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Messages - JIF

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Restaurants & Food / Re: Central Cafe?
« on: March 30, 2014, 07:14:19 PM »
So much money spent in remodeling.  And alas, so many design blunders.

The large copper framed windows outside are attractive... but the ones facing 79th Street look straight into the back of the messy counter with the cash register.  Instead of enticing shoppers into the store....we see the back of the cashier's legs and assorted unappealing paraphernalia stored under the counter.

Did no-one envision the outcome before spending thousands and thousands of dollars?

What's disappointing is that for the same amount money spent, it could've been a great store...instead of a mediocre one.  It's kinda like the shop owners don't "shop" get style ideas from stores who have done it right...

I suppose that's the difference between very successful merchants....and ones who just don't really get it.

This article is interesting concerning the legality of airplane noise.

This article is interesting concerning the legality of airplane noise.

My guess is that after attempting politeness...which was prevalent in the Town Hall Meeting concerning airplane noise...the only message authorities will heed is legal action.

My guess is that after attempting politeness...which was prevalent in the Town Hall Meeting concerning airplane noise...the only message authorities will heed is legal action.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 7 train extension to 34th St. and 11th Ave
« on: March 15, 2014, 08:29:21 PM »
"in a sense, yes, but it does seem to be a bit different these days".

My guess is that it was exactly the same as now... in ye olde days...and that the original real estate developer of Jackson Heights, Edward MacDougall...had strong links to City Hall to influence where the subway went...which is why there is an express stop here...(I believe Karatzas' Jackson Heights book alludes to that between the lines...)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: 7 train extension to 34th St. and 11th Ave
« on: March 15, 2014, 10:44:10 AM »
A question.  Hasn't that always been the story of subway expansion...for over 100 years now?

They built the subway...and then development exploded to where it went. 

Folks, isn't our very own Jackson Heights a prime example of that?...According to Daniel Karatzas' book on Jackson Heights...that's exactly what happened here...(and everywhere else in NYC, no doubt)

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Movies set or filmed in JH
« on: March 07, 2014, 11:03:40 AM »
Flight of the Conchords? I also was a fan of that show but...

I think they lived in the East Village....

Restaurants & Food / Al Araf Halal - 76 Street & 37 Ave
« on: March 02, 2014, 04:26:50 PM »
A new fried chicken (and everything else) place has opened on 37th a prime location...near the 76th street corner.

Rarely have I seen more clashing colors... and an aesthetically discordant decor. Mirror tiles, loud shades of red and a multitude of signs screaming...

It hurts a person's eyes going into that joint...

No idea what the food is like.  Won't be able to enter again until I wear my dark sunglasses...

Neighborhood Chat / Re: New Jackson Heights Architectural Blog
« on: February 24, 2014, 09:43:11 AM »

A question...aren't there all these tax breaks/deductibles when an investor makes a loss on his/her apartment investment?  So it is always a win/win situation for the investor?

Neighborhood Chat / Re: Re: The End of Willets Point
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:14:52 PM »
The mall is to be built on the massive ugly parking lot.

If the parking lot could revert back into park...that'd be awesome.

But it appears the choice is either the current parking lot.... or a mall...

Both equally as terrible and ugly compared with original parkland.

Our community was screwed... back when the parkland was first stolen in 1961.

Restaurants & Food / Re: Downtown Natural Market
« on: February 03, 2014, 02:34:13 PM »
My that like Wholefoods...they should set up a section of the store with cafe tables that folks can eat in on the premises...They would make money that there are no easy-going spaces like Jax Hts.

Bushwick has an excellent similar Brooklyn Natural Store...near the Montrose/Morgan stop off the L train....similar size to this Jax Hts store...The Brooklyn one does it very buy organic stuff...and if u want... you eat in there...(or not)...

The owners should check out that Bushwick store...

I believe that's the clear way they'd make this store work.

Neighborhood Chat / Re: The Jaguar "F" Train
« on: January 30, 2014, 09:36:05 AM »
If it means a better MTA train service... more frequent/reliable...due to the influx of cash from advertisers...I say YES!

Neighborhood Chat / Re: NEW KEY FOOD
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:29:33 PM » may be correct dssjh...

The transaction appears to have been a touch too be completely legitimate...

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