Author Topic: City Councilmember Helen Sears  (Read 13813 times)

Offline Brian

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City Councilmember Helen Sears
« on: December 17, 2007, 05:16:39 PM »
What do you think about our District Council, Helen Sears.  I have an impression that she really doesn't work hard to improve the quality of life for residents in Jackson Heights.  She is rather interested in serving for group that provides her campaign funds.

I was reading the The Jackson Heights Community Journal and found out the issue about demolition of historical house on 74th street and 34th ave.  According to the Journal, Jackson Heights Beatification Group tried contacting to discuss the impending of the demolition and she ignored the request, which is not surprising considering that a large portion of her campaign funds in the past have come from real estate developers. 

Another thing I have heard is about the congestion problem on 37th ave and 73rd street.  The community have been asking for change to Ms. Sears for almost decade and she has done nothing.  Finally, The Western Jackson Heights Alliance was formed to deal with this issue asking controlling the business development of the area which is causing traffic congestion and noise pollution.   I heard that she has been very uncooperative with the organization.  This is no surprising either because she got funds from Merchants on 73rd and 74th street.

what do you think about this?  Do we have any power to ask for resignation because of her attitude toward community??

Offline APG7714

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 05:20:36 PM »
Down with Sears  >:(

What do you think about our District Council, Helen Sears.  I have an impression that she really doesn't work hard to improve the quality of life for residents in Jackson Heights.  She is rather interested in serving for group that provides her campaign funds.

I was reading the The Jackson Heights Community Journal and found out the issue about demolition of historical house on 74th street and 34th ave.  According to the Journal, Jackson Heights Beatification Group tried contacting to discuss the impending of the demolition and she ignored the request, which is not surprising considering that a large portion of her campaign funds in the past have come from real estate developers. 

Another thing I have heard is about the congestion problem on 37th ave and 73rd street.  The community have been asking for change to Ms. Sears for almost decade and she has done nothing.  Finally, The Western Jackson Heights Alliance was formed to deal with this issue asking controlling the business development of the area which is causing traffic congestion and noise pollution.   I heard that she has been very uncooperative with the organization.  This is no surprising either because she got funds from Merchants on 73rd and 74th street.

what do you think about this?  Do we have any power to ask for resignation because of her attitude toward community??
Jackson Heights, NY

Offline toddg

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 05:43:40 PM »
Helen Sears is term-limited, so there will be a clear field for her seat in 2009.  FYI, we're discussing this election and the potential candidates here:

Offline Brian

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2007, 05:55:16 PM »
well, can't wait till 2009.  We really need a new district council person who works for JH RIGHT NOW otherwise, Jackson Heights will be overdeveloped and the quality of life go down!! :tickedoff:

Offline erospolitico

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2007, 09:13:59 PM »
Very interesting, I just read the Community Journal

It has an obvious agenda, as put forth by its publisher, Bryan Pu-Folkes

It also has an request for membership, its $150

It makes me wonder besides this agenda, if the money will go to paying his vast debt from his last election

This is just too coincidental for me, I don't trust that "newspaper" or its "publisher"

Offline Brian

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2007, 11:03:14 PM »
Just to let you know..

I have nothing to do with the Journal.  I am just one of many residents who are frustrated with our District Council who has done nothing for us.  I also found through this forum that she also intervened to form BDI on 74th street, which could have helped cleaning up the filthy streets.  Again, she only works for people who give money. 

Offline jacksonheight

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2007, 04:11:58 PM »
Helen Sears is completely ineffective. Her office is in complete disarray. She has been without a chief of staff for months and can't seem to keep staff members for more than a few weeks. She is totally in the pocket of developers and has done nothing to stop the further decline of residential quality of life in Jackson Heights or Elmhurst. She has not written a single piece of legislation that is worth mentioning. Our community is neglected by being represented by this person. Is there such a thing as a recall in New York? We should recall Helen Sears and elect someone who will actually get the job done.

Offline toddg

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2007, 04:35:57 PM »
I'm not a fan, either.  But why the sudden and urgent interest in a recall?  Why not focus on ensuring that we choose a better representative in the 2009 election?  Beyond what you've written about already, is there something currently happening that requires immediate action?

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2007, 04:43:34 PM »
As evidenced by the building that was torn down on 74th & 34th -- we do need immediate action. Our neighborhood is on the brink of being completely overdeveloped. On 73rd Street, there are plans to build on top of each of the one-story buildings and make them all seven stories or higher. Helen Sears has encouraged property owners and developers to ignore residential concerns. She helped merchants take away a bus stop at the intersection of 73/37 to make way for more metered parking. Metered parking that is continually abused by the merchants themselves.

The traffic congestion, dangerous pedestrian crossings, pollution, and buildings violations have all gotten worse under Helen Sears. We need someone who will actually represent residents and we need that person NOW. Not two years from now!

