Author Topic: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?  (Read 36447 times)

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2013, 10:45:36 AM »
I think it's pretty funny that back in the day, when people asked where I lived, and I replied Jackson Heights, a look of horror would come across their faces.  Today I get comments like, "oh... that's such a cool and trendy neighborhood." ???  Well, I agree... it's cool to live here.
The Chuckster has spoken!

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2013, 04:15:27 PM »
Seriously without making Jackson Heights another Williamsburg or Park Slope, this place could use some sprucing up. In your house or apartment, you need to paint, replace things, update things. Why is JH any different? Let's face it, there are merchants who's stores are just plain trashy and then there are some that really try to make this place a pleasant place to live. In my opinion, there are too many who either don't try or don't care. Can I make them do things differently to my tastes? Obviously not. But if a merchant have a crummy plastic sign hanging from the front of your store or a bunch or trashy merchandise on a table out front, I hope they get a ticket for not adhering to landmark (or other) laws. By not following the rules, everyone suffers, people don't want to shop here, people don't want to live here. And I don't mean just "hipsters". I mean normal middle class people who want to run out on the weekend and shop in their OWN neighborhood, not have to go to Manhattan or Trader Joe's in Forest Hills. I work long hours and want to buy local, but sorry, this place really could use some help. Should I move, well I would, if I could. I'd rather stay, cause this place has a lot of potential, if only it wasn't it's own worse enemy.  I was thrilled to see that 82nd BID is going to start working with merchants, thrillled!!!

Offline dssjh

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2013, 06:28:32 PM »
i agree that there are some retailers who have little or no consideration for making their storefronts look even remotely nice, and i wish they would put in more of an effort.

but in any neighborhood where there's economic diversity, there's diversity of retail. some people like 99 cent stores. some people NEED 99 cent stores. i actually find myself getting some great bargains in our dollar stores -- but if i had my way, i'd cut back on phone card places and check cashing joints -- both of which clearly also cater to a demand (if they didn't, they wouldn't exist).

it's safe to say that roosevelt avenue, like brighton beach avenue or other places where an el is overhead, is not going to spruce up. it's a fact of life. if a couple of people took a chance on 37th avenue or even woodside avenue, i think they might be pleasantly surprised about the response.

we have destination places here. friends of mine asked to be taken to our south asian restaurants back in the '90s. or to d'espana, or to....well, you get the idea. we don't need a complete change of vibe, just a few people to actually make little tweaks, rather than root them on from the sidelines.

Offline joopy86

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2013, 08:24:17 PM »
Seriously without making Jackson Heights another Williamsburg or Park Slope, this place could use some sprucing up. In your house or apartment, you need to paint, replace things, update things. Why is JH any different? Let's face it, there are merchants who's stores are just plain trashy and then there are some that really try to make this place a pleasant place to live.

The most confusing retail spots for me on 37th avenue are the totally empty weight loss/spa spots.  They don't really look frequented and I'm not talking about the ones where you see patrons in...there's one between 79-80 I believe? I hope they're not Herbalife headquarters or something similarly scammy.

For me, the ABSOLUTE WORSE "commercial" block on Jackson Heights is 75th street between Roosevelt and 37 - coincidentally the block where Dromm's office is located.  I don't know why I find it so depressing but I do...mainly because most of the 'businesses' look like tumorous illegal outgrowths on zoned housing.  Also, the majority of the 'businesses' consist of  really, really shady medical practices - I could care less when it's like a booty jean store or whatever, but when it involves people's health it's very disheartening to see potentially dangerous practices.  That "WOMEN'S HEALTH" basement clinic skeeved me out so much at one point that I actually looked it up because I was pretty concerned about it, as a woman.  It turns out that it belonged to a doctor (it was closed when I moved over a year ago, but the sign was still up, and it might not be closed any more) by the name of Salomon Epstein that had his medical license revoked repeatedly and was responsible for a number of sloppily done abortions and the death of a woman (this is all public information btw, google it if you want to see the grisly court documents).  I was incredibly disturbed for weeks after I found out...and I still see women occasionally knocking on that door - all from vulnerable minority and immigrant populations, of course.

Sorry to be a bummer on a Sunday night.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2013, 09:22:43 PM »
I live here - that was good suggestion- ...I find the produce in the supermarket to be lacking freshness.Most time I travel to the city. I wish we can have a nice place for grocery shopping. By the way, I was walking down 74 street today I was disappointed by the renovation of the old Jackson Height movie theater.  I wish they would have kept some kind of old character to the building , I wish someone can cleanup that area and the new grocery store next to Citibank looks so nasty and dirty. Why would someone post goat and fish pictures in that ugly canopy? That store seems odd and dirty in that location...

