Author Topic: Neighborhood traffic studies  (Read 2374 times)

Offline toddg

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Neighborhood traffic studies
« on: December 06, 2007, 11:38:02 AM »
The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council has approved its Transportation Improvement Plan for 2008.

There's one project in Jackson Heights:

Jackson Heights Community/Victor Moore Transportation Improvement Study.
This project will be a community-based congestion reduction, traffic flow improvement and intermodal transfer study at Roosevelt Ave/74th Street in the Jackson Heights Neighborhood. NYCDOT $0.8M.

Is anybody in the community involved in this?  I'll pass along any information as I receive it.

Here's a map of all of the Queens projects

Offline Brian

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Re: JH Community/Victor Moore Transportation Improvement Study
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 04:22:57 PM »
West Jackson Heights Alliance is involved in this for a long time.

they have a website

also, they usually have a community meeting every month inviting city officials to express our concerns.  I encourage people in JH to involved since the more people show up in the meeting, the stronger the message we are sending.

As far as traffic study goes, they just finished monitoring the traffic last month.  The device was there for a month.  I have not heard anything since then.  Does anyone know the status of the study?  Traffic on 73rd street is one of the biggest problem in our neighbor.  Hopefully, this study will fix that...

Offline koku

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traffic study result??
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 02:17:29 AM »
Does anyone know what happened to the traffic study of 37th ave and 73rd st intersection taken place in the summer of 2007?  I believe Helen Sears got a budget of  $4 million or something to fix the problem of that intersection and the study was conducted with department of transportation for about 2 months.  I have not heard anything since then. 

Bloomberg promised the communit that he would look into the problem after the study was done, also.

anyone knows what is going on?

Did helen wasted another $ 4 million??

also she did zone study to control the overdevelopment of commerical area on 74th and 73rd st.  what happened to that??

Offline KC

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Re: traffic study result??
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2008, 01:58:55 PM »
I say we put a plaque up at the intersection acknowledging her efforts. 

Offline earbears

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Re: traffic study result??
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2008, 05:09:37 PM »
Good one!!!!! :2funny:

Offline tanguera

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Re: traffic study result??
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2008, 02:13:32 PM »

also she did zone study to control the overdevelopment of commerical area on 74th and 73rd st.  what happened to that??

I don't know about the traffic study, (wasn't there a local group overseeing that?) but she said the zoning study did recommend some downzoning for that area.  She said, in short, that any and all rezoning has been shot down by the Department of City Planning because they don't believe any developer would try to build anything bigger than 6 or 7 stories around there because it would be "economically infeasible."   

Offline koku

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Re: traffic study result??
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2008, 02:57:46 AM »
It is amazing nobody seems to know or anyone don't care about what happened to $ 4 million !!

I don't know about others but to me, $4 million is a huge money and it is something that community should
keep track of how it was spent, isn't it??

Offline koku

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Re: traffic study result??
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2008, 10:41:04 AM »