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Topics - jo3boxer

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Parking in wonderful Jackson Heights
« on: November 20, 2020, 05:39:08 PM »
I never thought i'd have to talk about this, as i've been anti car for as long as I can remember, but due to having a child and not particularly interested in getting around by train otherwise, we bought a car at the first height of the pandemic.

as a result of owning said car, it turns out you have to park it as well. it hasn't exactly been a treat, but over the course of the last few months, i've observed a lot of the terrible parking trends in the area. for anyone that drives, i'm not sure its necessary to get into them, but I have a solution and wondered if anyone knew the proper channels to go about working this out, hopefully to everyone's benefit.

a couple years ago we spent time in LA, downtown to be exact, and I recall getting a ticket within hours of being in the area, because we didn't park between boundary lines that were painted on the streets. obviously in the moment i hated it, but if we had said lines here (and i'm sure a lot of places in the city) it would stop a lot of the ridiculous parking that goes on, thus likely opening up more potential spots, and also (i hope) curbing the unnecessary floating around the neighborhood for parking, which helps with unecessary pollution, gas usage, etc.

anyone have any beef with this as an idea? i personally can't see the downside but it wouldn't be life without opposition.

Neighborhood Chat / Fan Repair in the Neighborhood
« on: August 11, 2020, 09:07:11 PM »
Can anyone recommend a place I could likely get a fan repaired in the neighborhood or one that's adjacent?

If it matters the item in question is a Vornado that has treated me well through the years and suddenly stopped one day.

Thanks in advance.

Neighborhood Chat / Mask Wearing / Not Mask Wearing
« on: June 16, 2020, 07:47:28 AM »
I think we'll stop, but we've been using 34th Ave religiously every morning to get a walk in before starting our day.

Along the walk we see it all, mask wearers, chin protectors, elbow protectors, hand accessories

I'm wondering if anyone here who choses to walk along the 34th Ave 'path' decides it's important enough to bring outside, put on their head, but not wear across their mouth and nose.

And if you are one of those people, why would you do so along a path you're guaranteed to be close to people on, especially when you're panting like a dog on a run or zooming past on a bike?

I figure since this is the internet your identity is relatively protected, and im genuinely interested in your POV.


« on: November 21, 2018, 11:07:25 AM »
The recent shut down of coral aquarium, followed by the rad cat company have left us scrambling for cat food for our cats. I know there are more of you because we often went into coral to find rad cat had sold out.

I've found a few alternatives, mostly west coast based companies who can ship to NY but for a ridiculous sum.

Wondering if there's an off chance 2-3 other cat owners are searching for an alternative and in the same predicament, not really ready to spend $60+ on shipping food over.

What i'm suggesting is ordering as a group (on a schedule) and splitting the shipping fee.

Since the foods are frozen (provided you have freezer space) we could in theory order a months (or more) worth to further lessen the burden.


Neighborhood Chat / Why did you move here?
« on: June 30, 2018, 01:26:36 PM »
To start, the meaning of this post is to incite discourse. I'm genuinely interested in knowing, and also hoping I can impart my point of view in hopes to enlighten.

Why did you move here?

I see various posts, in the food forum, in this one, etc. all with intentions of wanting to homogenize this neighborhood with all the rest of the 'trendy' neighborhoods in NYC.

Why do you need a brunch place? Brunch food is typically garbage (read anthony bourdain, a recent fallen soldier i'm sure all you new transplants love, on the perils of brunch food)

Why do you need restaurants serving mediocre american food? on account of the simplicity of what's typically considered 'american' or even 'new american' it's very rare that this is done well. Normally when it is, it's super expensive. When it's not, it manifests in the form of places like The Queensboro.

If all you wanted was to change Jackson Heights from what it is, into what you want it to be, why didn't you just move where you ACTUALLY wanted to live. Is it because you couldn't afford it? Do you realize your pandering to what you want will eventually make you angry and resent all the 'change' in the neighborhood.

Or did you move here to embrace the multi-cultural aspects of the neighborhood?

Did you move here because you want your kids to go to school with people of color and not just white kids, thus expanding their point of view on the world at large.

Please, tell me why you moved here, why you decided to stay, why you moved out.

I'm genuinely interested because this forum is latent with posts suggesting you might not even be so sure. Enlighten me.

Selling this vintage danish mid-century teak hutch. The condition is excellent considering its age. There are no water marks on the wood, there are 4 legs that can be unscrewed or used to give a floating effect.

the top door hinges are in perfect condition, and the shelf inside the top portion is removable if wanted.

the bottom door opens up from the top to reveal a white platform. one of the screws on the left hinge has overtime stripped the wood so there is a epoxy reinforcement there which means the unit should be opened with care.

size / dimensions: 58"x13.5"x37.5"

height is including removable 3" feet (ie 34.5" without feet) feel free to email with any questions. cat not included.

feel free to email me @ with interest or offers

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