in a densely populated area like ours, you should know you're going to pass people on the sidewalk repeatedly and without warning, and therefore wear your mask all the time.

perhaps confusing is not the right word. however, the fact that you agree with me and people don't tells me it's open to interpretation.

and i don't trust people to interpret things properly, ever, let alone in our covid world.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« on: July 13, 2020, 03:05:53 PM »
i would argue most parts of queens / the 5 boroughs are tough places to be able to remain 6 ft apart from each other.

that's where the confusion lies. some people agree, some don't.

imo the message should be: 'going outside? wear a mask. nyc is too crowded to remain 6 ft apart from people'

from there people can use their own judgement. ie, if im walking down the street at 3PM i'm likely running into no one.

the problem is that ppl have their masks at the ready but then pass by someone / a bunch of people and mean to put it on, but since they've hardly worn a mask in all their years of living, they don't have the reflex to put it on their mouth and nose.

once again, 34th ave is not the place to not wear a mask. i've yet to see a runner ducking each and every person walking down the street in favor of their straight line, so it should be mandatory that everyone does.

i imagine some won't agree.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« on: June 26, 2020, 10:17:42 PM »
id be more concerned w the masses not properly wearing masks. she sounds like a bit of fun to be honest, someone worth berating.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« on: June 19, 2020, 09:42:21 PM »
i think the phrase cargo cult is becoming your cargo cult.

no one said not to wear a mask when you're alone and away from others, and have control over that circumstance.

the bottom line is 34th street, unless you're out at 3PM, is an area designated for people to be out and walking.

you don't have control. you may think you do. you might think it's ok. i'm clearly not going to change your mind. I just don't understand why you think it's ok, considering it's been rammed down our throat that wearing the mask is not for our own safety but for the safety of others.

and it might not even be you who is a problem, but you clearly want it to be you. i have a problem with people like the family we encountered this morning, who were on the same side of 74th street as us, saw we were interested in getting away from them, and instead of feeling foolish for not wearing a mask, decided to try and talk to us. people are terrible, i don't know why you want to be one of them.

if this doesn't pertain to you, then stop responding to me. simple. we don't have to continue the back and forth. i assure you it's not just one person (you) on 34th ave that i'm having this issue with.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« on: June 18, 2020, 04:41:21 PM »
Also, I'm confused. If someone has their mask (or other face covering) pulled below their chin, or in their hand, are they not at the ready for putting on? It appears to me you're assuming that someone who explains to you why they aren't wearing a face covering at all times while outdoors and specifically on 34th Avenue - which they aren't required to do - doesn't have a face covering at the ready to put on.

if it wasn't clear from my initial post, that is exactly what i'm trying to figure out. i agree. having it on your chin is 'at the ready'

however - i see these people huff and puff and zoom past people, getting closer to them then 6ft - and they don't make an effort.

the mask is a token for these people. its like people were told to wear a mask, but need the explicit hand holding that tells them they also have to wear it to cover their nose and mouth.

why are you being so dense? i walk on 34th and unless alternate realities exist, we are seeing the same shit (unless you're walking only at 8AM, in which case, i'm not sure why you're arguing with me)

and as i said, i am no longer walking along 34th. stop making the suggestion as if it was revelatory. But that isn't because I don't enjoy the walk and the people watching associated. i'm annoyed at the inconsiderates who have ruined it for me and my family.

also i looked up your cargo cult phrase and i fail to see the superstition involved in wearing a mask. it's a good phrase, glad to have learned it. not sure why you think it applies to an assembly point where people are breathing heavily, sweating and not even making an effort to keep 6 ft apart.

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