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Messages - sonampalpal

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / Re: dirty & Stinky 73th street
« on: July 30, 2011, 03:53:15 PM »
Welcome to Bangladesh.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: So this is not the norm?
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:02:30 PM »
I was just being sarcastic about the movie theater question, but since we are already on the topic, are there $1 or maybe $3 movie theaters in NYC?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Parking available?
« on: January 04, 2011, 07:01:27 PM »
$275??? I had been thinking of bringing my car over from Colorado, but wow I didn't really think parking rates were that high. Do you all make 6 figure salaries? How can you afford such fees?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: How is the Long Island City YMCA?
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:45:52 PM »
I went there on a Wednesday around 8pm. The place was nearly empty. It looked very clean. Didn't notice any enclosed/curtained showers (hate showering next to naked old men).

There is a swimming pool (requires you to wear a cap), one basketball gym, weight room surrounded by a track - though not big (there were only men at that time), aerobics room (a big one with tons of equipments), computer resource room, the staff seemed courteous enough. Bring your own towel and a lock.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: So this is not the norm?
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:32:54 PM »
Thank you both.

divanatrix  :smitten:

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Parking available?
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:31:52 PM »
Sorry if this is too late.  There's an indoor garage under an apartment building that's located between 74th and 75th St, between 37th and 35th Ave.
That's where I park now, and it looks like half the garage is empty due to the bad economy.  Actually, we tried to negotiate our monthly fee just for that reason, but they didn't budge  :(   I can't seem to find the phone number to call, but if you walk up 75th, you'll see their "Parking Available" sign on the apt building.  You can't miss it.  

Oh, about that outdoor lot on 75th between Roosevelt and 37th - they don't allow overnight parking.  We checked before we took the garage.

What's the monthly rate?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Inner Peace under new management!
« on: December 31, 2010, 12:27:42 PM »
So you guys are saying that rudeness is not normal? Whew! Here I was thinking it was the New York way. About 3/4 of my experiences with store associates/clerks have been negative. They seem grumpy, show lack of courtesy, and sometimes just plain rude. I don't need to be pampered, but just a tiny bit of smile accompanied by hello & thank you is sufficient.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: So this is not the norm?
« on: December 30, 2010, 11:22:05 PM »
Sorry for all of my questions. It's just that I don't really know a lot of people here in the city whom I can ask all my questions to. So this board is the way to go and I'm too lazy to research, so I just post, sorry for my selfishness.

I didn't mean to say that I don't feel safe in NYC. I just am a bit concerned if the city is ready to deal with chaos. I feel safe here, I walk all over and mostly during evenings. Since I don't own a car, I have been walking all over the city to check out cool neighborhoods.

If I hadn't heard all the people complain about snow, I would've assumed all this was completely normal, the response, the snow. I am not complaining, I like snow, I was able to walk, take the subway (albeit slower than usual), go to work, shop etc, but sorry if it was rough for some of you guys.

Sorry divanatrix. So, which movie theater near Jackson Hts would you recommend? Just kidding!

Neighborhood Chat / So this is not the norm?
« on: December 29, 2010, 11:49:46 PM »
As I posted on an earlier topic, I recently moved here from CO. At first with all this snow, I thought it was pretty normal for NYC (albeit a bit early in the season). Then, I take a walk and see the roads and sidewalks completely covered in snow and think the city doesn't have the resources to plow every street because there are just too many of them.

So, the snow and the response is not the norm right? Is the response usually quicker. It's a scary thought if the city of this size cannot handle such expected natural occurrence. It snows every year, shouldn't they be ready whether it's an inch or a 10 foot of snow? What if there is a real natural disaster such as an earthquake tomorrow?

Does the City salt the roads? Just curious because when I lived in CO, the crews often used a mixture of cinder and salt to melt the snow and ice. So far, I've not seen it here.

