Author Topic: Diversity Plaza  (Read 54543 times)

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2011, 08:46:27 PM »
Last week, I brought 2 groups of people to the neighborhood from different parts of Manhattan. In both cases, they couldn't believe how few garbage cans were available.

Offline toddg

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2011, 09:07:11 PM »
A few things to keep in mind about the city's public plaza program:

- Everywhere in the city this program has been implemented, a local organization has taken responsibility for maintenance of the plaza.  Usually it's a business improvement district, but sometimes it's a local non-profit.  I think discussions are still ongoing about who the local partner will be.  But I think instead of looking to the city for help, I think we should be asking the neighborhood's businesses why they can't begin to take responsibility for maintaining their highly successful little business district.  (I've heard that there are some pretty sharp divisions within the business community itself, which prevents them from working together to get anything done).

- The city has said several times that work on a permanent design for the plaza will begin in the spring.  We should expect nothing less than a top-notch design for the plaza.   But that will require our active participation to get it done.  See my earlier post about how the design for Times Square has evolved.

Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2011, 12:28:02 AM »
that's a good point. this could be a great opportunity for lil india

Offline SamInNY

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #33 on: November 10, 2011, 08:40:55 AM »
I had one idea and one question.

On my way to work yesterday, I "bussed" one table that was covered with the remains of a large group's takeout meal. It was a little gross, but luckily there were plastic bags left with the other garbage so I didn't have to touch anything messy and it took a minute or two, max.

I wonder if those of us who want the plaza to stay might make this a habit -- I don't think we can count on the business owners there who are against the plaza to clean up, since the worse it looks, the more likely it is to be abandoned.

And, what about he Doe foundation? Does anyone know where they clean? Could we request them to add the plaza to their rounds?

Offline flt

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #34 on: November 10, 2011, 08:56:19 AM »
My understanding about the Doe Foundation is this (and my husband has a much better understanding than I do, but I can't ask him right now): typically, these are paid for by a local BID. However, 74th Street is almost exclusively owned by one landlord, and he has no interest in sponsoring anything (and as someone mentioned, there are quite a few rifts among the business owners). Now, I may be remembering what I heard incorrectly, but I believe the Doe Fund was sponsored some other way, and that's why we only have a part-time Doe Fund, instead of a full-time Doe Fund.

So, they may be cleaning the Plaza, but my guess is that we need a full-time Doe Fund. I would be willing to do any of the following:
1. Work on a volunteer committee to help clean (although my time is limited when I work full-time and obviously, we need a number of people to make this effective)
2. Pressure the landlord (in ways TBD) to make up the other half of the Doe Fund so we could get full-time help (which that street warrants)
3. Organize a fundraiser for a full-time Doe Fund

Doe Fund may now be full-time, since it's been a while since I talked about this, but I'll ask around to confirm.

General thoughts?

And thanks for bussing a table! I really think there needs to be a return to anti-littering campaigns, like the Native American chief I remember so vividly from my youth. (Maybe we can pressure the local schools to start something, so kids will educate their parents?)

Offline fizzster

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2011, 06:50:19 PM »
The pedestrian plaza was looking rather tidy this Monday morning (at rush hour). And there was a brand new trash can set up in the middle of the block (with a plastic liner), which now makes 3 trash cans in total for that area (2 others on the corners). Two uniformed city workers were there cleaning up, too.  :D

Offline toddg

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #36 on: November 15, 2011, 04:20:46 PM »
Via JH11372, here's something published by Councilmember Dromm's office on the group of Nepalese volunteers who cleaned up the plaza and surrounding area last weekend:

Offline taggie

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #37 on: November 17, 2011, 08:30:28 PM »
 Had a conversation with one of the shop owners this evening on the pedestrian plaza. The complaint was specifically about the loss of Elmhurst
Hospital workers/visitors through the street. I was thinking that things looked as busy or not when I went through on my usual times but they
say that the Elmhurst folks are now patronizing the businesses on the other side of Roosevelt. Since the hospital is staffed 24/7 this must account
for a large number of people not spending on 37th road and finally, I see the financial problem. Also the carts must be hurting as I heard before
that Sammy's Halal can make over $5,000. on a good day. Not alot of this going to rent either...
   Personally, still love the pedestrian plaza but am worried the numbers are a problem. What can be done to increase the sales for these folks?