Offline koku

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2007, 02:12:11 PM »
I can talk about my own experience with Ms. Helen Sears.  I attended one of the meetings for Western Jackson Heights Alliance and she was there.  I had a chance to talk to her after the meeting was over.  At that time, I was concerned about the filthiness on the 73rd street between 37th ave and 37th road.  There are a couple of 24 hours open stores there and people hang around there and they often just throw garbage on the street.  So, I asked her if she can put trash can in the spot where people hang out.  She told me something like "I likes the idea but to do this, you have to do blah, blah, blah..."  and basically she was saying it is not easy to do and she is not sure if she can do it.  So, after that I decided to call the Sanitation department directly and ask to put a trash can.  Guess what happens..  About two weeks later, two trash cans were installed.

So, what was all things Ms. Sears said to me then??  Wasn't it supposed to be difficult even with the power of district council??  I really believe that if she works harder for our community, the filthiness issue on 73rd and 74 street between 37th Ave and 37th Road could have been much improved.

From what I have seen at community meetings I have attended, many long time residents of JH expressed their frustration about her doing nothing for residents. So, it is not just a few people.  I really think people in JH should consider recall her or take immediate action against her before our environment got worse I understand.  I don't think it is a good idea to wait until 2009 because she is going to bring more traffic congestion to our neighborhood.   

Offline Brian

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2007, 07:12:08 PM »
Koku, that's so typical behavior of her.  She just talks superficially and actually does not do anything.
There was a request from the community to extend the park on 78th street between 34th ave and 35th ave because the space right next to the park was available after the auto dealer closed their business.  I remember Helen Sears told the community that she is going to work on it and nothing seems to be done. Does anyone know what she has done about extending the park???  We need more park in this neighborhood.

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2007, 09:13:42 AM »

As evidenced by the building that was torn down on 74th & 34th --

I can't believe permits were granted to have this house torn down, clearly someone (s) are asleep at the wheel. Does anyone know how/why that project got approved? 

Offline toddg

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2007, 07:44:21 PM »
Here's a map of the Jackson Heights Historic District.  If buildings are outside this district, and not individually landmarked, owners can do with them what they wish.  It is entirely within an owner's rights to tear down an existing building and replace it with something as large as the lot's zoning allows. 

If we don't like that, it seems to me that our options are:
(1) Expand the Jackson Heights Historic District
(2) Work to landmark individual buildings we want to save
(3) Change the zoning to eliminate the possibility of replacing existing buildings with bigger ones

Each of these changes would be very difficult to achieve, because affected landowners would almost certainly fight the proposals.  But it is important to understand that while our city councilperson's support is probably necessary to make these changes, is it not sufficient.  The Landmarks Preservation Commission, City Planning Commission, and probably other city agencies make the real decisions here.

The JH Beautification Group probably has people with detailed knowledge of why the historic district boundaries are set where they are, and what must be done to protect other key buildings outside the historic district in the future.   Is anybody on this forum involved with JHBG? 

Update: Here's another important step that can be taken to protect the character of our neighborhood -- ban new curb cuts.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 11:04:31 AM by toddg »

Offline tanguera

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2007, 11:27:29 AM »
I had been thinking about starting a new thread regarding zoning, but since you mention it here I thought I'd post that Helen Sears commissioned a zoning study recently.   I've heard its completed, although no one from her office has responded to my inquiries yet.  This part of the study, as far as I understand, was focused on the commercial district of 73rd/74th street because the current zoning there (C4-3) allows for a pretty high density of building and development, and there are plans underway to take advantage of that.  They just started tearing down one of the few remaining homes on 73rd Street bet. 37th and B'way, and I would imagine there's a relatively big building going in there.  Also, last I heard plans were approved to add multiple stories to the current one story buildings on the corner of 73rd and 37th.  These are in addition to the 7 story building on that block that just about finished.

I can understand if most people in JH are not too interested in that block since they don't live near it and it's not so close to the precious historic district, but rampant irresponsible development there does seem to me to set an ominous precedent for the rest of the neighborhood.  If not many people object now, it would be hard to make a case for caring about other parts later. 

Interested parties shouldn't waste time with the JHBG, they should write directly to Amanda Burden, the City Planning Commissioner and Council member Tony Avela, chair of the zoning committee.  I suppose a copy to Helen Sears wouldn't hurt so she knows people are serious.

Offline Brian

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Re: City Councilmember Helen Sears
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2007, 01:31:17 PM »
I did not know the zone study was done.  I would like to know the result also.  What can we do to know about the study since Helen Sears has been ignoring community's request?   At least we have a right to know the result of  the study.  For people who don't know the condition of 73rd street and 35th ave, it is a chaos with traffic congestion and never ending honking.  A Certain group of people not only from New York City but also  all the way from Connecticut and New Jersey are coming  for shopping in that area causing the huge traffic congestion IN RESIDENTIAL AREA.  I don't know if you notice but yesterday, December 25th, the condition was really really bad.  From Roosevelt to 34th Ave were congested with cars.  Adding more stories for the business development is going to only hurt our community.