Author Topic: #5 plastic recycling  (Read 1910 times)

Offline SamInNY

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#5 plastic recycling
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:31:40 PM »
I have seen news reports that the city is going to start collecting other plastics besides the jugs and bottles currently on the list. But a quick perusal of the official recycling website didn't yield any more information -- in fact, it still says they have no plans to expand plastic recycling.

Is there anyone else who is frustrated at not being able to recycle their yogurt containers, take-out containers, etc.? I've cut way back on what I buy, but haven't been able to rid myself of them completely.

I saw that Whole Foods collects them for Gimme5, and I have a fantasy of doing a mini-recycling program with neighbors -- take turns taking them into the city every few weeks. Of course that would only work if it was just a few people, in which case, one might ask, what is the point?

Offline Maple

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Re: #5 plastic recycling
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 12:02:27 AM »
I'm with you. I save up my 5s and Whole Foods plastic containers (which are not 5s, I don't think) and bring them back to Whole Foods when I remember to do so. I wish NYC actually told you the numbers that they recycle as well as the types of items, so we could figure out things that are not on their list. Maybe the farmers' market could collect 5s as well as textiles, though that wouldn't work for the colder months.

Offline Almondine

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Re: #5 plastic recycling
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 05:10:27 PM »
I think the city takes 1s and 2s currently.  That's what I recycle but I'm not sure where I heard that initially.

Offline SamInNY

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Re: #5 plastic recycling
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 09:48:01 PM »
Actually, the city takes 1s and 2s ONLY if they are jugs or bottles.

If you recycle any other shaped container with a 1 or 2, the city workers have to remove it.

Offline Almondine

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Re: #5 plastic recycling
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 10:10:30 PM »
Geez Louise!  You have to be a psychic to recycle in this city!

Offline cl4t

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Re: #5 plastic recycling
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 10:28:40 PM »
The Park Slope Food Coop also collects (or collected) #5 plastics. The plastics were dropped off at AAA Polymer, a plastics company, in Greenpoint. When I lived there, I used to take my #5 plastics to them directly. Maybe they would be willing to take a collection from Jackson Heights as well.
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