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Messages - tanguera

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: traffic study result??
« on: May 10, 2008, 02:13:32 PM »

also she did zone study to control the overdevelopment of commerical area on 74th and 73rd st.  what happened to that??

I don't know about the traffic study, (wasn't there a local group overseeing that?) but she said the zoning study did recommend some downzoning for that area.  She said, in short, that any and all rezoning has been shot down by the Department of City Planning because they don't believe any developer would try to build anything bigger than 6 or 7 stories around there because it would be "economically infeasible."   

Neighborhood Chat / Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« on: December 26, 2007, 11:27:29 AM »
I had been thinking about starting a new thread regarding zoning, but since you mention it here I thought I'd post that Helen Sears commissioned a zoning study recently.   I've heard its completed, although no one from her office has responded to my inquiries yet.  This part of the study, as far as I understand, was focused on the commercial district of 73rd/74th street because the current zoning there (C4-3) allows for a pretty high density of building and development, and there are plans underway to take advantage of that.  They just started tearing down one of the few remaining homes on 73rd Street bet. 37th and B'way, and I would imagine there's a relatively big building going in there.  Also, last I heard plans were approved to add multiple stories to the current one story buildings on the corner of 73rd and 37th.  These are in addition to the 7 story building on that block that just about finished.

I can understand if most people in JH are not too interested in that block since they don't live near it and it's not so close to the precious historic district, but rampant irresponsible development there does seem to me to set an ominous precedent for the rest of the neighborhood.  If not many people object now, it would be hard to make a case for caring about other parts later. 

Interested parties shouldn't waste time with the JHBG, they should write directly to Amanda Burden, the City Planning Commissioner and Council member Tony Avela, chair of the zoning committee.  I suppose a copy to Helen Sears wouldn't hurt so she knows people are serious.

Jackson Heights, by all accounts, was terrible 20 years ago. Now it is now a great neighborhood, and we see a lot of positive signs for the future as well.

I lived in Jackson Heights 20 years ago, and I have to say it doesn't seem all that different.  There have absolutely been improvements in some areas, and changes good and bad, but on balance overall it feels more or less the same to me.   It's always been "a great neighborhood."  Maybe my memory has glossed over, and hopefully  someone will speak up if it has, but I wouldn't say it was much more "terrible" then than it is now (and I don't think it's terrible at all!)

Pets and Animals / Re: have a veterinarian you'd recommend?
« on: December 03, 2007, 10:06:02 PM »
At the vet on 35th Ave. at 71st, I would only see Dr. Rhiele (not exactly sure of the spelling it's pronounced "really").  If he wasn't the one you saw there, you might want to consider trying him.   Or you can try Dr. Joanne Seinsheimer at the Astoria Veterinary Clinic on Steinway and Astoria Blvd.   It's little further afield, but she is quite sharp (and caring) and it's a very quick trip by car ($10 for car service).  They have Sunday as well as emergency appointments.  Both of these are good local options, depending on the issue, but I also still haul my cats into the city at times when nothing less than our beloved and trusted longtime vet will do.  I've never tried Dr. Tello.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Diversity and Integration in Jackson Heights
« on: December 03, 2007, 08:46:47 PM »
I've often wished we could just have a big, general party on 37th Avenue, from say, 74th - 82nd streets.  I suppose it could be something indoors if we had an appropriate venue.  Instead of focusing specifically on "diversity" and "different ethnic groups" it could just be a party or festival celebrating one thing we all have in common--Jackson Heights, Queens, NYC.  Obviously each of the the many cultures here would be represented so the diversity would be inherent, and it could interesting and informative as well as a lot of fun for all.  Call me naive, and even corny, but I think it would be great to have an event that would bring every one together (or at least those who are interested in participating): "Unity for the community," if you will.  It could be constructive and productive for the neighborhood as a whole. 

We already have so many parades and events and groups that celebrate just one part of the community at a time, maybe now there is an opportunity for something fun that ties it all together?  Any other dreamers out there want to help organize it?

You could talk to some of the store owners or workers on 37th Road, or at the barber shop down the stairs, to find out more about him.  He used to sit outside that barber shop every day.   I think someone around there must take some care of him in some way, but in any case I'm sure there's something you can do to help if you ask around. 

There was a roller skating rink on the north side of Roosevelt Ave. at around 70th street right next to the BQE.  I think there is a church or a warehouse/distribution center in that space now.

And there used to be a hospital on 34th Avenue between 73rd and 74th Street where the school is.  Luckily I never ended up there after any of my roller disco adventures!

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