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Topics - sonampalpal

Pages: [1]
Neighborhood Chat / So this is not the norm?
« on: December 29, 2010, 11:49:46 PM »
As I posted on an earlier topic, I recently moved here from CO. At first with all this snow, I thought it was pretty normal for NYC (albeit a bit early in the season). Then, I take a walk and see the roads and sidewalks completely covered in snow and think the city doesn't have the resources to plow every street because there are just too many of them.

So, the snow and the response is not the norm right? Is the response usually quicker. It's a scary thought if the city of this size cannot handle such expected natural occurrence. It snows every year, shouldn't they be ready whether it's an inch or a 10 foot of snow? What if there is a real natural disaster such as an earthquake tomorrow?

Does the City salt the roads? Just curious because when I lived in CO, the crews often used a mixture of cinder and salt to melt the snow and ice. So far, I've not seen it here.

I love NYC, but don't particularly feel safe here. After 9/11, there were cops patrolling the subways, now you hardly see any cops on subways or on stations. When I visited just last year, majority of stations had an agent at the station, but these days, they are vacant. I know a lot of it is due to the economy, but safety shouldn't be comprised one bit.

Don't want to sound like an outsider nitpicking, but those are just some of my concerns.

Real Estate & Home Improvement / Is it a good idea to buy than rent?
« on: December 21, 2010, 01:18:10 PM »
I recently moved to NYC and am not particularly knowledgeable of the real estate climate here. I want to buy a condo in JH, but not sure if it's a wise investment since I plan to move out of the city in 3-4 years. My questions are, how well do the property prices appreciate in the JH area? I don't want to spend lots of money making mortgage payments only to see the property value at par or below the purchase price when I leave. Any help would be appreciated.

Neighborhood Chat / Arcades, Bowling Alleys, Billiard halls???
« on: December 03, 2010, 01:07:59 PM »
Glad to have found this site, though I think it could be a bit more structured and the topics broken out into categories since lot of the topics seem to end of up in the Neighborhood Chat section.

Anyhow, are there any places nearby the Roosevelt Ave Subway Station where I can find Video Game Arcades, Bowling Alleys, and/or Billiard halls? If there aren't any close by, what about the ones in other neighborhoods that are good and safe places for these activities. Thanks.

Neighborhood Chat / How is the Long Island City YMCA?
« on: December 03, 2010, 12:58:08 PM »
Just moved to Jackson Heights from Colorado.

I've been researching a gym nearby, but so far have heard of lot of bad things about the ones close by except NYSC which is a bit expensive, a bit far for me.

So, I have been thinking of going to YMCA at LIC since it has a pool, a basketball court, plus of course the workout area. Any info would be good.

Is it in a safe neighborhood since it is close to the projects?
How is the customer service?
How's the atmosphere - crowded, noisy, too many lil kids running around, etc???
How is the quality/quantity of equipments and the facility in general?
What is the makeup of the customer base? Is it a diverse crowd? Age, race, sex etc??? Are they friendly?
Lastly, they have a joiner fee of $100. Is that fee refundable when you cancel your membership? Or once you pay that fee, you'll never see it again. Thank you.

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