Author Topic: 115 police precinct  (Read 7389 times)

Offline petster

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115 police precinct
« on: June 08, 2013, 06:27:19 PM »
Although I could spend the whole year venting when it comes to the 115th police precinct, I started this thread as a possible way to mobilize our community to get our police  to be more effective. In light of the myriad of quality of life violations, hundreds of illegally parked  cars being sold on our streets, car accidents and the most recent deaths caused by cars, our community needs to reach out and demand more effective policing. If this means putting more pressure on our community board, or putting pressure on our council members, or the commanding officer at the 115th,  then let's do it. I, like many of you,  work long hours and find it hard to attend meetings. Perhaps a telephone or letter writing campaign. Perhaps media coverage. I really care about  where I live and want  the best for our community.  PLEASE CALL AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE.                                                                        IF YOUR A MEMBER OF JH FAMILIES POST THIS THERE AS WELL.                          Councilwoman Julissa Ferraras: 718 651 1917
City Councilman Daniel Dromm:  718 803 6373
115th Precinct: 718 533 2002
Community Board #3: 718 458 2707             

Offline francis

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2013, 08:37:28 PM »
Just want you to know that I always complain to 311. That way you have a registered complaint number...... But u have my support. I think Danny Dromm is a good start too.The community board is pretty useless.....which is part of the problem. Let's see if something positive comes from this.

Offline erospolitico

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2013, 10:42:53 PM »
As a member of the Community Board, I resent the fact that we are being called useless by Francis.

I can speak for myself, I am a tireless advocate for our community and walk the streets daily, and file complaints daily and they get resolved.

Also the staff is very persistant with city agencies and get the job done.





Offline mrose19

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2013, 07:38:42 AM »
I'd like to believe that CB3 is doing it's job properly, but the overwhelming evidence proves otherwise.
Rampant traffic violations, never ending noise pollution, out of control homelessness and no regards for signage regulations, building codes and zoning.
So tell us exactly what CB3 has done to improve the neighborhood, please.

Offline erospolitico

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2013, 01:20:52 PM »
Let me first say that a Community Board is at time the eyes and ears of many city agencies.

Community Boards cannot enforce rules, but can offer conflict resolution by way of direct contact with city agencies.

Yes, there are rampant traffic violations, proof that the NYPD @ 115th Precinct are doing their jobs.

Solutions to preventing traffic issues are a smart idea, but with such dense population parking is at a premium causing double and triple parking conditions.

Noise pollution must be targeted by the DEP, they have limited resources to provide enforcement of noise codes, if the noise is on-going, such as in a bar, daily or weekly parties in a persons house, a solution is possible, but random street noise is difficult.

The out of control homelessness is really the same people who have been on our streets for at least the past ten years, they do not want to stay in shelters or hospitals, and they can not be forced to do so.  If they get out of line, the NYPD does arrest them, or take them to Elmhurst Hospital.

Signage regulations are addressed by the Department of Buildings, yes they do enforces signage rules, but again limited funding is available for enforcement, so it can take years to get businesses to comply with signage requirements.

Building and zoning codes also fall under the short staffing of Department of Buildings, but illegal conversions are the most difficult to tackle.  The other problem is that a person does not have to let the DOB gain access, and they cannot get a court order to barge in.  This is why most building violations and illegal conversions have not been resolved.

I have lived in Jackson Heights for close to 30 years, and while it is not spotless and without problems, the neighborhood has come a long way in terms of crime reduction.  Quality of life issues have increased due to vast over population, more people equals more garbage and more traffic.

If there is any complaint regarding problems in the neighborhood, call the Community Board office, and the courteous staff will definitely assist you. 

Offline francis

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2013, 07:41:55 PM »

I apologize if I've hurt anyones feelings. That certainly was not my intent. There are many people who work hard for Jackson Heights. The fact remains that while the community board may file complaints to 311, it stops there. There is little follow up, if any. It was stated that the 115 is doing its' job, yet traffic violations continue to remain rampart.  When I mean "useless", I mean that the community board has no real power. What I feel it lacks is an aggressive way to follow up and to effectively communicate to other city agencies and to our elected officials to get the job done.  The point of this thread is to register a complaint and that is what I support doing. If enforcement is not ramped up, then I guess the community board really is "useless". You may act to identify a problem, but what about fixing it?

Offline taggie

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2013, 09:36:12 AM »
 Hallelujah! The cars are being towed from the dealers who ran rampant over Jackson Heights using this neighborhood
as one giant used car lot. Read Danny Dromm's eblast* about this. Hats off to Danny D. and to the new NYPD leader, Michael Cody, at the 115th precinct for finally getting the job done here. Am pasting below for those who may not be on Danny's e- mailing list yet.
  And one more. Props to the people here who kept posting and keeping this topic on the public's radar in so a
persistent way to make this change happen. Thank you!!!
*NYPD Deputy Inspector Michael Cody has been doing an excellent job ever since he came to the 115th Precinct at the beginning of the year.
A lot of constituents complain about the use of our public streets by "car dealers" who illegally park cars on the street to try to sell them. Often times they do not have a license plate and only have a For Sale sign on them or scrawled on the window. The "dealers" are shady and only list a cell phone number to contact them.
In addition to being a consumer fraud issue, the fact that these cars take up parking spots from our residents makes these "dealers" even more annoying.
Well, I am pleased to report that over the weekend, Deputy Inspector Cody confiscated 20 of these cars from our streets.
He pulled cars from the following locations:
76th Street & Northern Blvd (5 Vehicles Towed)
78th Street & Northern Blvd
83rd Street & Northern Boulevard
83rd Street & 25th Avenue (6 Vehicles Towed)
87th Street & 24th Avenue
88th Street & 23rd Avenue
34th Avenue & Junction Boulevard
92nd Street & Jackson Mill Road
94th Street & 23rd Avenue
102nd Street & 37th Avenue
109th Street & 34th Avenue
I want to thank Deputy Inspector Cody and the men and women of the 115th Precinct for addressing this growing problem. It is most appreciated by all who live here!
We must remain vigilant about this issue. Please help get the word out that if anyone knows people who engage in this illegal business, they risk losing their cars.

