Author Topic: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave  (Read 13846 times)

Offline snickers

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2008, 06:12:08 PM »

I beleive that area was an NYPD Impact Zone,which means they flood certain neighborhoods where crime is a problem with rookie officers. I think they cut that in certain precincts. Roosevelt Ave is a magnet for illegal activity,it gets worse once you go past 78 St. Corona is worse than Jackson Heights.

No reason to be afraid though,as in most shootings they know each other. This isn't a daily occurence.

Offline earlie

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2008, 01:12:31 PM »
good points, 80th st

Offline lindsey

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2008, 12:59:02 AM »
"Hoy" newspaper today said that this was a teenage gang shooting, not a more organized drug organization taking out its enemies-- a reasonable speculation, though they didn't present any evidence to support it.
Regardless, I disagree that this is an isolated incident restricted to people who "already know each other." It sounds like the shooters just took out a bunch of people who happened to be at that restaurant when the guy they were chasing ran inside. That could have included anyone reading this board.
Yeah, so the more I think about it the more pissed I become that our reps are proposing more street cameras in answer to this shooting. Who's going to say something about the far trickier problem of gangs?

Offline Aronan

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2008, 11:31:01 AM »
Does any one have any statistical information on cameras and what has happened in areas where they have been installed ?  I'm not a big fan of big brother at all, and see this as a band-aid solution to a much larger problem. It's the easy way out for politicians who don't want to upset any one in an election year, yet look like they actually care and are doing something.  And it occurs to me, while cameras might tell us who did the shooting, they don't stop the shooting while it's in progress. So best case now NY1 gets video clips of all the shootings that are sure to continue. Unless that is we actually do something to solve the problems that plague Roosevelt Avenue. Enforcement, ticketing, stop and frisk, are only part of the solution (and a frustrating [part at that, I've seen many young Latino men help up against a wall and frisked, just for walking down the street.)  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, more programs for youth, better access to social services etc. may just help reduce the crime problem in our area.   
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Offline eddiestjohns

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2008, 03:28:04 PM »
I don't believe there is any one solution to the problem.  I like others believe cameras are part of the solution along with more policing.  Cameras don't always help you find the individual who committed the crime but can be a deterrent and sometimes if the video is shown on TV like bank robberies people come forward.  Extra policing worked very well in reducing crime and quality of life issues that were prevalent along Roosevelt Ave from the late eighties to mid nineties. 

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2008, 02:37:50 PM »
Extremely good points 80streetobserver! I'm glad to read that the majority of the people participating on this thread seem to understand the underlying problem with crime...and the notion that cameras won't solve a thing.

The "crime and quality of life issues" in JH  of the 80's and early 90's was due to the very profitable "war on drugs" the government kicked off in the 70's. Oh, and the consequences of that 'war' didn't just affect JH or "the ghetto". Remember Studio 54? This drug war cost taxpayers more money which left little money for after school programs, recreational facilities, education and job creation. You know....'small' resources that keeps the citizens of a society busy in more constructive behavior. Take a look at this 6 part documentary about the American Drug War and then let's discuss life in JH in the 80's and 90's.

What helped the turning around of JH -and other areas- was the new economic stimulus of the early 90's, not an increase in the number of police officers. There was also the beginning of the boom. New jobs were generated in new industries. People were moving up the economic ladder, etc, etc, etc. The rich got richer, the middle class got richer, the poor moved up a lil' bit.

Giving the police more tools to keep an eye on us doesn't make for a safer society. It only makes a society a police state.

You really want things to change? Then vote for politicians who will do the hard and dirty work. Vote for politicians who will make sure that our tax money is well spent in programs that will allow at least one parent in a household to stay home taking care of their children. And if the household only has one parent, then make sure there are programs to help that parent. Vote for politicians who will go after inflation, poor education and who will fight for salary increases. Vote for politicians who would rather spend out tax money on programs for the people instead of giving subsidies to big corporations. Vote for politicians who will create true Universal Healthcare so that people don't go broke paying for medical bills.  And if that politician doesn't exist. Then run for office and become that politician.

Applying band-aids to a problem is easy. Getting rid of the problem by attacking its that's something not many people are willing to do.


Offline petster

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2008, 04:37:06 PM »
I was not able to attend that  emergency meeting last night re: the shootings.  Did anyone on this serve get to go?  Any thing get accomplished.  Would appreciate any or all information.

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2008, 06:44:02 PM »

Offline kate

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2008, 06:54:34 PM »
Perhaps CCTVs would have helped catched the shooter (...I doubt it it though), but I don't think it would have helped much with the overall problems ailing Roosevelt Ave.  In my opinion, for JH city officials to recommend that NYPD and the city install cameras on Roosevelt Ave is like recommending a Band-Aid for a bullet wound.  It simply sounds like the city officials that represent JH is passing the buck to the NYPD!  I don't like budget cuts to the police department any more than the next person, but the situation on Roosevelt didn't get to this point yesterday...its been a long time coming, no?     

Who licensed the shady bars and strip joints on Roosevelt Ave?!?  If we (collectively) allow such establishments to exist during good times, why should we be surprised that things may get ugly during economic downturns?

If these establishments didn't exist on Roosevelt Ave, perhaps we would have less problems.  The shooting is probably just the tip of the iceberg that is the most visible to us...if the drug, prostitution, fake ID, etc problems are tackled first, there would probably be a decrease in more violent crimes too.  Even tackling lifestyle issues such as excessive honking, double parking, ear-shattering music from passing cars may help!  Maybe I'm being silly, but if a person is constantly getting ticketed for his excessive honking, double parking and ear-shattering music as he is passing through JH to get to Roosevelt Ave, he might not go through JH as often!