Offline fizzster

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2011, 08:36:46 PM »
Planting some trees would help business (in Spring, anyway). Studies have shown that trees attract customers. A few wooden benches would be great, too. I think most people are more comfortable sharing a bench with a stranger than a table (i.e., no forced eye contact).

Offline daisy

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #39 on: November 18, 2011, 09:53:29 AM »
There's quite a lot that could be done to beautify that plaza and perhaps increase sales or foot traffic.  There are only 4 big tables in the plaza, yet there's room for plenty smaller and nicer looking ones.  Take a look at any of the many pedestrian plazas in Manhattan where they've done an amazing job with the spaces.  Take a look at the upcoming Queens Plaza greenspace.  I am hoping that come this spring, the city would be willing to invest in planters, trees, chairs, tables, trashcans, and cleanup crew - to make it a more welcome, inviting place.  The other night I did not see many trash cans at all, despite the volunteer crew that was said to come in this past weekend.  And I don't know if it's increasing, but I'm noticed a few more beggars hanging around the area of the plaza now. The plaza is not that inviting of a place with all the trash, lack of seating, and concrete barrenness.  It's not someplace I would seek to hang out in - and I'm clamoring for greenspace to even just sit down and read a book in.  Jackson Heights has nothing - no greenspace at all.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if it did? 

Offline flt

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #40 on: November 18, 2011, 09:55:55 AM »
I agree. I know someone keeps posting that it will evolve, but it would be nice to know if there are concrete (excuse the pun) plans to make it more green.

Offline abee

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #41 on: November 18, 2011, 11:36:15 PM »
Why would the Elmhurst Hospital workers stop going?

Offline QnsRunr

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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #42 on: November 25, 2011, 12:50:04 AM »
I too think this has great potential, but it looks pretty tacky the way it's setup now. I hope come springtime we'll have something legit.


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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #43 on: November 26, 2011, 08:36:09 PM »
This pedestrian plaza would be another great place for holiday carolling! Anyone care to organize a second event up that way?

(first event posted below:)

Saturday, December 17, 2011
7:00pm until 10:00pm
* * * FREE EVENT * * *

Meet near the Dante's Shopping Center, 31st Ave at 76th St

3rd Annual Jackson Heights Winter Holiday Sing-A-Long
An Outdoor Carroling Event -- Snow or Shine !!!

Meet on 31st Avenue, between 76th Street and 77th Street, near the bus stop on the Modell's side of the avenue. (It's okay to park in the Dante's lot for this event.)

Dress warmly and according to the weather!
Wear comfortable / appropriate shoes or boots.

Bring a flashlight or well-protected candle for each person in your group.

School Groups welcome and encouraged to join us.
All children under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult!
If possible, children under age 12 should wear reflective clothing instead of carrying open-flame candles.... for obvious safety reasons.

(Service animals welcome; all other pets should remain at home.)

We will sing winter and holiday songs from all faiths, languages & cultures as a group, while walking thru the local Jackson Heights area. Please be respectful and courteous to others, even if you don't know the particular song we're singing at the moment. We will sing in every and any language the members of the group know, including American Sign Language from students and faculty at the Lexington School.

Small, accoustic, portable instruments welcome and encouraged.

We will begin by crossing 31st Ave and walking up 76th Street, while singing. The group will then determine the direction and how long we stay out there singing. A good suggestion is to look for houses with holiday lights!

Santa Hats encouraged, but not required.
Holiday outfits, costumes, or dress-up welcome.



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Re: 37th Road Pedestrian Plaza
« Reply #44 on: November 26, 2011, 08:39:01 PM »
Jackson Heights has nothing - no greenspace at all.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if it did? 

The sad thing about that statement, Daisy, is that Jackson Heights was founded as the first garden community in the United States. Now, it's been so urbanized that it's all concrete and no more green. Shame on us! I agree, we need to do something about it.