Author Topic: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors  (Read 7143 times)

Offline dssjh

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2009, 06:48:39 PM »
thanks for a civilized and thought out reply.

i don't imagine we will find a place of agreement here, but that's the way things sometimes go. i've eaten at street vendors for at least 40 years (i'm 43 and my mom got me hooked on them) and as a life long inner city resident, i've always found that the best stuff and the best service comes from individual proprietors/carts/guys selling services on their own. but i digress.

moving to a side street is a potential compromise, and not that inconvenient since these are mobile operations, but losing them altogether would be awful. and in terms of litter? i see candy wrappers, chip bags, condoms, mcdonalds stuff and gum way more often than i see corn husks, radish pieces, onions or other evidence of cart effluvia. maybe i am cursed with selective eyesight.

thanks again for keeping this talk on topic

Offline abee

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2009, 10:33:18 PM »
I felt that some of the posts in this thread were attacking newer residents of the historic district unfairly by siting them as the root cause for Ms. Sears' position on this issue.

This feels like you're making a lot of assumptions. I'm a "newer resident of the historic district" and I didn't feel attacked. But I like and patronize many of the vendors, so ymmv.

I find that even in neighborhoods where there are few street vendors and thriving, (gentrified) businesses under the trains, it still tends to be a rather gross area (I'm thinking of 31st Street in Astoria) just by virtue of being under the train. I would think if there was a concerted effort to finish the train station, rather than just  the temporary, wobbly plywood that's there now, the 74th Station area would look 10x better even with the vendors.

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2009, 10:43:24 PM »
I felt that some of the posts in this thread were attacking newer residents of the historic district unfairly by siting them as the root cause for Ms. Sears' position on this issue.

Whether or not this is what people intended, I think it is exactly backwards.  Ms. Sears doesn't have any interest in representing newer residents of the neighborhood.  She won't even meet with us.  She represents a much older demographic, the people who inevitably tell me in hushed tones and with a knowing look that "the neighborhood has changed."  These are the people she is appealing to with her war on food carts.

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2009, 12:31:06 PM »
She represents a much older demographic, the people who inevitably tell me in hushed tones and with a knowing look that "the neighborhood has changed."

This comment brings to mind an occurrence at one of the recent City Council Candidates forums I attended.  I remember how a few older neighborhood residents asked Helen Sears what her intentions were with respect to the food cart / vendor situation.  The overall tone of the questions they asked resembled toddg's statement above.  It was pretty obvious that those asking the questions were against the vendors.  Sears' wasn't very specific, but she did say that she's been working on some plan for a while now that would address the issue.  Of course this doesn't mean that all older residents share the same opinion.

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Offline Jeffsayyes

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2009, 07:20:28 PM »
she probably knows the bill won't pass, but put it in to appease her voters.

Offline liam0925

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2009, 02:56:03 AM »
Of course this doesn't mean that all older residents share the same opinion.

No we don't!  Groups, whether they be elderly, gay, recent space veterans or cowboys who fear horses,  seldom all march to the same tune.  I am sure some of the senior population support Helen Sears;  but I, and many of my contemporaries, do not.  Maybe we should form a Seniors for Dromm group. I am sure that as a group we are probably as divided on the vendor issue as any other demographic category on the board.

Offline francis

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #21 on: June 20, 2009, 09:37:07 PM »
I've lived in JH for over 20 years and have never eaten from the food carts (where "DO" these guys wash their hands). When I first moved here over 20 years ago, there weren't many at all. In fact the proliferation of these vendors is a rather new phenomena, true New Yorkers cashing in on the "ethnic" vibe of the neighborhood. I am, however, especially opposed to them being placed on 37th Ave. The sidewalks are too narrow and crowded as it is. Several stores who illegally place their merchandise outside add to the conjestion and chaos. There should  be a limited number allowed and they should be restricted to a specific area. They should regularly be inspected by the Dept Of Health as well. At the end of the day, I think Helen Sears should be doing more about the guys selling Chicas, Chicas and Social, Social on Roosevelt ave.

Offline dssjh

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2009, 10:00:22 PM »
i admire your optimism in thinking that having a place for hand washing means that hand washing is going on :)

but since there don't seem to be many -- or, shall i say, ANY -- food vendors on 37th (aside from the hot dog guy at 82nd), i see that as a bit of a red herring.

and heck, 13 false identities is an inalienable ...oy!

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2009, 06:38:27 PM »
Conversely not all newer residents (like myself) are in full support of the street vendors.

I would personally prefer that they be reduced in number.

The veiled insinuation that an objection to these vendors is racially-based is a pretty ridiculous dodge around the real issues brought up further up in the thread.

Offline sulvndnr

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Jackson Heights On NY1
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2009, 11:10:15 AM »
Anyone else catch the segment on NY1 about the food cart vendors on Roosevelt Ave? Seemed like they are trying to ban them in some areas. Lots of vocal protest from the vendors. Personally, as a resident of JH for 20 years, id like to see most of them gone. Seemed like their biggest argument was that whoever doesn't want them is a racist according to most of the speakers. With so many different nationalities living amongst us, i think it would be pretty hard to live here and be a racist. It disturbs me when they use that as an excuse to get their way.

[Moderator Note:  Similar topics merged.]
« Last Edit: July 17, 2009, 01:02:12 PM by Chuckster »

Offline NYC Peromyscus

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Re: Jackson Heights On NY1
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2009, 11:24:30 AM »
This topic has been discussed here recently:

Many, many food cart lovers in JH.  And just browse to see how many people come to JH and surrounding neighborhoods to explore the culinary wonderland of the carts!  I had the squash blossom quesadilla from the cart in front of Coral Aquarium on Roosevelt Ave last weekend after being out of town for 10 days...delicious!

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2009, 01:03:29 PM »
Here's a link to the NY1 video regarding the protest outside Helen Sears' office.

Proposal To Limit Vendors Sparks Protest In Jackson Heights
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Offline Chuckster

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Re: Council-member Sears seeks to shut down sidewalk food vendors
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2009, 12:15:47 PM »
More on the protest outside Helen Sears' office due to her stance against Jackson Heights vendors.

From The New York Daily News:

Her hard-sell stance riling boro vendors
The Chuckster has spoken!