Well, a friend of mine has heard many stories about pay-offs, which isn't really news anywhere you go on any level.

Offline StevenGrey

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2008, 05:09:11 PM »
You really want things to change? Then vote for politicians who will do the hard and dirty work. Vote for politicians who will make sure that our tax money is well spent in programs that will allow at least one parent in a household to stay home taking care of their children. And if the household only has one parent, then make sure there are programs to help that parent. Vote for politicians who will go after inflation, poor education and who will fight for salary increases. Vote for politicians who would rather spend out tax money on programs for the people instead of giving subsidies to big corporations. Vote for politicians who will create true Universal Healthcare so that people don't go broke paying for medical bills.  And if that politician doesn't exist. Then run for office and become that politician.

Applying band-aids to a problem is easy. Getting rid of the problem by attacking its that's something not many people are willing to do.

Attacking the problem by its roots is really going to take a Giuliani-like approach to cleaning up Roosevelt Avenue and the surrounding streets. Forget the surveillance cameras and put more cops on foot patrol. And adopt a zero-tolerance policy for public drunkenness, loitering, lewd/vulgar behavior, loud music and noise, littering, graffiti, and a strict enforcement of standards for all businesses operating legally along the avenue (and closure for those businesses operating without the proper licenses and permits). If you're willing to do that, then we can ALL tackle the larger issues like universal healthcare, better schools for our kids, and meaningful economic development.

Offline buddy

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2008, 08:22:28 AM »
...... And adopt a zero-tolerance policy for public drunkenness, loitering, lewd/vulgar behavior, loud music and noise, littering, graffiti, and a strict enforcement of standards for all businesses operating legally along the avenue (and closure for those businesses operating without the proper licenses and permits)......

How do you do this without more police?  I don't think cameras will "solve" anything but without more officers on foot patrol, without more police period, none of the above really gets addressed.  Less police means prioritizing crime with the more serious crime being at the top of the list.  Quality of life gets dropped to the bottom where it usually gets little attention.

And I disagree with the comment that the police didn't affect the drugs and prostitution of the 80s/90s.  Which came first: the police cleaning up Roosevelt Ave. so business could flourish is how the chain of events is in my memory, which led to other positive improvements.  The economy turned around which then affected more individuals, too.  I'd love to find a politician who didn't pander to big money interests.  I don't think they can exist in our political system.  And I consider myself a realist not a pessimist. 
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 08:28:33 AM by buddy »
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Offline abee

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2008, 11:08:59 AM »
How do you do this without more police?  I don't think cameras will "solve" anything but without more officers on foot patrol, without more police period, none of the above really gets addressed.  Less police means prioritizing crime with the more serious crime being at the top of the list.  Quality of life gets dropped to the bottom where it usually gets little attention.

You misread StevenGrey-- he said "Forget the surveillance cameras and put more cops on foot patrol." -- you guys agree.

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2008, 06:17:52 PM »
Yes, you're right. We were agreeing.  I misread. 

In any event, Roosevelt Avenue has been problematic since I moved here 20 years ago.  To some people, it's colorful and I suppose that's true on a good day.  On too many days, it's a strip that's a magnet for crime. 
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Offline APG7714

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2008, 06:49:42 PM »
Yes, you're right. We were agreeing.  I misread. 

In any event, Roosevelt Avenue has been problematic since I moved here 20 years ago.  To some people, it's colorful and I suppose that's true on a good day.  On too many days, it's a strip that's a magnet for crime. 

Unfortunately,  Roosevelt Avenue  has always been an eyesore  :buck2: and a magnet for crime for a long time . Which is usually the issue with commercial strips under  elevated trains . Even though it has improved a bit there is still a lot of impending issues to take care of . Also the establishments don't make this any better. An example is the  " vice corner " as I like to call it, it's on 78th and Roosevelt. Where an old restaurant and a small real estate office used to be . Now that has been replaced with a tattoo and piercing studio , which sells a wide array of bongs (seen in the display from the street ) the sign has a topless woman being tattooed , they have painted a tacky mural on the side of the "establishment" . Next to this is a sex shop open 24 hours with mannequins dressed in S&M attire along with the enlarged breasts and crotches .Next there is a liquor store and on the second floor there seems to be one of those dubious bars with busty women on there ads outside . All of this across from a daycare center .  :tickedoff:. This is what gives our nabe a bad name and image to visitors .

On a lighter note i have seen more police presence . I think they should also add strong white lights throughout Roosevelt avenue along with all of the suggestions given before  :)
Jackson Heights, NY

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Re: Shooting at 80-10 Roosevelt Ave
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2008, 07:04:06 PM »
On a lighter note i have seen more police presence . I think they should also add strong white lights throughout Roosevelt avenue along with all of the suggestions given before  :)

On an even lighter note -- I've lived here for 20 years and never felt unsafe.  Even though Roosevelt Ave. is part of Jackson Heights, that's not why people move here.  It's 35th and 34th Avenues and the gorgeous buildings on the cross streets.... it's the fantastic variety of cuisine (although I'd like more variety that didn't include chicken   :coolsmiley: ), it's the convenient transportation hub at 74th and Roosevelt and mostly, speaking for myself, it's the grass and trees and flowers ... even without a green playing space or park there's more green here than many other neighborhoods.  I LOVE THE SMELL OF FRESH CUT GRASS.
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