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2013, 10:15:06 AM »
Last night I stopped at the Met food store because I find it's the best for the most things. well I was shocked to see it lit up outside like a nightclub (it's a food store!!!), the produce wilted and the cashiers milling around like there weren't any customers on line. I live down the other end of 37th but I would walk down to the Met because Trade Fair on 90th has been even worse. I've been working alot and away for the holidays so I haven't seen the new lighting set-up. I was shocked that after all those months of work on the exterior, it looks like a Gentleman's Club. I'm sorry, it's simply horrible. Others may disagree, that's your perrogative, but I was really disappointed.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2013, 10:29:42 AM »
BUT if you can make it there on Sundays - the JH Farmers Market is one of the best neighborhood markets in the city and a great way to shop local. I go as often as I can. Even if you can't find kiwis, it's healthier to eat locally produced seasonal food.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2013, 10:49:43 AM »
i agree completely about the "renovation" .... i don't know what they were thinking.

but don't judge the merchandise quality by a sunday night visit -- that's the worst time to look for produce or meat, since you're guaranteed everything that's out is at least a couple of days old. the produce is actually pretty good there as a rule, although i wish they hadn't pulled back on organic offerings. trade fair still has a decent selection on that front.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2013, 10:51:04 AM »
 The success of the Farmers Market makes a point that there should be "comparable" businesses all over Jackson Heights
as we clearly have the demographic who likes quality food. Could the landlords on 37th avenue really hold this much
power as to deter wanted businesses from trying to open here? Because Astoria and Sunnyside don't seem to have this
problem with inviting a fresher retail environment.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2013, 03:22:37 PM »
I would definitely love to see a good brunch spot or two or decent pub with a great beer selection. There's tons of stuff in Astoria though which is a quick skip over the R. There's some good trendish stuff in the hood to mix with the great diversity we have here. E77, Table Wine,  and a couple others. I haven't been to Legends yet though I've been trying to get over there, do they have TVs? Maybe I could catch some playoffs there over the weekend if so.

The place that confounds me to no end is Novo. It's got a good vibe and a decent menu during the day/early evening. But it turns into a total cr*pshow later at night to the point where guns are being pulled and they need bouncers. Saddening. One of these days something like happened the other day where a lady that got hit in the gut by a stray bullet while sitting in her apt is going to happen.

Offline joopy86

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2013, 04:44:07 PM »
@I live here too - The often lauded Lemon Farm, on 77 and 37, has good groceries and there's a great store for vegetables next door when you can't get to the farmer's market.  I don't know what it's called but I think it's Korean-owned, there are usually some fruits outside and it doesn't look really worthy of exploring but once you go inside you'll find some nice, fresh, CLEAN produce that is neatly and nicely laid out. (Everyone know the place I'm talking about?)  The prices are fair too.  Cleanliness is a BIG thing for me because I've found that pretty much all the leafy produce I buy from Trade Fair, or even occasionally the Met, have tons of debris on it.  I think the Met is overall fine, if not a little generic and boring (and now with the horrible Florida strip mall lights), but I have a special place in my heart for Trade Fair.  My boyfriend calls it "sh*tshow" and refuses to refer to it by name.  I don't think that place is great for actual grocery shopping but it's great as like, an anthropological field trip.  I don't know how a grocery store can manage to simultaneously be too much and too little, but it totally is.  

My big gripe grocery wise about JH is the lack of quality meat -- fish markets and butchers in a central location.  Yes, I know that I can probably source things from different places but it's not that easy especially since those places cater to ethnic populations and as an English speaker I can't navigate them that well.  I grew up in Astoria and I miss having butchers and fish people who I know by name who save me the cuts I like!

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2013, 06:29:46 PM »
Yes, I know about those stores but I live down the other end of 37th (on 88th). We were excited when a fruit/vegetable store opened  on 85th, it looked promising but the produce is lackluster. My husband likes fruit and proclaimed his purchases tasteless. Lemon Tree is clearly a much better store in terms of quality and "aesthetics". The store started out neat and orderly, then the "How many signs/lights etc. can I hang in my window" effect began. I don't know why merchants think that flashing lights, music and other distractions are going to add up to sales around here, because clearly they do not. When the sign for 40 Ounce Malt Liquor went up, it was all over for me. I know that the store is just trying to make a living, I know.

On the other hand, most people don't realize this but the restaurant El Chivito D'oro sells fresh uncooked meat in a case at the front of the restaurant.  I really like this restaurant in general, it is authentic without being garish and ugly. The steak sandwiches are a great deal. I haven't bought a fresh steak from them yet, but they look to be of good quality, much like the Argentinian butcher that closed.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2013, 08:04:03 PM »
have you tried the butcher shop next to la boina roja on 37th? the steaks are pretty good, though not quite as good, in my opinion, as the late lamented argentine butcher.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #28 on: January 08, 2013, 08:45:06 AM »
The green food truck on the corner of 73rd and Broadway, with its trash and junk thrown on the sidewalk isn't helping to make JH look crisp and nice. In fact that whole corner is a mess.

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Re: Can we make Jackson Heights more attractive, classy and Trendy?
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2013, 10:25:00 AM »
I have not tried the boina roja butcher shop but it looks like a nice shop. there is a hispanic butcher up by me on 37th by Trade Fair, but it is mob scene at all times and the few times I walked in there, I was bowled over by a unpleasant smell. Yes, I do miss the Argentinian butcher. I think chivito del oro has a relationship with them though.