Offline PaulG

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2013, 02:11:17 PM »
What about the Car dealers on Northern in the mid to high 50's who always use the sidewalk to park for sale cars?

It means a pedestrian needs to walk into Northern to pass and creates a hazard.

it's the people sidewalks not some car dealerships.

Offline taggie

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2013, 03:39:51 PM »
  Agreed, the streets in the 50's have also been plagued by the illegal car dealership on your block problem.
Maybe they need a new Deputy Inspector Cody like we now have in Jackson Heights to get the job done. It
took some time but this is an election year and it would be great to make some quality of life issues like this
gain attention. The cars listed as removed by the police ranged from 76th st to 109th st.

Offline Rhino

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2013, 03:44:30 PM »
Seems like he missed a few.. I reported these to 311 today.....

Green Honda 84 and northern
White Honda 69 and northern
Green Honda 69 and northern
Silver Chevy 69 and northern
Red ford 72 an Roosevelt
Silver ford 72 and Roosevelt
Black ford 77 and roosevelt
White Acura 78 and Roosevelt
Silver Honda 79 and Roosevelt
Green ford 80 and Roosevelt
Red ford 81 and Roosevelt
Green Saturn 8506 Roosevelt
I really can't understand how he missed these. Nothing has changed

Offline petster

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2013, 08:26:16 PM »
Rhino... If the 115  precinct had any cars towed at all it is a miracle. Hopefully they will continue to consistently do this. I do have to say that this Inspector Cody is a bit more responsive and pro active in responding to the needs of our community. Keep up the complaints!

Offline Rhino

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2013, 09:31:30 PM »
You know, the more I think about this whole situation, the more questions I have. I've got 660 complaints to 311 about these cars for sale. ( just from this year)I reported 11 today,in the same spots on Roosevelt Ave and Northern Blvd. that I've been reporting for the past year. On Roosevelt ave they are always, and I mean always on 76 street, 77, 78,79, 80, and 81st street.  On Northern, it varies a little. I've lived here for almost 30 years, and this has been a problem for the last 15 years.  The NYPD always said that they could not ticket and tow, it was up to the sanitation dept to tow, since they are considered abandoned. It's very odd to me that they spent the time and resources to suddenly tow cars from 25th and 23rd ave? Where the heck is that? And I thought the NYPD could not remove them? We're the laws suddenly changed? One on Jackson Mill road?  Something is "off" here. Again, I've made almost 700 documented complaints to 311 about abandoned cars for sale, half of which are on Roosevelt ave, but none were towed from there? They took one from Jackson Mill Road. And one from 23rd ave?   Are they afraid to tackle the ones on Roosevelt Ave?  I can make a bet that after the 72 hours that they Sanitation dept needs to tag and remove such cars that I reported yesterday,  they will still be there. Unfortunately, when I did see one tagged a few months ago the next day the tag was scrubbed clean, and the car remained. I would love to sit down with this new Inspector, show him all my documentation, and see, if after all these years, he can do something. In the meantime, for these sellers, it's business as usual

Offline jhlifer

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2013, 11:50:13 AM »
I understand Rhino's frustration.

I would Call the 115th Precinct 718 533 2002 and talk to someone at the desk about making an appointment to see DI Cody.... or talk with the Community Affairs people.  I have to say a few months back when I did leave a message with Community Affairs, they did call back.  While I doubt (but cannot recall for sure) the issue remained unaddressed, at least they called back.

If you have been this vigilant I assume you have already tried this.   But having invested so much time and effort, it is worth trying again.... or having the staff of our City Councilpersons' offices do so for you.

Offline fodoherty

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #13 on: September 06, 2013, 02:48:23 PM »

I am not sure that car for sale are what NYPD is best used for, but I will say that I wrote to DI Cody about the marijuana sales in the alley behind my house and he called back immediately and since they there have been regular patrols by officers.

I would start with a simple letter before a whole campaign.

Deputy Inspector Michael Cody
115th Police Precinct
92-15 Northern Blvd.
Jackson Heights, NY 11372

Thank you 115 !

Offline Rhino

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Re: 115 police precinct
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2013, 03:05:29 PM »
If anyone is interested, I reported these today...

76 and roosevelt green honda
77 and roosevelt black ford
78 and Roosevelt silver acura
81 and Roosevelt red ford
85 and Roosevelt grey Saturn
8506 Roosevelt ave green Toyota
86 and Roosevelt black dodge
69 and northern silver Chevy
78 and northern silver Nissan
79 and northern silver nissan