I love NYC, but don't particularly feel safe here. After 9/11, there were cops patrolling the subways, now you hardly see any cops on subways or on stations. When I visited just last year, majority of stations had an agent at the station, but these days, they are vacant. I know a lot of it is due to the economy, but safety shouldn't be comprised one bit.

Don't want to sound like an outsider nitpicking, but those are just some of my concerns.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Is it a good idea to buy than rent?
« on: December 24, 2010, 04:16:55 PM »
I am a happy co-op owner and there are certainly many advantages to ownership.  But for someone with short term horizons, I have to agree renting is probably the best bet.
Based on a standard amortization schedule for a thirty year mortgage, the vast majority of the monthly mortgage payment will go to debt service for the initial 3-4 years of ownership -- very little to paying down principal. So your monthly payments really are not a meaningful financial investment in the future until you are a good ten-fifteen years into the process. 

As for appreciation, while no one knows for sure, I think it’s unlikely that we’ll see substantial appreciation in property values over the next several years. There was a very dramatic escalation in JH real estate prices a few years back -- but I think much more modest value increases are likely to be the norm for the next few years (and there is at least a possibility of a decline, depending on how the national and local economy does over the next couple of years). 

Add to that the substantial transaction costs associated with both buying and selling -- as well as the fact that when you are at a point in your personal life when you are ready to sell and move on, you will nonetheless have to continue making mortgage and maintenance payments on the property until you find a buyer (which could take some time).

Thank you for the detailed info. Maybe I'll buy a property and when I move out will rent it to my relatives instead of selling it. Are co-ops really strict on roommates, subletting, or renting?

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Re: Is it a good idea to buy than rent?
« on: December 21, 2010, 02:22:31 PM »
I don't know, I'v never been a fan of renting because the monthly rental payments I make, I'll never see again, they're gone. Whereas the mortgage payments I make might come back to me if the property appreciates or even if it stays at the original purchase price. I'm fairly novice when it come to home buying, so my apologies if my logic sounds illogical or stupid.

Overall, I just think the real cost of owning (money wise) is lower than renting. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If I buy a condo and get a roommate or two, that may soften the blow to my wallet.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Is it a good idea to buy than rent?
« on: December 21, 2010, 01:18:10 PM »
I recently moved to NYC and am not particularly knowledgeable of the real estate climate here. I want to buy a condo in JH, but not sure if it's a wise investment since I plan to move out of the city in 3-4 years. My questions are, how well do the property prices appreciate in the JH area? I don't want to spend lots of money making mortgage payments only to see the property value at par or below the purchase price when I leave. Any help would be appreciated.

Neighborhood Chat / Arcades, Bowling Alleys, Billiard halls???
« on: December 03, 2010, 01:07:59 PM »
Glad to have found this site, though I think it could be a bit more structured and the topics broken out into categories since lot of the topics seem to end of up in the Neighborhood Chat section.

Anyhow, are there any places nearby the Roosevelt Ave Subway Station where I can find Video Game Arcades, Bowling Alleys, and/or Billiard halls? If there aren't any close by, what about the ones in other neighborhoods that are good and safe places for these activities. Thanks.

Neighborhood Chat / How is the Long Island City YMCA?
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:58:08 PM »
Just moved to Jackson Heights from Colorado.

I've been researching a gym nearby, but so far have heard of lot of bad things about the ones close by except NYSC which is a bit expensive, a bit far for me.

So, I have been thinking of going to YMCA at LIC since it has a pool, a basketball court, plus of course the workout area. Any info would be good.

Is it in a safe neighborhood since it is close to the projects?
How is the customer service?
How's the atmosphere - crowded, noisy, too many lil kids running around, etc???
How is the quality/quantity of equipments and the facility in general?
What is the makeup of the customer base? Is it a diverse crowd? Age, race, sex etc??? Are they friendly?
Lastly, they have a joiner fee of $100. Is that fee refundable when you cancel your membership? Or once you pay that fee, you'll never see it again. Thank you.

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